New York Laws
Article 10 - Pay and Allowances
222 - Headquarters Allowances.

ยง 222. Headquarters allowances. 1. On the certificate of the adjutant
general, the comptroller shall draw his warrant upon the treasurer in
favor of the commanding officer of any unit to which an allowance is
made for the headquarters thereof in a sum not exceeding two thousand
dollars. Such allowances in specified amounts shall be available for the
headquarters of units as designated by the adjutant general in a
schedule filed by him and approved by the director of the budget within
the amount of annual appropriations therefor.

2. The funds thus allowed shall only be expended by the respective
commanding officers of the organizations to which the fund is allowed in
accordance with regulations approved by the adjutant general.

3. The adjutant general is hereby authorized and empowered to draw,
use, apply or place in escrow to the benefit of any unit of the
organized militia and of units of the organized militia in the active
military service of the United States, or otherwise to direct the
disposition of any and all moneys and balances remaining on deposit to
the credit of the custodian of any headquarters allowance of any unit of
the organized militia which has been disbanded, deactivated, or ordered
or called into the active military service of the United States, or to
pay bills chargeable against such headquarters allowance of disbanded or
deactivated units or of units ordered or called into the active military
service of the United States from such moneys. The custodian of any
headquarters allowance shall pay to the adjutant general, upon his
order, all moneys remaining in his hands to the credit of any disbanded
or deactivated unit of the organized militia or of a unit ordered or
called into the active military service of the United States.

All unexpended and unobligated balances of headquarters allowances
remaining to the credit of any unit of the organized militia or of any
disbanded or deactivated unit, and of any unit ordered or called into
the active military service of the United States shall at the end of
each fiscal year be turned over to the adjutant general and transmitted
by him to the state treasurer.