New York Laws
Article 9-A - Local Option for Conduct of Games of Chance by Certain Organizations
195-A - Participation by Persons Under Eighteen.

ยง 195-a. Participation by persons under eighteen. No person under the
age of eighteen years shall be permitted to play any game or games of
chance conducted pursuant to any license issued under this article.
Persons under the age of eighteen years may be permitted to attend games
of chance at the discretion of the games of chance licensee. No person
under the age of eighteen years shall be permitted to operate any game
of chance conducted pursuant to any license issued under this article or
to assist therein.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

GMU - General Municipal

Article 9-A - Local Option for Conduct of Games of Chance by Certain Organizations

185 - Short Title; Purpose of Article.

186 - Definitions.

187 - Local Option.

188 - Local Laws and Ordinances.

188-A - Powers and Duties of the Board.

189 - Restrictions Upon Conduct of Games of Chance.

189-A - Authorized Supplier of Games of Chance Equipment.

189-B - Declaration of State's Exemption From Operation of Provisions of 15 u.s.c. (1172).

189-C - Legal Shipments of Gaming Devices Into New York State.

190 - Application for License.

190-A - Raffles; License Not Required.

191 - Investigation; Matters to Be Determined; Issuance of License; Fees; Duration of License.

192 - Hearing; Amendment of License.

193 - Form and Contents of License; Display of License.

194 - Control and Supervision; Suspension of Identification Numbers and Licenses; Inspection of Premises.

195 - Sunday; Conduct of Games On.

195-A - Participation by Persons Under Eighteen.

195-B - Frequency of Games.

195-C - Persons Operating Games; Equipment; Expenses; Compensation.

195-D - Charge for Admission and Participation; Amount of Prizes; Award of Prizes.

195-E - Advertising Games.

195-F - Statement of Receipts, Expenses; Additional License Fees.

195-G - Examination of Books and Records; Examination of Officers and Employees; Disclosure of Information.

195-H - Appeals From the Decision of an Officer, Clerk or Department to Board.

195-I - Exemption From Prosecution.

195-J - Offenses; Forfeiture of License; Ineligibility to Apply for License.

195-K - Unlawful Games of Chance.

195-L - Article Inoperative Until Adopted by Voters.

195-M - Amendment and Repeal of Local Laws and Ordinances.

195-N - Manufacturers of Bell Jars; Reports and Records.

195-O - Distributor of Bell Jars; Reports and Records.

195-P - Transfer Restrictions.

195-Q - Bell Jar Compliance and Enforcement.

195-R - Severability.