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Login Registration
Section 66-3-1 - Vehicles subject to registration; exceptions. - A. With the exception of vehicles identified in Subsection B...
Section 66-3-1.1 - Motor carriers required to register with the department. - A. All motor carriers desiring and eligible for annual registration...
Section 66-3-1.2 - Registration; declared gross weight. - Except as otherwise provided by law, the division shall register...
Section 66-3-1.3 - Unregistered foreign commercial motor carrier vehicle operations. - A. As used in this section: (1) "foreign commercial motor...
Section 66-3-1.4 - Motorcycle endorsement not required for autocycle operation. - Autocycles shall be registered as motorcycles and proof of financial...
Section 66-3-2 - Registration; trailers, semitrailers, pole trailers and freight trailers. - A. The motor transportation division of the department of public...
Section 66-3-2.1 - Full reciprocity registration; application; fee; formula; payment. - A. Any owner, except an owner of a one-way rental...
Section 66-3-2.2 - Registration and identification of vehicles registered under the international registration plan; fee; effect of registration. - A. The division shall register the vehicles so described and...
Section 66-3-2.3 - Full reciprocity registration; jurisdictions. - The right to the privileges and benefits of registration under...
Section 66-3-2.4 - Registration of additional motor vehicles. - Motor vehicles acquired by the owner after the commencement of...
Section 66-3-2.5 - Withdrawal of fleet motor vehicles; notification; surrender of documents. - If any motor vehicle is withdrawn from a full reciprocity...
Section 66-3-2.6 - Preservation of international registration plan records; audit. - Any owner whose application for registration under the international registration...
Section 66-3-2.7 - New registrant; estimated mileage. - When a registrant's fleet is considered new under the international...
Section 66-3-2.8 - Fleet registration; denial. - The division may refuse to accept full reciprocity registration applications...
Section 66-3-2.9 - Relationship to other state laws. - The provisions of Sections 66-3-2.1 through 66-3-2.10 NMSA 1978 constitute...
Section 66-3-2.10 - Registration under the international registration plan not exclusive. - Nothing contained in the Motor Transportation Act [Chapter 65, Articles...
Section 66-3-2.11 - Allocation registration; one-way rental fleet vehicles; allocation of vehicles; fee; identification. - A. Any owner of a one-way rental fleet may, in...
Section 66-3-3 - Registration card; special plate or sticker; declared gross weight. - A. Each registration card issued for a truck, truck tractor,...
Section 66-3-3.1 - Tax identification permit. - The department shall implement a system for identifying motor carriers...
Section 66-3-4 - Application for registration and certificate of title; nonrepairable vehicle certificate. - A. Except for a vehicle owned by a carrier that...
Section 66-3-5 - Application for specially constructed, reconstructed or foreign vehicles. - A. In the event the vehicle to be registered is...
Section 66-3-6 - Temporary registration permits, demonstration permits and transport permits. - A. The department may issue a temporary registration permit to...
Section 66-3-7 - Grounds for refusing, suspending or revoking registration or certificate of title. - The division may refuse, suspend or revoke registration or issuance...
Section 66-3-7.1 - Registration if vehicle emission inspection test required; requiring a certificate; registration in class A counties. - A. No vehicle required by county or municipal ordinance to...
Section 66-3-8 - Examination of registration records and index of stolen and recovered vehicles. - The department, upon receiving application for original registration of a...
Section 66-3-9 - Registration indexes. - The department shall file each application received for registration of...
Section 66-3-10 - Department to issue certificate of title, evidence of registration, registration plate and validation sticker; release of lien; odometer statement. - A. The department, upon registration of a vehicle, shall issue...
Section 66-3-10.1 - Salvage vehicles; nonrepairable vehicles; certificate of title; transfer of ownership. - A. It is unlawful for a person to sell or...
Section 66-3-11 - Director may authorize issuance of nonnegotiable certificates of title. - Any owner of a vehicle required to be registered under...
