New York Laws
Article 6 - County Roads
118-B - Entry Upon Lands by County Superintendent.

ยง 118-b. Entry upon lands by county superintendent. The county
superintendent may, when authorized by the county board, enter

1. Upon any lands adjacent to any county road for the purpose of
opening an existing ditch or drain, or for digging a new ditch or drain
for the free passage of water for the drainage of such road.

2. Upon the lands of any person adjoining rivers, streams or creeks,
to drive piles, throw up embankments and perform such other labor as may
be necessary to keep such rivers, streams or creeks within their proper
channels, and to prevent their encroachment upon county roads or bridges
and culverts thereon.

3. Upon the lands adjoining county roads which, during the spring
freshets or at a time of high water are subject to overflow from such
rivers, streams or creeks, to remove or change the position of a fence
or other obstruction preventing the free flow of water under or through
such road or bridges and culverts thereon, whenever the same may be
necessary for the protection of such roads, bridges or culverts.

4. Upon any lands adjacent to county roads to remove any fence or
other obstruction which causes snow to drift in and upon such roads, and
erect snow fences or other devices upon such lands to prevent the
drifting of snow in or upon such roads.

Where lands are entered upon under the provisions of this section, the
county superintendent shall agree with the owner of such lands, subject
to the approval of the county board, as to the amount of damages, if
any, sustained by such owner in consequence of such entry in performance
of the work authorized by this section, and the amount of such damage
shall be a county charge. If the county superintendent is unable to
agree with such owner upon the amount of damages thus sustained the
amount thereof shall be ascertained, determined and paid in the manner
that damages are so ascertained, determined and paid, where
rights-of-way are necessary for the construction, reconstruction,
improvement or repair of county roads generally and the board of
supervisors is unable to acquire such rights-of-way by purchase.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

HAY - Highway

Article 6 - County Roads

110 - Definitions.

111 - Payment and Apportionment of Cost Among Counties and Towns.

113 - Annual Statement of Cost.

114 - Sources and Use of County Road Fund Moneys.

115 - Preparation of Map Showing Proposed County Road System.

115-A - Abandonment of Unused Portions of Town Highways on County Road System.

115-B - Removal of Road or Part of Road From County Road System.

115-C - Notice to Municipalities Where County Roads Are Abandoned or Revert to Such Municipalities.

116 - Statement and Approval of Proposed Work.

117 - Construction and Reconstruction of County Roads.

117-A - Highways in Villages in Niagara County.

117-B - Controlled-Access Highways in Counties.

117-C - Hawking, Peddling, Vending, Sale of Goods, Wares or Merchandise; Erie County; Certain Areas.

117-D - Pedestrian Overpass to Be Designated as the "Jennifer Bolender Memorial Overpass".

117-E - Pedestrian Overpass to Be Designated as the "Police Officer Robert Mclellan Memorial Overpass".

118 - Acquisition by Counties of Lands for Right-of-Way and Other Purposes.

118-A - Abandoning of Parts of County Highways.

118-B - Entry Upon Lands by County Superintendent.

119 - Purchase of Lands.

120 - Petition to Acquire Lands.

121 - Commissioners of Appraisal to Be Appointed.

122 - Duties of Commissioners of Appraisal.

123 - County Treasurer to Pay Awards.

125 - Land May Be Sold or Leased; Disposition of Proceeds.

126 - Awarding of Contracts.

127 - Payments From the County Road Fund.

129 - Maintenance and Apportionment of Cost.

130 - Bridges on County Road System.

131 - County Roads of Additional Width and Increased Cost at Expense of Village.

131-A - Application.

131-B - County Highways and Bridges.

131-C - Location and Construction of Bridges.

131-D - Construction by County of Destroyed Bridges.

131-E - Bridges Over County Lines.

131-F - Streets Outside Cities.

131-G - Regulation of Toll Rates.

131-H - Separate Highway Districts in Certain Counties.

131-I - Boundary Lines.

131-J - Development of Highways and Other Improvements in Certain Counties.

131-K - County Aid for Construction and Improvement of Certain Public Highways and Bridges in Municipalities.

133 - Machinery, Tools, Equipment, Implements, Materials and Supplies.

133-A - Rental or Hiring of County Highway Machinery, Tools or Equipment.

134 - Purchases by County Purchasing Agent.

135 - Snow Removal, and Cutting of Weeds.

135-A - Control of Snow and Ice Conditions on County Roads.

136 - Permits for Work Within the County Road Right of Way.

137 - Maintenance of Certain Highways by a County.

138 - Bridge Between Saratoga County and Warren County to Be Designated as the "Irving H. Densmore Memorial Bridge".

139 - County Liable for Injuries Caused by Defective Highways and Bridges.

139-A - Presentation of Claims for Torts; Actions Against Counties.