New York Laws
Article 3 - State Publications Distribution
12 - Responsibilities of State Agencies.

(a) designate a public information officer with knowledge of the
agency's organizational structure who will serve as the liaison between
the agency and both the gifts and exchange division of the state library
and the legislative library regarding the distribution of public
documents. It shall be the responsibility of such officer:
(i) to forward thirty copies, upon completion, of each public document
issued to the gifts and exchange division of the state library; and
(ii) with regard to the production of those public documents included
in the state library's list of core documents, to forward a total of one
hundred fifty copies, once issued, to the gifts and exchange division of
the state library; and
(iii) to forward three copies, upon completion, of the agency's annual
report, and any other public document which the agency is required by
law to submit to the legislature or to any particular legislative
officers or chairpersons, to the legislative library; and
(iv) to forward the requisite number of copies of public documents to
the gifts and exchange division of the state library, and to the
legislative library, free of charge, even if copies of these documents
must be purchased by the general public; and
(v) to forward a copy of each public document recorded in an
electronic, online or machine readable format to the gifts and exchange
division of the state library in such electronic, online or machine
readable format.
(b) submit written notification to the gifts and exchange division of
the state library and to the legislative library of the identity of the
designated public information officer.
2. (a) Each state agency shall incorporate within its annual report a
listing of all public documents and any journal, booklet, brochure,
consumer guide, newsletter, official statement made in connection with
the issuance of a debt obligation, code, regulation, pamphlet, book,
leaflet, map, directory, periodical, serial, magazine, training manual,
yearbook, compendium, film, video cassette or other electronic
information program that the agency has issued in multiple copies and
distributed to the public during the preceding year. For each document
the title, author and terms of distribution shall be included in the
listing. A state agency may omit from such listing any documents or
portions thereof that are compiled for law enforcement purposes and
which, if disclosed, would interfere with law enforcement investigations
or judicial proceedings, deprive a person of a right to a fair trial or
impartial adjudication, identify a confidential source or disclose
confidential information relating to a criminal investigation or reveal
criminal investigative techniques or procedures, except routine
techniques and procedures.
(b) Upon written request, the state library shall be entitled to
thirty copies of any document listed within an agency's annual report
pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a) of this subdivision.
(c) Upon written request, the legislative library shall be entitled to
three copies of any document listed within an agency's annual report
pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a) of this subdivision.
3. (a) Each state agency shall incorporate within or include with all
of its public documents a notice requesting the document recipient to
notify the agency if the recipient wishes to be deleted from its mailing
list or if the address of the recipient has changed.
(b) Each state agency shall include within or include with all public
documents submitted to the state library and the legislative library a
notice of the availability, if any, of each document in electronic,
online or machine readable format, large print, braille or voice tape.

4. (a) Whenever state law requires a state agency to make, issue,
submit, deliver, distribute or forward a report to the "legislature" or
to "members of the legislature" or to "both houses of the legislature,"
or to any particular legislative officers or chairpersons of legislative
committees, subcommittees or commissions, the agency shall satisfy such
requirement by:
(i) making, issuing, submitting, delivering, distributing or
forwarding a printed copy of the report to each member of the
legislature, or to the specified legislative officers or chairpersons,
as the case may be; if such report contains confidential information or
is provided with the understanding that further disclosure of certain
information in such reports is prohibited, provided that, such report
shall be posted to the agency's website with all such confidential
information redacted; or
(ii) making such document available on its website and sending a
printed letter or notice to each member of the legislature, or to the
specified legislative officers or chairpersons, as the case may be,
indicating the availability of such report on the agency's website.
(b) Such letter or notice shall include the name of the specific
report, the specific web address at which the report can be accessed or
instructions on how to access the report from the agency's homepage, and
the name of the person at the state agency to whom the legislator may
direct a request to obtain a printed copy of the report, free of charge,
if so desired.