Section 66-3-12 - Evidential value of certificate. - A certificate of title issued by the division shall be...
Section 66-3-13 - Evidence of registration to be signed and exhibited on demand. - A. Every owner, upon receipt of registration evidence, shall write...
Section 66-3-14 - Registration plates or validating stickers to be furnished by department; reflective material. - A. The department upon registering a vehicle shall issue a...
Section 66-3-14.1 - County name stickers. - The department shall make available, upon request, county name stickers...
Section 66-3-15 - Special registration plates; procedures; fee. - A. The division shall establish and issue special registration plates,...
Section 66-3-15.1 - Repealed. - History: Laws 2001, ch. 180, § 1; repealed by Laws...
Section 66-3-16 - Distinctive registration plates; persons with significant mobility limitation; parking placard. - A. The division shall issue distinctive registration plates for use...
Section 66-3-16.1 - Prohibited acts; penalties. - A. Any person who provides false information in order to...
Section 66-3-17 - Registration plate; replacement of plate. - A. Succeeding registration renewals of the registration plate issued under...
Section 66-3-18 - Display of registration plates and temporary registration permits; displays prohibited and allowed. - A. The registration plate shall be attached to the rear...
Section 66-3-19 - Renewal of registration; staggered period for vehicles; exception for manufactured homes and freight trailers; late registration. - A. The department, in order to operate a more uniform...
Section 66-3-20 - Renewal of registration; vehicles registered by declared gross weight. - All motor vehicles registered by declared gross weight, including vehicles...
Section 66-3-20.1 - Providing for extended registration periods for certain motor vehicles; credit for unexpired portion of fee. - A. All vehicles, motorcycles or trucks with a declared gross...
Section 66-3-21 - Vehicle exceeding declared gross weight. - A. Except as otherwise provided by law, a vehicle or...
Section 66-3-22 - Re-registration; change in declared gross weight. - A. Any vehicle or combination registered at a declared gross...
Section 66-3-23 - Notice of change of address or name. - A. Whenever any person after making application for or obtaining...
Section 66-3-24 - Lost or damaged certificates, registration evidence or plates. - A. In the event any registration evidence or registration plate...
Section 66-3-25 - Division may assign new identifying number. - The division is authorized to assign a "distinguishing number" to...
Section 66-3-26 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1989, ch. 318, § 37 repealed 66-3-26...
Section 66-3-27 - Horseless carriage registration. - A. A motor vehicle at least thirty-five years old owned...
Section 66-3-28 - State government registration plates; issuance approved. - State government registration plates shall be provided to a state...
Section 66-3-29 - Intrastate livestock haulers. - Intrastate livestock haulers shall be subject to all provisions of...
Section 66-3-30 - School bus registration; renewal. - A. A school district, another public entity or a school...
Section 66-3-101 - Transfer by owner; recordation of mileage of vehicle; use of the plate and registration number on another vehicle. - A. When the owner of a registered vehicle sells, transfers...
Section 66-3-101.1 - Terminal rental adjustment clauses; vehicle leases that are not sales nor create security interests. - Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in the case of...
Section 66-3-102 - Endorsement of assignment and warranty of title. - The owner shall endorse an assignment and warranty of title...
Section 66-3-103 - New owner to secure transfer of registration and new certificate of title; time period; penalty. - A. Except as otherwise provided by law, the transferee before...
Section 66-3-104 - Use of plate and registration number on another vehicle; transfer of registration. - A. When the owner of a registered vehicle assigns title...
Section 66-3-105 - Transfer by operation of law. - A. Whenever the title or interest of an owner in...
Section 66-3-106 - Owner after transfer not liable for negligent operation. - The owner of a vehicle who has made a bona...
Section 66-3-107 - Duties of seller or transferor; additional duties of dealers; application for registration; penalty; mileage of vehicle. - A. Any seller or transferor, including a dealer, of a...
