ยง 10. Definitions. As used in this article:
1. The term "state agency" shall mean any state office, department,
division, board, bureau, commission or corporation, provided, however,
it shall not include the New York state legislature or any of its
standing, special, select and joint committees, subcommittees and
legislative commissions.
2. The term "corporation" shall mean every public authority and public
benefit corporation a majority of the governing board members of which
are either appointed by the governor or serve as members by virtue of
their service as an officer of a state department, division, agency,
board or bureau, or combination thereof.
3. The term "public document" shall mean any final annual, biennial,
regular, statutorily mandated or other report, study or multi-year plan
issued by a state agency in multiple copies, which has been distributed
to the public, except items issued strictly for administrative or
operational purposes, inter-agency and intra-agency memoranda, drafts of
reports, public service announcements, written opinions rendered in
cases determined in the court of appeals, appellate divisions of the
supreme court or any other court of record and any public documents or
portions thereof that are compiled for law enforcement purposes and
which, if disclosed, would interfere with law enforcement investigations
or judicial proceedings, deprive a person of the right to a fair trial
or impartial adjudication, identify a confidential source or disclose
confidential information relating to a criminal investigation or reveal
criminal investigative techniques or procedures, other than routine
techniques and procedures. Under no circumstances shall a document that
is required by law to remain confidential be deemed a public document.
4. The term "core documents" shall mean those public documents for
which library users have the most significant and frequent need.