New Mexico Statutes
Article 2 - Oil Conservation Commission; Division;
Section 70-2-20 - Repealed.

Repeals. — Laws 1981, ch. 362, § 3, repeals 70-2-20 NMSA 1978, relating to penalty for violations. For present provisions, see 70-2-31 NMSA 1978, effective June 19, 1981.

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 70 - Oil and Gas

Article 2 - Oil Conservation Commission; Division;

Section 70-2-1 - Short title.

Section 70-2-2 - [Waste prohibited.]

Section 70-2-3 - Waste; definitions.

Section 70-2-4 - Oil conservation commission; members; term; officers; quorum; power to administer oaths.

Section 70-2-5 - Oil conservation division; director; state petroleum engineer.

Section 70-2-6 - Commission's and division's powers and duties.

Section 70-2-7 - Rules of procedure in hearings; manner of giving notice; record of rules, regulations and orders.

Section 70-2-8 - Subpoena power; immunity of natural persons required to testify.

Section 70-2-9 - Failure or refusal to comply with subpoena; refusal to testify; body attachment; contempt.

Section 70-2-10 - Perjury; punishment.

Section 70-2-11 - Power of commission and division to prevent waste and protect correlative rights.

Section 70-2-12 - Enumeration of powers.

Section 70-2-12.1 - Disposition of produced water; no permit required.

Section 70-2-12.2 - Adoption of rules; appeals.

Section 70-2-13 - Additional powers of commission or division; hearings before examiner; hearings de novo.

Section 70-2-14 - Requirement for financial assurance.

Section 70-2-15 - Allocation of allowable production among fields when division limits total amount of production.

Section 70-2-16 - Allocation of allowable production in field or pool.

Section 70-2-17 - Equitable allocation of allowable production; pooling; spacing.

Section 70-2-18 - Spacing or proration unit with divided mineral ownership.

Section 70-2-19 - Common purchasers; discrimination in purchasing prohibited.

Section 70-2-20 - Repealed.

Section 70-2-21 - Purchase, sale or handling of excess oil, natural gas or products prohibited.

Section 70-2-22 - Rules and regulations to effectuate prohibitions against purchase or handling of excess oil or natural gas; penalties.

Section 70-2-23 - Hearings on rules, regulations and orders; notice; emergency rules.

Section 70-2-24 - Reports of governmental departments or agencies as to market demand to be deemed prima facie correct.

Section 70-2-25 - Rehearings; appeals.

Section 70-2-26 - Review of oil conservation commission decision; appeals.

Section 70-2-27 - Temporary restraining order or injuction [injunction]; grounds; hearing; bond.

Section 70-2-28 - Actions for violations.

Section 70-2-29 - Actions for damages; institution of actions for injunctions by private parties.

Section 70-2-30 - [Violation of court order grounds for appointment of receiver.]

Section 70-2-31 - Violations of the Oil and Gas Act; penalties.

Section 70-2-31.1 - Reporting requirement.

Section 70-2-32 - Seizure and sale of illegal oil or gas or products; procedure.

Section 70-2-33 - Definitions.

Section 70-2-34 - Regulation, conservation and prevention of waste of carbon dioxide, helium and other non-hydrocarbon gases.

Section 70-2-35 - Legal representation before the federal energy regulatory commission.

Section 70-2-36 - Removing or altering marks of identification; penalty.

Section 70-2-36.1 - Repealed.

Section 70-2-37 - Oil and gas reclamation fund created; disposition of fund.

Section 70-2-38 - Oil and gas reclamation fund administered; plugging wells on federal land; right of indemnification; annual report; contractors selling equipment for salvage.

Section 70-2-39 - Fees; appropriation.