Section 66-3-108 - Transfer to dealers. - When the transferee of a vehicle is a dealer who...
Section 66-3-109 - Dealer's guarantee of title. - A dealer licensed under the Motor Vehicle Code [66-1-1 NMSA...
Section 66-3-110 - When division to reregister vehicle and issue new certificate. - A. The division upon receipt of a properly endorsed certificate...
Section 66-3-111 - Assignment by person holding lien. - Any person holding a lien or encumbrance upon a vehicle,...
Section 66-3-112 - Release by lienholder to owner. - A person holding a lien or encumbrance as shown upon...
Section 66-3-113 - Failure to deliver certificate; penalty. - A. Except as provided in Section 66-3-24B NMSA 1978, it...
Section 66-3-114 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1990, ch. 120, § 45 repealed 66-3-114...
Section 66-3-115 - Notification forms; copies; resale of salvaged vehicle or motor vehicle. - A. No person licensed under Section 66-4-1 NMSA 1978 shall...
Section 66-3-116 - Title cancellation. - The division of motor vehicles shall, upon receipt of a...
Section 66-3-117 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1985, ch. 26, § 2 repealed 66-3-117...
Section 66-3-118 - Manufacturer's certificate of origin; transfer of vehicle not previously registered. - A. Whenever a manufacturer or the agent or distributor of...
Section 66-3-119 - Vehicle to be dismantled. - In addition to any requirements pursuant to Section 1 [66-4-10...
Section 66-3-120 - Transportation of certain vehicles; proof of ownership. - A. Any person transporting any crushed or inoperable vehicle or...
Section 66-3-121 - Disposal of abandoned vehicle or motor vehicle. - A. Any person upon whose property or in whose possession...
Section 66-3-122 - Registration effective after death of owner. - Upon the death of an owner of a vehicle subject...
Section 66-3-123 - Requirements of purchaser; forms; distribution. - In addition to any requirements pursuant to Section 1 [66-4-10...
Section 66-3-124 - Department to provide forms. - In addition to any requirements pursuant to Section 1 [66-4-10...
Section 66-3-125 - Restrictions upon licensees. - In addition to any requirements pursuant to Section 1 [66-4-10...
Section 66-3-126 - Casual sales; place of sale; advertising; penalty. - A. No person not a dealer making a casual sale...
Section 66-3-127 - Warning of violation; removal of vehicle. - A. A law enforcement officer is authorized to place a...
Section 66-3-201 - Filing security interests. - A. A security interest in a vehicle of a type...
Section 66-3-202 - Filing effective to give notice. - A. On or after June 1, 1996, the filing of...
Section 66-3-203 - Report of stored, unclaimed and unidentified motor vehicles. - An operator of a place of business for garaging, repairing,...
Section 66-3-204 - Property tax liens on manufactured homes; filing; effect. - A. Upon receipt of a notification of unpaid taxes on...
Section 66-3-301 - Registration by nonresidents. - A. Any nonresident owner of a vehicle of a type...
Section 66-3-302 - Caravan fee. - A. A person or an employee, agent or representative of...
Section 66-3-303 - Registration by military personnel. - Officers and enlisted personnel of the United States army, navy,...
Section 66-3-401 - Operation of vehicles under dealer plates. - A. Any vehicle that is required to be registered pursuant...
Section 66-3-401.1 - Use of vehicles with dealer plates by coaches and athletic directors. - A. Pursuant to Section 66-3-401 NMSA 1978, a dealer may...
Section 66-3-402 - Application for dealer plates. - A. A dealer may apply to the department on the...
Section 66-3-403 - Expiration of dealer plates. - Every dealer plate issued pursuant to Section 66-3-402 NMSA 1978...
Section 66-3-404 - Dealer plates not transferable. - A. Dealer plates are not transferable between dealers. B. Whenever...
Section 66-3-405 - Special plates for members of congress. - A. Upon compliance with all laws of this state relating...
