All applications, reports, notices or notifications required or
authorized to be made or filed by this title or by rules or regulations
promulgated pursuant hereto or by the provisions or conditions of any
permit issued pursuant to this title or title three of this article by
or on behalf of a permittee, applicant for a permit or person in control
of an outlet into the water of the state or point source shall be
verified or sworn to in respect to all statements of fact therein or
shall bear a form notice as provided in section 210.45 of the penal law
to the effect that false statements made therein are punishable.
Structure New York Laws
ENV - Environmental Conservation
Article 17 - Water Pollution Control
Title 8 - State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
17-0803 - Spdes Permits; Application.
17-0804 - Rules and Regulations.
17-0805 - Notice and Public Participation; Access to Information.
17-0807 - Prohibited Discharges.
17-0808 - Municipal and Industrial Stormwater Discharges.
17-0809 - Effluent Limitations.
17-0810 - Stormwater Management Design Manual Modification.
17-0813 - Compliance Schedules.
17-0815 - Spdes Permits; Additional Terms and Conditions.
17-0815-A - Discharge Point Signs.
17-0816 - Coordination With Aem Program.
17-0817 - Spdes Permits; Duration and Reissuance.
17-0819 - Applications, Reports, Notices; Provisions to Insure Verity.
17-0825 - Discharges of Industrial Waste to Publicly Owned Treatment Works.
17-0826 - Notification of Discharges Affecting Groundwaters.
17-0827 - Conflicts of Interest.
17-0828 - Discharges Affecting Groundwaters.