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21-0901 - Great Lakes Basin Compact. - The Great Lakes Basin Compact, as first enacted by chapter...
21-0903 - Representation on the Commission. - In pursuance of article four of the compact there shall...
21-0905 - Budget. - 1. The Great Lakes Commission shall submit annually to the...
21-0907 - Examination of Commission Accounts. - In accordance with paragraph F of article five of the...
21-0909 - Transmittal of Documents. - The Secretary of State is hereby authorized and directed to...
21-0911 - Inconsistent Provisions. - No provision of the Conservation Law, and no provision of...
21-0913 - Appraisal of Commission. - On August 15, 1964, and at intervals of four years...
21-0915 - Termination. - In accordance with article eight of the compact, termination of...
21-0917 - The Great Lakes Basin Advisory Council. - (i) advise the commissioner and the governor on the implementation...