Section 66-3-406 - Special registration plates for private vehicles. - A. Upon compliance with all laws relating to registration and...
Section 66-3-407 - Special plates for private vehicles used in public service. - A. Upon compliance with all laws relating to registration and...
Section 66-3-407.1 - Special registration plates. - Any person who is entitled to a special registration plate,...
Section 66-3-408 - Special registration plates for recreational vehicles. - All recreational vehicles registered in New Mexico shall carry a...
Section 66-3-409 - Special registration plates; medal of honor recipients. - A. The department shall issue distinctive pale blue, white and...
Section 66-3-410 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1985, ch. 148, § 2 repealed 66-3-410...
Section 66-3-411 - Special registration plates; prisoners of war and surviving spouses; submission of proof; penalty. - A. The division shall issue distinctive registration plates to any...
Section 66-3-412 - Special registration plates; fifty percent or more disabled veterans; submission of proof; penalty. - A. The department shall issue distinctive registration plates for up...
Section 66-3-412.1 - Special motorcycle registration plates for armed forces veterans. - A. The department shall issue distinctive motorcycle registration plates indicating...
Section 66-3-413 - Special registration plates; national guard members. - A. The department shall issue distinctive registration plates to any...
Section 66-3-414 - Special registration plates for purple heart veterans. - A. The division shall issue special registration plates for up...
Section 66-3-415 - Special registration plates; Pearl Harbor survivors. - A. The department shall issue distinctive registration plates indicating that...
Section 66-3-416 - Special collegiate registration plate; procedures; fee. - A. The division shall establish and issue special collegiate registration...
Section 66-3-417 - Radio station licensees; special registration plates; fee. - A. Any applicant who is a resident of this state...
Section 66-3-418 - Purpose. - The purpose of providing special registration plates for veterans of...
Section 66-3-419 - Special registration plates; armed forces veterans. - A. The department shall issue distinctive registration plates indicating that...
Section 66-3-420 - Special children's artwork registration plate; procedures; fee. - A. The division shall establish and issue special registration plates...
Section 66-3-420.1 - Motorcycle registration plates to benefit the children's trust fund; procedures; fee. - A. The division shall establish and issue special motorcycle registration...
Section 66-3-421 - Special registration plates; New Mexico rangers and New Mexico mounted patrol; submission of proof; penalty. - A. The department shall issue special registration plates to any...
Section 66-3-422 - Special registration plates; firefighters and volunteer firefighters. - A. The department shall issue special registration plates to a...
Section 66-3-423 - Year-of-manufacture license plates; procedures; fees. - A. The division may specially register and permit the use...
Section 66-3-424 - Standardized special registration plates with logos. - A. Standardized special registration plates with logos may be authorized...
Section 66-3-424.1 - Special registration plates for retired New Mexico letter carriers. - A. The department shall issue a standardized special registration plate...
Section 66-3-424.2 - Repealed. - History: Laws 2003, ch. 174, § 2; repealed by Laws...
Section 66-3-424.3 - Special pet care registration plates. - A. The division shall issue a standardized pet care special...
Section 66-3-424.4 - Standardized special registration plates; retired members of the New Mexico national guard. - A. The department shall issue a standardized special registration plate...
Section 66-3-424.5 - Special registration plates; New Mexico members of the fraternal order of police. - A. The department shall issue a standardized special registration plate...
Section 66-3-424.6 - Special wildlife artwork registration plates; procedures; fee. - A. The department shall establish and issue a standardized special...
Section 66-3-424.7 - Registration plates; members of the civil air patrol, New Mexico wing. - A. The department shall issue a standardized special registration plate...
Section 66-3-424.8 - Special route 66 commemorative registration plate. - A. The division shall issue a standardized special registration plate...
Section 66-3-424.9 - Standardized special registration plates; retired firefighters. - A. The department shall issue a standardized special registration plate...
