On or before one year following the effective date of this section,
the department shall modify the New York State Stormwater Management
Design Manual to include the following provisions:
1. Require signage prohibiting swimming and wading, warning of
possible contamination or pollution of the stormwater retention pond,
and a description with the depth of the stormwater retention pond;
2. Define a reasonable slope past the aquatic bench to limit the
immediate drop off to the deeper end of the stormwater retention pond;
3. Require aquatic vegetation be established in the aquatic and safety
benches before the stormwater retention pond is rendered in-service;
4. Ensure maintenance plans include a requirement for examining the
status of safety features by the maintenance authority in their routine
maintenance schedule of stormwater retention ponds; and
5. Any other provisions the department deems essential to further
promote safety in and around stormwater retention ponds.
Structure New York Laws
ENV - Environmental Conservation
Article 17 - Water Pollution Control
Title 8 - State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
17-0803 - Spdes Permits; Application.
17-0804 - Rules and Regulations.
17-0805 - Notice and Public Participation; Access to Information.
17-0807 - Prohibited Discharges.
17-0808 - Municipal and Industrial Stormwater Discharges.
17-0809 - Effluent Limitations.
17-0810 - Stormwater Management Design Manual Modification.
17-0813 - Compliance Schedules.
17-0815 - Spdes Permits; Additional Terms and Conditions.
17-0815-A - Discharge Point Signs.
17-0816 - Coordination With Aem Program.
17-0817 - Spdes Permits; Duration and Reissuance.
17-0819 - Applications, Reports, Notices; Provisions to Insure Verity.
17-0825 - Discharges of Industrial Waste to Publicly Owned Treatment Works.
17-0826 - Notification of Discharges Affecting Groundwaters.
17-0827 - Conflicts of Interest.
17-0828 - Discharges Affecting Groundwaters.