New York Laws
Title 9 - Great Lakes Basin Compact
21-0903 - Representation on the Commission.

In pursuance of article four of the compact there shall be five
commissioners. One shall be the Commissioner of Environmental
Conservation or, if designated by him, one of his principal deputies.
The other four commissioners shall be designated by the Governor to
serve at his pleasure. Each commissioner shall have three-fifths of one
vote and is hereby given all of the powers conferred on a commissioner
by the compact or which shall be necessary or incidental to the
performance of his functions as such a commissioner. It is hereby
specifically recognized that the interests and activities of the Great
Lakes Commission contemplate many aspects of the great lakes and of
their relation to the member states. Accordingingly, it is declared to
be the legislative intent that each of the New York commissioners, and
such commissioners as a group, shall confer and consult with all other
agencies and officers of the state government whenever appropriate to
coordinate or make known the views and policies of such agencies and
officers with respect to the work of the commission or the interests of
the state in the great lakes basin.