Section 66-3-424.10 - Special registration plates for armed forces retirees. - A. The department shall issue a standardized special registration plate...
Section 66-3-424.11 - Special registration plates for active duty uniform service members. - A. The department shall issue a standardized special registration plate...
Section 66-3-424.12 - Special registration plates for search and rescue members. - A. The department shall issue a standardized special registration plate...
Section 66-3-424.13 - Standardized special registration plates; retired New Mexico state police officers. - A. The department shall issue a standardized special registration plate...
Section 66-3-424.14 - Special registration plates; New Mexico high school rodeo association. - A. The division shall issue a standardized special registration plate...
Section 66-3-424.15 - Special organ donation awareness registration plate; procedures; fee. - A. The division shall establish and issue special registration plates...
Section 66-3-424.16 - Special registration plates; emergency medical technicians. - A. The department shall issue a standardized special registration plate...
Section 66-3-424.17 - Special patriot registration plate. - A. The department shall issue a standardized special patriot registration...
Section 66-3-424.18 - Special registration plates for adoption awareness. - A. The department shall establish and issue a special registration...
Section 66-3-424.19 - Cumbres and Toltec scenic railroad special registration plate; procedures; fee. - A. The division shall establish and issue a standardized special...
Section 66-3-424.20 - Special registration plates for women armed forces veterans. - A. The department shall issue the distinctive registration plate, "Women...
Section 66-3-424.21 - Special motorcycle registration plates for women armed forces veterans. - A. The department shall issue distinctive motorcycle registration plates indicating...
Section 66-3-424.22 - Special breast cancer awareness registration plate. - A. The division shall issue a standardized special registration plate...
Section 66-3-424.23 - Special city of Las Cruces registration plate; procedures; fee; appropriation. - A. The department shall issue standardized special "City of Las...
Section 66-3-424.24 - Registration plates; gold star families; submission of proof; penalty. - A. The division shall issue distinctive registration plates to the...
Section 66-3-424.25 - Special commemorative scouting registration plate; procedures; fee. - A. The division shall develop, establish and issue a special...
Section 66-3-424.26 - Special Santa Fe four hundredth anniversary registration plate. - A. Except as provided in Subsection E of this section,...
Section 66-3-424.27 - Special bass fishing registration plates; procedures; fee. - A. The department shall establish and issue a standardized special...
Section 66-3-424.28 - Standardized special registration plates; retired New Mexico law enforcement officers. - A. The department shall issue a standardized special registration plate...
Section 66-3-424.29 - Special New Mexico state 4-H registration plate. - A. The division shall issue a standardized special registration plate...
Section 66-3-424.30 - Special farm and ranch community registration plate. - A. The department shall issue a standardized special registration plate...
Section 66-3-424.31 - Special blood donor recognition registration plate. - A. The department shall issue a standardized special registration plate...
Section 66-3-424.32 - Special New Mexico Amigos registration plate. - A. The division shall issue a standardized special registration plate...
Section 66-3-424.33 - Special autism awareness registration plate. - A. The division shall issue a standardized special registration plate...
Section 66-3-424.34 - Special New Mexico junior college registration plate. - A. The division shall issue a standardized special registration plate...
Section 66-3-424.35 - Honoring fallen officers special registration plate. - A. The division shall issue a standardized special registration plate...
Section 66-3-424.36 - Off-highway motor vehicle paved road use vehicle plate. - A. The department shall issue a standardized special off-highway motor...
Section 66-3-424.37 - Special support of pollinator protection registration plate. - A. The department shall issue a standardized special registration plate...
Section 66-3-424.38 - Childhood cancer family support special registration plate. - A. The department shall issue a standardized childhood cancer family...
Section 66-3-501 - Report of stolen and recovered vehicles or motor vehicles. - A. Every sheriff, chief of police or peace officer upon...
Section 66-3-502 - Reports by owners of stolen and recovered vehicles or motor vehicles. - A. The owner or person having a lien or encumbrance...
