New York Laws
Article 6 - County Roads
131-A - Application.

ยง 131-a. Application. The provisions of section one hundred
thirty-one-a through one hundred thirty-one-j shall not apply to bridges
on the Hudson river below Waterford, or on the East river, or over the
waters forming a part of the boundaries of the state.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

HAY - Highway

Article 6 - County Roads

110 - Definitions.

111 - Payment and Apportionment of Cost Among Counties and Towns.

113 - Annual Statement of Cost.

114 - Sources and Use of County Road Fund Moneys.

115 - Preparation of Map Showing Proposed County Road System.

115-A - Abandonment of Unused Portions of Town Highways on County Road System.

115-B - Removal of Road or Part of Road From County Road System.

115-C - Notice to Municipalities Where County Roads Are Abandoned or Revert to Such Municipalities.

116 - Statement and Approval of Proposed Work.

117 - Construction and Reconstruction of County Roads.

117-A - Highways in Villages in Niagara County.

117-B - Controlled-Access Highways in Counties.

117-C - Hawking, Peddling, Vending, Sale of Goods, Wares or Merchandise; Erie County; Certain Areas.

117-D - Pedestrian Overpass to Be Designated as the "Jennifer Bolender Memorial Overpass".

117-E - Pedestrian Overpass to Be Designated as the "Police Officer Robert Mclellan Memorial Overpass".

118 - Acquisition by Counties of Lands for Right-of-Way and Other Purposes.

118-A - Abandoning of Parts of County Highways.

118-B - Entry Upon Lands by County Superintendent.

119 - Purchase of Lands.

120 - Petition to Acquire Lands.

121 - Commissioners of Appraisal to Be Appointed.

122 - Duties of Commissioners of Appraisal.

123 - County Treasurer to Pay Awards.

125 - Land May Be Sold or Leased; Disposition of Proceeds.

126 - Awarding of Contracts.

127 - Payments From the County Road Fund.

129 - Maintenance and Apportionment of Cost.

130 - Bridges on County Road System.

131 - County Roads of Additional Width and Increased Cost at Expense of Village.

131-A - Application.

131-B - County Highways and Bridges.

131-C - Location and Construction of Bridges.

131-D - Construction by County of Destroyed Bridges.

131-E - Bridges Over County Lines.

131-F - Streets Outside Cities.

131-G - Regulation of Toll Rates.

131-H - Separate Highway Districts in Certain Counties.

131-I - Boundary Lines.

131-J - Development of Highways and Other Improvements in Certain Counties.

131-K - County Aid for Construction and Improvement of Certain Public Highways and Bridges in Municipalities.

133 - Machinery, Tools, Equipment, Implements, Materials and Supplies.

133-A - Rental or Hiring of County Highway Machinery, Tools or Equipment.

134 - Purchases by County Purchasing Agent.

135 - Snow Removal, and Cutting of Weeds.

135-A - Control of Snow and Ice Conditions on County Roads.

136 - Permits for Work Within the County Road Right of Way.

137 - Maintenance of Certain Highways by a County.

138 - Bridge Between Saratoga County and Warren County to Be Designated as the "Irving H. Densmore Memorial Bridge".

139 - County Liable for Injuries Caused by Defective Highways and Bridges.

139-A - Presentation of Claims for Torts; Actions Against Counties.