New Mexico Statutes
Article 4 - Pesticide Control
Section 76-4-17 - Commercial pesticide applicator license.

A. It is unlawful for any person to engage in the business of applying pesticides at any time to land not owned or occupied by him without a commercial pesticide applicator license issued by the department. The commercial pesticide applicator shall pay an annual prescribed fee for each license issued. Should any apparatus fail to pass inspection making it necessary for an additional inspection to be made, the department shall require a prescribed inspection fee. In addition to the required inspection, additional inspections may be made to determine if equipment is properly calibrated and maintained in conformance with the Pesticide Control Act and regulations adopted pursuant thereto.
B. Application for a license shall be on a form provided by the department.
C. The department shall not issue a commercial pesticide applicator license until the applicant has passed an examination to demonstrate his knowledge of how to apply pesticides under the classification or classifications he has applied for, and his knowledge of the nature and effect of pesticides he may apply. The department shall charge the prescribed examination fee for the initial examination and other examinations needed to qualify the applicant to apply pesticides.
D. The department shall renew any applicant's license under the classification for which the applicant is certified; provided that the applicant's license is not under a suspension or revocation order and he has met the provisions of the Pesticide Control Act.
E. The department shall not issue a commercial applicator license if it has been determined that:
(1) the applicant has been convicted within the last five years of a felony involving fraud;
(2) the applicant has had revoked within the last two years a previous license authorized by the Pesticide Control Act;
(3) the applicant has been unable to satisfactorily fulfill the certification requirements; or
(4) [the applicant] has had any pesticide application or a license denied, revoked or suspended in any state in the last five years.
F. All applicants for a commercial applicator license shall meet at least one of the following requirements prior to being issued a license and shall file proof of compliance as specified by the department:
(1) documentation of two years of pesticide application experience in the category or related category for which application is being made; or
(2) documentation of one year of pesticide application experience in the category or related category for which application is being made and not less than twenty college credit hours in biological or agricultural sciences.
History: 1953 Comp., § 45-25-17, enacted by Laws 1973, ch. 366, § 17; 1979, ch. 394 § 4.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and it is not part of the law.
Cross references. — For inspection of apparatus, see 76-4-26 NMSA 1978.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 3 C.J.S. Agriculture § 101.

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 76 - Agriculture

Article 4 - Pesticide Control

Section 76-4-1 - Title.

Section 76-4-2 - Enforcing agency.

Section 76-4-3 - Definitions.

Section 76-4-4 - Misbranded.

Section 76-4-5 - Prohibited acts.

Section 76-4-6 - Registration.

Section 76-4-7 - Experimental use permits.

Section 76-4-8 - Refusal to register; cancellation; suspension.

Section 76-4-9 - Department to administer and enforce act; board to adopt regulations; scope of regulations.

Section 76-4-9.1 - State preemption.

Section 76-4-10 - Sampling and examination of pesticides or devices; residue analysis.

Section 76-4-11 - "Stop sale, use or removal" order.

Section 76-4-12 - Judicial action after "stop sale, use or removal" order.

Section 76-4-13 - Pesticide dealer license.

Section 76-4-14 - Pest management consultant.

Section 76-4-15 - Public pest management consultant.

Section 76-4-16 - Examinations for pest management consultant license.

Section 76-4-17 - Commercial pesticide applicator license.

Section 76-4-18 - Operator license.

Section 76-4-19 - Application of act to governmental entities; public applicator's license required.

Section 76-4-20 - Private applicators.

Section 76-4-20.1 - Noncommercial applicator license.

Section 76-4-21 - Expiration date of licenses.

Section 76-4-22 - Fees.

Section 76-4-23 - Grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of license, permit or certification; acts constituting a violation of the Pesticide Control Act.

Section 76-4-24 - Surety bond or insurance required of commercial pesticide applicators.

Section 76-4-25 - Damaged person must file report of loss; contents; time of filing; effect of failure to file.

Section 76-4-26 - Inspection of equipment.

Section 76-4-27 - License plates or decals for apparatus.

Section 76-4-28 - Farmer or rancher exemption.

Section 76-4-29 - Repealed.

Section 76-4-30 - Discarding and storing of pesticides and pesticide containers.

Section 76-4-31 - Access to public or private premises.

Section 76-4-32 - Classification of licenses.

Section 76-4-33 - Records.

Section 76-4-34 - Penalties.

Section 76-4-35 - Persons exempted from certain penalties.

Section 76-4-36 - Repealed.

Section 76-4-37 - Publication of information.

Section 76-4-38 - Cooperation.

Section 76-4-39 - Disposition of funds.