New York Laws
Article 6 - County Roads
139 - County Liable for Injuries Caused by Defective Highways and Bridges.

ยง 139. County liable for injuries caused by defective highways and
bridges. 1. When, by law, a county has charge of the repair or
maintenance of a road, highway, bridge or culvert, the county shall be
liable for injuries to person or property and for wrongful death
sustained in consequence of such road, highway, bridge or culvert being
defective, out of repair, unsafe, dangerous or obstructed existing
because of the negligence of the county, its officers, agents or
servants. A civil action may be maintained against the county to recover
damages for any such injury or death; but the county shall not be liable
in such action unless a notice of claim shall have been made and served
in compliance with section fifty-e of the general municipal law, and
unless the action is commenced in compliance with the conditions set
forth in section fifty-i of the general municipal law.

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision one of this section,
a county may, by local law duly enacted, provide that no civil action
shall be maintained against such county for damages or injuries to
person or property sustained by reason of any highway, bridge or culvert
being defective, out of repair, unsafe, dangerous or obstructed unless
written notice of such defective, unsafe, dangerous or obstructed
condition was actually given to the clerk of the governing body of such
county or the county highway superintendent; and that there was a
failure or neglect within a reasonable time after the giving of such
notice to repair or remove the defect, danger or obstruction complained
of, or, in the absence of such notice, unless such defective, unsafe,
dangerous or obstructed condition existed for so long a period that the
same should have been discovered and remedied in the exercise of
reasonable care and diligence; but no such action shall be maintained
for damages or injuries to person or property sustained solely in
consequence of the existence of snow or ice upon any highway, bridge or
culvert, unless written notice thereof, specifying the particular place,
was actually given to the clerk of the governing body of a county or
county highway superintendent and there was a failure or neglect to
cause such snow or ice to be removed, or to make the place otherwise
reasonably safe within a reasonable time after the receipt of such

3. The county highway superintendent shall transmit in writing to the
clerk of the governing body of the county within ten days after the
receipt thereof all written notices received by him pursuant to a local
law enacted pursuant to this section.

4. The clerk of the governing body of each county shall keep an
indexed record, in a separate book, of all written notices, which he
shall receive pursuant to such local law of the existence of a
defective, unsafe, dangerous or obstructed condition in or upon, or of
an accumulation of ice or snow upon any county highway, bridge or
culvert, which record shall state the date of receipt of the notice, the
nature and location of the condition stated to exist, and the name and
address of the person from whom the notice is received. All such written
notices shall be indexed according to the location of the alleged
defective, unsafe, dangerous or obstructed condition, or the location of
accumulated snow or ice. The record of each notice shall be preserved
for a period of five years after the date it is received.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

HAY - Highway

Article 6 - County Roads

110 - Definitions.

111 - Payment and Apportionment of Cost Among Counties and Towns.

113 - Annual Statement of Cost.

114 - Sources and Use of County Road Fund Moneys.

115 - Preparation of Map Showing Proposed County Road System.

115-A - Abandonment of Unused Portions of Town Highways on County Road System.

115-B - Removal of Road or Part of Road From County Road System.

115-C - Notice to Municipalities Where County Roads Are Abandoned or Revert to Such Municipalities.

116 - Statement and Approval of Proposed Work.

117 - Construction and Reconstruction of County Roads.

117-A - Highways in Villages in Niagara County.

117-B - Controlled-Access Highways in Counties.

117-C - Hawking, Peddling, Vending, Sale of Goods, Wares or Merchandise; Erie County; Certain Areas.

117-D - Pedestrian Overpass to Be Designated as the "Jennifer Bolender Memorial Overpass".

117-E - Pedestrian Overpass to Be Designated as the "Police Officer Robert Mclellan Memorial Overpass".

118 - Acquisition by Counties of Lands for Right-of-Way and Other Purposes.

118-A - Abandoning of Parts of County Highways.

118-B - Entry Upon Lands by County Superintendent.

119 - Purchase of Lands.

120 - Petition to Acquire Lands.

121 - Commissioners of Appraisal to Be Appointed.

122 - Duties of Commissioners of Appraisal.

123 - County Treasurer to Pay Awards.

125 - Land May Be Sold or Leased; Disposition of Proceeds.

126 - Awarding of Contracts.

127 - Payments From the County Road Fund.

129 - Maintenance and Apportionment of Cost.

130 - Bridges on County Road System.

131 - County Roads of Additional Width and Increased Cost at Expense of Village.

131-A - Application.

131-B - County Highways and Bridges.

131-C - Location and Construction of Bridges.

131-D - Construction by County of Destroyed Bridges.

131-E - Bridges Over County Lines.

131-F - Streets Outside Cities.

131-G - Regulation of Toll Rates.

131-H - Separate Highway Districts in Certain Counties.

131-I - Boundary Lines.

131-J - Development of Highways and Other Improvements in Certain Counties.

131-K - County Aid for Construction and Improvement of Certain Public Highways and Bridges in Municipalities.

133 - Machinery, Tools, Equipment, Implements, Materials and Supplies.

133-A - Rental or Hiring of County Highway Machinery, Tools or Equipment.

134 - Purchases by County Purchasing Agent.

135 - Snow Removal, and Cutting of Weeds.

135-A - Control of Snow and Ice Conditions on County Roads.

136 - Permits for Work Within the County Road Right of Way.

137 - Maintenance of Certain Highways by a County.

138 - Bridge Between Saratoga County and Warren County to Be Designated as the "Irving H. Densmore Memorial Bridge".

139 - County Liable for Injuries Caused by Defective Highways and Bridges.

139-A - Presentation of Claims for Torts; Actions Against Counties.