Section 66-3-503 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1995, ch. 135, § 29 repealed 66-3-503...
Section 66-3-504 - Recompiled. - History: 1953 Comp., § 64-3-504, enacted by Laws 1978, ch....
Section 66-3-505 - Recompiled. - History: 1953 Comp., § 64-3-505, enacted by Laws 1978, ch....
Section 66-3-506 - Recompiled. - History: 1953 Comp., § 64-3-506, enacted by Laws 1978, ch....
Section 66-3-507 - Altered vehicle identification numbers; contraband. - A. Any person receiving, disposing of, offering to dispose of...
Section 66-3-508 - Recompiled. - History: 1953 Comp., § 64-3-508, enacted by Laws 1978, ch....
Section 66-3-601 to 66-3-603 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1995, ch. 135, § 29 repealed former...
Section 66-3-604 - Recompiled. - Recompilations. — Laws 1990, ch. 120, § 43 recompiled 66-3-604...
Section 66-3-701 - Bicycles; effect of regulations. - A. It is a penalty assessment misdemeanor for a person...
Section 66-3-702 - Traffic laws apply to persons riding bicycles. - Every person riding a bicycle upon a roadway shall be...
Section 66-3-703 - Riding on bicycles. - A. A person propelling a bicycle shall not ride other...
Section 66-3-704 - Clinging to vehicles. - No person riding upon any bicycle, coaster, roller skates, sled...
Section 66-3-705 - Riding on roadways and bicycle paths. - A. Every person operating a bicycle upon a roadway shall...
Section 66-3-706 - Carrying articles. - No person operating a bicycle shall carry any package, bundle...
Section 66-3-707 - Lamps and other equipment on bicycles. - A. Every bicycle when in use at nighttime shall be...
Section 66-3-801 - Equipment; prohibited acts. - A. Except as otherwise provided in this section, it is...
Section 66-3-802 - When lighted lamps are required. - A. Every vehicle upon a highway within this state at...
Section 66-3-803 - Visibility distance and mounted height of lamps. - A. Whenever requirement is hereinafter declared as to the distance...
Section 66-3-804 - Headlamps on motor vehicles. - A. Every motor vehicle other than a motorcycle shall be...
Section 66-3-805 - Tail lamps. - A. Every motor vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, pole trailer and any...
Section 66-3-806 - New motor vehicles to be equipped with reflectors. - A. Every new motor vehicle hereafter sold and operated upon...
Section 66-3-807 - Stop lamps and turn signals required on designated vehicles. - A. From and after January 1, 1954, it shall be...
Section 66-3-808 - Application of succeeding sections. - Sections 66-3-809, 66-3-810, 66-3-816, 66-3-822 and 66-3-823 NMSA 1978 shall...
Section 66-3-809 - Additional equipment required on certain vehicles. - Every bus or truck less than eighty inches in overall...
Section 66-3-810 - Color of clearance lamps, side-marker lamps and reflectors. - Every bus or truck eighty inches or more in overall...
Section 66-3-811 - Lamps and reflectors; truck tractors and road tractors. - Every truck tractor and road tractor shall be equipped as...
Section 66-3-812 - Lamps and reflectors; large semitrailers, full trailers and house trailers. - A. Every semitrailer, full trailer or house trailer eighty inches...
Section 66-3-813 - Lamps and reflectors, small semitrailers, house trailers and trailers. - Every semitrailer, house trailer or trailer less than eighty inches...
Section 66-3-814 - Lamps and reflectors, pole trailers. - Every pole trailer shall be equipped as follows: A. on...
Section 66-3-815 - Lamps and reflectors, combinations in driveaway-towaway operations. - Combinations of motor vehicles, as enumerated in Section 66-3-808 NMSA...
Section 66-3-816 - Mounting of reflectors, clearance lamps and side-marker lamps. - A. Reflectors required by Sections 66-3-809 and 66-3-810 NMSA 1978...
