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Section 66-3-801 - Equipment; prohibited acts. - A. Except as otherwise provided in this section, it is...
Section 66-3-802 - When lighted lamps are required. - A. Every vehicle upon a highway within this state at...
Section 66-3-803 - Visibility distance and mounted height of lamps. - A. Whenever requirement is hereinafter declared as to the distance...
Section 66-3-804 - Headlamps on motor vehicles. - A. Every motor vehicle other than a motorcycle shall be...
Section 66-3-805 - Tail lamps. - A. Every motor vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, pole trailer and any...
Section 66-3-806 - New motor vehicles to be equipped with reflectors. - A. Every new motor vehicle hereafter sold and operated upon...
Section 66-3-807 - Stop lamps and turn signals required on designated vehicles. - A. From and after January 1, 1954, it shall be...
Section 66-3-808 - Application of succeeding sections. - Sections 66-3-809, 66-3-810, 66-3-816, 66-3-822 and 66-3-823 NMSA 1978 shall...
Section 66-3-809 - Additional equipment required on certain vehicles. - Every bus or truck less than eighty inches in overall...
Section 66-3-810 - Color of clearance lamps, side-marker lamps and reflectors. - Every bus or truck eighty inches or more in overall...
Section 66-3-811 - Lamps and reflectors; truck tractors and road tractors. - Every truck tractor and road tractor shall be equipped as...
Section 66-3-812 - Lamps and reflectors; large semitrailers, full trailers and house trailers. - A. Every semitrailer, full trailer or house trailer eighty inches...
Section 66-3-813 - Lamps and reflectors, small semitrailers, house trailers and trailers. - Every semitrailer, house trailer or trailer less than eighty inches...
Section 66-3-814 - Lamps and reflectors, pole trailers. - Every pole trailer shall be equipped as follows: A. on...
Section 66-3-815 - Lamps and reflectors, combinations in driveaway-towaway operations. - Combinations of motor vehicles, as enumerated in Section 66-3-808 NMSA...
Section 66-3-816 - Mounting of reflectors, clearance lamps and side-marker lamps. - A. Reflectors required by Sections 66-3-809 and 66-3-810 NMSA 1978...
Section 66-3-817 - Clearance lamps to indicate extreme width, height and length. - Clearance lamps shall, so far as is practicable, be mounted...
Section 66-3-818 - Side-marker lamps combined with clearance lamps. - Side-marker lamps may be combined with clearance lamps and may...
Section 66-3-819 - Combining tail and stop lamps. - Except as required by Section 66-3-817 NMSA 1978 tail lamps...
Section 66-3-820 - Lighting devices to be electric. - Lighting devices shall be electric, except that red liquid burning...
Section 66-3-821 - Requirements for headlamps and auxiliary road-lighting lamps. - A. Headlamps and lamps or auxiliary road-lighting lamps shall be...
Section 66-3-822 - Requirements for clearance, side-marker and other lamps. - A. Except for temporary side-marker and clearance lamps on motor...
Section 66-3-823 - Obstructed lights not required. - Whenever motor and other vehicles are operated in combination during...
Section 66-3-824 - Lamp or flag on projecting load. - A. Whenever the load upon any vehicle extends to the...
Section 66-3-825 - Lamps on parked vehicles. - A. Whenever a vehicle is lawfully parked upon a street...
Section 66-3-826 - Lamps on other vehicles and equipment. - A. All vehicles, including animal-drawn vehicles and including those referred...
Section 66-3-827 - Spot lamps and auxiliary lamps. - A. Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not to...
Section 66-3-828 - Signal lamps and signal devices. - A. Any motor vehicle, trailer, semitrailer and house trailer may...
Section 66-3-829 - Additional lighting equipment. - A. Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not more...
Section 66-3-830 - Multiple-beam road-lighting equipment. - Except as hereinafter provided, the headlamps or the auxiliary driving...
Section 66-3-831 - Use of multiple-beam road-lighting equipment. - Whenever a motor vehicle is being operated on a roadway...
