A. Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not to exceed two spot lamps and every lighted spot lamp shall be so aimed and used that no part of the high-intensity portion of the beam will be directed to the left of the prolongation of the extreme left side of the vehicle nor more than one hundred feet ahead of the vehicle; provided, however, that lighted spot lamps shall be turned off at least five hundred feet from approaching motor vehicles.
B. Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not to exceed two fog lamps mounted on the front at a height not less than twelve inches nor more than thirty inches above the level surface upon which the vehicle stands and so aimed, when the vehicle is not loaded, that none of the high-intensity portion of the light to the left of the center of the vehicle shall, at a distance of twenty-five feet ahead, project higher than a level of four inches below the level of the center of the lamp from which it comes. Lighted fog lamps meeting the above requirements may be used with lower headlamp beams as specified in Section 66-3-830B NMSA 1978.
C. Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not to exceed one auxiliary passing lamp mounted on the front at a height not less than twenty-four inches nor more than forty-two inches above the level surface upon which the vehicle stands. The provisions of Section 66-3-830 NMSA 1978 shall apply to any combination of headlamps and auxiliary passing lamps.
D. Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not to exceed one auxiliary driving lamp mounted on the front at a height not less than sixteen inches nor more than forty-two inches above the level surface upon which the vehile [vehicle] stands. Any lighted auxiliary driving lamp shall be turned off at least five hundred feet from approaching motor vehicles. The provisions of Section 66-3-830 NMSA 1978 shall apply to any combination of headlamps and auxiliary driving lamp.
History: 1953 Comp., § 64-3-827, enacted by Laws 1978, ch. 35, § 133.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material in Subsection D was inserted by the compiler and it is not part of the law.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Section 66-3-801 - Equipment; prohibited acts.
Section 66-3-802 - When lighted lamps are required.
Section 66-3-803 - Visibility distance and mounted height of lamps.
Section 66-3-804 - Headlamps on motor vehicles.
Section 66-3-805 - Tail lamps.
Section 66-3-806 - New motor vehicles to be equipped with reflectors.
Section 66-3-807 - Stop lamps and turn signals required on designated vehicles.
Section 66-3-808 - Application of succeeding sections.
Section 66-3-809 - Additional equipment required on certain vehicles.
Section 66-3-810 - Color of clearance lamps, side-marker lamps and reflectors.
Section 66-3-811 - Lamps and reflectors; truck tractors and road tractors.
Section 66-3-812 - Lamps and reflectors; large semitrailers, full trailers and house trailers.
Section 66-3-813 - Lamps and reflectors, small semitrailers, house trailers and trailers.
Section 66-3-814 - Lamps and reflectors, pole trailers.
Section 66-3-815 - Lamps and reflectors, combinations in driveaway-towaway operations.
Section 66-3-816 - Mounting of reflectors, clearance lamps and side-marker lamps.
Section 66-3-817 - Clearance lamps to indicate extreme width, height and length.
Section 66-3-818 - Side-marker lamps combined with clearance lamps.
Section 66-3-819 - Combining tail and stop lamps.
Section 66-3-820 - Lighting devices to be electric.
Section 66-3-821 - Requirements for headlamps and auxiliary road-lighting lamps.
Section 66-3-822 - Requirements for clearance, side-marker and other lamps.
Section 66-3-823 - Obstructed lights not required.
Section 66-3-824 - Lamp or flag on projecting load.
Section 66-3-825 - Lamps on parked vehicles.
Section 66-3-826 - Lamps on other vehicles and equipment.
Section 66-3-827 - Spot lamps and auxiliary lamps.
Section 66-3-828 - Signal lamps and signal devices.
Section 66-3-829 - Additional lighting equipment.
Section 66-3-830 - Multiple-beam road-lighting equipment.
Section 66-3-831 - Use of multiple-beam road-lighting equipment.
Section 66-3-832 - Single-beam road-lighting equipment.
Section 66-3-833 - Alternate road-lighting equipment.
Section 66-3-834 - Number of driving lamps required or permitted.
Section 66-3-835 - Special restrictions on lamps.
Section 66-3-836 - Standards for lights on snow-removal equipment.
Section 66-3-837 - Selling or using lamps or equipment.
Section 66-3-838 - Authority of director with reference to safety and lighting devices.
Section 66-3-839 - Revocation of certificate of approval on safety and lighting devices.
Section 66-3-842 - Motorcycle maneuverability.
Section 66-3-843 - Horns and warning devices.
Section 66-3-844 - Mufflers; prevention of noise; emission control devices.
Section 66-3-847 - Restrictions as to tire equipment.
Section 66-3-848 - Safety glazing materials in motor vehicles.
Section 66-3-849 - Certain vehicles to carry flares or other warning devices.
Section 66-3-850 - Buses; additional emergency equipment.
Section 66-3-852 - Stopped vehicles not to interfere with other traffic.
Section 66-3-853 - Emergency signals; disabled vehicle.
Section 66-3-854 - Emergency signals; stopped or parked vehicles.
Section 66-3-855 - Emergency signals; flame producing.
Section 66-3-856 - Emergency signals; dangerous cargoes.
Section 66-3-857 - Red flags; stopped vehicles.
Section 66-3-858 to 66-3-872 - Repealed.
Section 66-3-874 - Safety belts required.
Section 66-3-875 - Safety belts; type and manner of installation.
Section 66-3-876 to 66-3-886 - Repealed.