New Mexico Statutes
Article 4 - Pesticide Control
Section 76-4-12 - Judicial action after "stop sale, use or removal" order.

A. After service of a "stop sale, use or removal" order is made upon any person, that person or the registrant or the department may file an action in a court of competent jurisdiction, in the county in which a violation of the Pesticide Control Act or regulations adopted thereunder is alleged to have occurred, for an adjudication of the alleged violation. The court in such action may issue temporary or permanent injunctions, mandatory or restraining, and such intermediate orders as it deems necessary or advisable. The court may order condemnation of any pesticide or device that does not meet the requirements of the Pesticide Control Act or regulations adopted thereunder.
B. If the pesticide or device is condemned, it shall, after entry of decree, be disposed of by destruction or sale as the court directs. However, the pesticide or device shall not be sold contrary to the provisions of the Pesticide Control Act or regulations adopted thereunder. Upon payment of the costs of the condemnation proceedings and the execution and delivery of a bond as prescribed by the court to assure the pesticide or device shall not be sold or disposed of contrary to the provisions of the Pesticide Control Act or regulations adopted pursuant thereto, the court may direct that the pesticide or device be delivered to the owner thereof for relabeling, reprocessing or otherwise bringing the product into compliance.
C. When a decree of condemnation is entered against the pesticide or device, court costs, fees, storage and other proper expenses shall be awarded against the person, if any, appearing as claimant of the pesticide or device.
History: 1953 Comp., § 45-25-12, enacted by Laws 1973, ch. 366, § 12.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 3 Am. Jur. 2d Agriculture § 42.
3 C.J.S. Agriculture § 100.

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 76 - Agriculture

Article 4 - Pesticide Control

Section 76-4-1 - Title.

Section 76-4-2 - Enforcing agency.

Section 76-4-3 - Definitions.

Section 76-4-4 - Misbranded.

Section 76-4-5 - Prohibited acts.

Section 76-4-6 - Registration.

Section 76-4-7 - Experimental use permits.

Section 76-4-8 - Refusal to register; cancellation; suspension.

Section 76-4-9 - Department to administer and enforce act; board to adopt regulations; scope of regulations.

Section 76-4-9.1 - State preemption.

Section 76-4-10 - Sampling and examination of pesticides or devices; residue analysis.

Section 76-4-11 - "Stop sale, use or removal" order.

Section 76-4-12 - Judicial action after "stop sale, use or removal" order.

Section 76-4-13 - Pesticide dealer license.

Section 76-4-14 - Pest management consultant.

Section 76-4-15 - Public pest management consultant.

Section 76-4-16 - Examinations for pest management consultant license.

Section 76-4-17 - Commercial pesticide applicator license.

Section 76-4-18 - Operator license.

Section 76-4-19 - Application of act to governmental entities; public applicator's license required.

Section 76-4-20 - Private applicators.

Section 76-4-20.1 - Noncommercial applicator license.

Section 76-4-21 - Expiration date of licenses.

Section 76-4-22 - Fees.

Section 76-4-23 - Grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of license, permit or certification; acts constituting a violation of the Pesticide Control Act.

Section 76-4-24 - Surety bond or insurance required of commercial pesticide applicators.

Section 76-4-25 - Damaged person must file report of loss; contents; time of filing; effect of failure to file.

Section 76-4-26 - Inspection of equipment.

Section 76-4-27 - License plates or decals for apparatus.

Section 76-4-28 - Farmer or rancher exemption.

Section 76-4-29 - Repealed.

Section 76-4-30 - Discarding and storing of pesticides and pesticide containers.

Section 76-4-31 - Access to public or private premises.

Section 76-4-32 - Classification of licenses.

Section 76-4-33 - Records.

Section 76-4-34 - Penalties.

Section 76-4-35 - Persons exempted from certain penalties.

Section 76-4-36 - Repealed.

Section 76-4-37 - Publication of information.

Section 76-4-38 - Cooperation.

Section 76-4-39 - Disposition of funds.