Section 66-3-832 - Single-beam road-lighting equipment. - Headlamps arranged to provide a single distribution of light shall...
Section 66-3-833 - Alternate road-lighting equipment. - Any motor vehicle may be operated under the conditions specified...
Section 66-3-834 - Number of driving lamps required or permitted. - A. At all times specified in Section 66-3-802 NMSA 1978,...
Section 66-3-835 - Special restrictions on lamps. - A. Lighted lamps or illuminating devices upon a motor vehicle,...
Section 66-3-836 - Standards for lights on snow-removal equipment. - A. The state transportation commission shall adopt standards and specifications...
Section 66-3-837 - Selling or using lamps or equipment. - A. On and after January 1, 1954, no person shall...
Section 66-3-838 - Authority of director with reference to safety and lighting devices. - A. The director is hereby required to approve or disapprove...
Section 66-3-839 - Revocation of certificate of approval on safety and lighting devices. - A. When the director has reason to believe that an...
Section 66-3-840 - Brakes. - A. Brake equipment is required as follows: (1) every motor...
Section 66-3-841 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 2001, ch. 6, § 1 repealed 66-3-841...
Section 66-3-842 - Motorcycle maneuverability. - A. No motorcycle shall be equipped in a manner such...
Section 66-3-843 - Horns and warning devices. - A. Every motor vehicle when operated upon a highway shall...
Section 66-3-844 - Mufflers; prevention of noise; emission control devices. - A. Every motor vehicle shall at all times be equipped...
Section 66-3-845 - Mirrors. - Every motor vehicle shall be equipped with a mirror so...
Section 66-3-846 - Windshields must be unobstructed and equipped with wipers; windows must be transparent; exception. - A. No person shall drive any motor vehicle with any...
Section 66-3-846.1 - Sun screening material on windshields and windows; requirements; violation; penalty. - A. A person shall not operate on any street or...
Section 66-3-847 - Restrictions as to tire equipment. - A. When use is permitted, every solid rubber tire on...
Section 66-3-848 - Safety glazing materials in motor vehicles. - A. No motor vehicle sold as new on or after...
Section 66-3-849 - Certain vehicles to carry flares or other warning devices. - On every bus, truck, truck tractor, road tractor and every...
Section 66-3-850 - Buses; additional emergency equipment. - On every bus, except buses engaged in driveaway-towaway operations, school...
Section 66-3-851 - Meaning of term "motor vehicle" as used in Sections 66-3-852 through 66-3-857 NMSA 1978; unattended vehicles. - A. For the purposes of Sections 66-3-852 through 66-3-857 NMSA...
Section 66-3-852 - Stopped vehicles not to interfere with other traffic. - No motor vehicle shall be stopped, parked or left standing,...
Section 66-3-853 - Emergency signals; disabled vehicle. - Whenever any motor vehicle is disabled upon the traveled portion...
Section 66-3-854 - Emergency signals; stopped or parked vehicles. - Whenever for any cause other than disablement or necessary traffic...
Section 66-3-855 - Emergency signals; flame producing. - No driver shall attach or permit any person to attach...
Section 66-3-856 - Emergency signals; dangerous cargoes. - No driver shall use or permit the use of any...
Section 66-3-857 - Red flags; stopped vehicles. - During the time when lighted lamps are not required, whenever...
Section 66-3-858 to 66-3-872 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 2003, ch. 173, § 1, effective June...
Section 66-3-873 - Formulation of rules and regulations governing transportation of compressed gases and corrosive liquids. - A. The director is empowered and directed to formulate, adopt...
Section 66-3-874 - Safety belts required. - It is unlawful for any person to buy, sell, lease,...
Section 66-3-875 - Safety belts; type and manner of installation. - All safety belts required in Section 66-3-874 NMSA 1978 shall...
Section 66-3-876 to 66-3-886 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1995, ch. 135, § 29 repealed former...
Section 66-3-887 - Slow-moving vehicle identification. - A. As used in this section, "slow-moving vehicle" means any...
Section 66-3-888 - Airbag violations. - A. It is unlawful for a person to knowingly: (1)...