1. SPDES permits issued pursuant hereto shall contain applicable
effluent limitations as required by the Act and as may be promulgated by
the department.
2. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, any point
source the construction of which is commenced after the date of
enactment of the Act and which is so constructed as to meet all
applicable standards of performance shall not be subject to any more
stringent standard of performance during a ten-year period beginning on
the date of completion of such construction or during the period of
depreciation or amortization of such facility for the purposes of
section 167 or 169 (or both) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,
whichever period ends first.
3. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, when effluent
limitations are established they must be at least as stringent as the
effluent limitations previously required unless the commissioner
determines, through regulation, that an exception is warranted as
provided in section 303(d) and 402(o) of the Federal Water Pollution
Control Act (33 U.S.C. sections 1313(d) and 1342(o)) as amended by the
Water Quality Act of 1987; provided, however, no such exceptions may be
determined to be warranted in special groundwater protection areas
designated pursuant to article fifty-five of this chapter or in Nassau
or Suffolk counties where such discharges will impact marine waters
within ten years or less. In such areas, the best available technology,
that is economically feasible and cost effective based on an analysis
that considers direct and avoided economic and environmental costs,
shall be applied with special emphasis on reducing nitrogen pollution.
Structure New York Laws
ENV - Environmental Conservation
Article 17 - Water Pollution Control
Title 8 - State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
17-0803 - Spdes Permits; Application.
17-0804 - Rules and Regulations.
17-0805 - Notice and Public Participation; Access to Information.
17-0807 - Prohibited Discharges.
17-0808 - Municipal and Industrial Stormwater Discharges.
17-0809 - Effluent Limitations.
17-0810 - Stormwater Management Design Manual Modification.
17-0813 - Compliance Schedules.
17-0815 - Spdes Permits; Additional Terms and Conditions.
17-0815-A - Discharge Point Signs.
17-0816 - Coordination With Aem Program.
17-0817 - Spdes Permits; Duration and Reissuance.
17-0819 - Applications, Reports, Notices; Provisions to Insure Verity.
17-0825 - Discharges of Industrial Waste to Publicly Owned Treatment Works.
17-0826 - Notification of Discharges Affecting Groundwaters.
17-0827 - Conflicts of Interest.
17-0828 - Discharges Affecting Groundwaters.