Section 66-3-817 - Clearance lamps to indicate extreme width, height and length. - Clearance lamps shall, so far as is practicable, be mounted...
Section 66-3-818 - Side-marker lamps combined with clearance lamps. - Side-marker lamps may be combined with clearance lamps and may...
Section 66-3-819 - Combining tail and stop lamps. - Except as required by Section 66-3-817 NMSA 1978 tail lamps...
Section 66-3-820 - Lighting devices to be electric. - Lighting devices shall be electric, except that red liquid burning...
Section 66-3-821 - Requirements for headlamps and auxiliary road-lighting lamps. - A. Headlamps and lamps or auxiliary road-lighting lamps shall be...
Section 66-3-822 - Requirements for clearance, side-marker and other lamps. - A. Except for temporary side-marker and clearance lamps on motor...
Section 66-3-823 - Obstructed lights not required. - Whenever motor and other vehicles are operated in combination during...
Section 66-3-824 - Lamp or flag on projecting load. - A. Whenever the load upon any vehicle extends to the...
Section 66-3-825 - Lamps on parked vehicles. - A. Whenever a vehicle is lawfully parked upon a street...
Section 66-3-826 - Lamps on other vehicles and equipment. - A. All vehicles, including animal-drawn vehicles and including those referred...
Section 66-3-827 - Spot lamps and auxiliary lamps. - A. Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not to...
Section 66-3-828 - Signal lamps and signal devices. - A. Any motor vehicle, trailer, semitrailer and house trailer may...
Section 66-3-829 - Additional lighting equipment. - A. Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not more...
Section 66-3-830 - Multiple-beam road-lighting equipment. - Except as hereinafter provided, the headlamps or the auxiliary driving...
Section 66-3-831 - Use of multiple-beam road-lighting equipment. - Whenever a motor vehicle is being operated on a roadway...
Section 66-3-832 - Single-beam road-lighting equipment. - Headlamps arranged to provide a single distribution of light shall...
Section 66-3-833 - Alternate road-lighting equipment. - Any motor vehicle may be operated under the conditions specified...
Section 66-3-834 - Number of driving lamps required or permitted. - A. At all times specified in Section 66-3-802 NMSA 1978,...
Section 66-3-835 - Special restrictions on lamps. - A. Lighted lamps or illuminating devices upon a motor vehicle,...
Section 66-3-836 - Standards for lights on snow-removal equipment. - A. The state transportation commission shall adopt standards and specifications...
Section 66-3-837 - Selling or using lamps or equipment. - A. On and after January 1, 1954, no person shall...
Section 66-3-838 - Authority of director with reference to safety and lighting devices. - A. The director is hereby required to approve or disapprove...
Section 66-3-839 - Revocation of certificate of approval on safety and lighting devices. - A. When the director has reason to believe that an...
Section 66-3-840 - Brakes. - A. Brake equipment is required as follows: (1) every motor...
Section 66-3-841 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 2001, ch. 6, § 1 repealed 66-3-841...
Section 66-3-842 - Motorcycle maneuverability. - A. No motorcycle shall be equipped in a manner such...
Section 66-3-843 - Horns and warning devices. - A. Every motor vehicle when operated upon a highway shall...
Section 66-3-844 - Mufflers; prevention of noise; emission control devices. - A. Every motor vehicle shall at all times be equipped...
Section 66-3-845 - Mirrors. - Every motor vehicle shall be equipped with a mirror so...
Section 66-3-846 - Windshields must be unobstructed and equipped with wipers; windows must be transparent; exception. - A. No person shall drive any motor vehicle with any...
Section 66-3-846.1 - Sun screening material on windshields and windows; requirements; violation; penalty. - A. A person shall not operate on any street or...
Section 66-3-847 - Restrictions as to tire equipment. - A. When use is permitted, every solid rubber tire on...
Section 66-3-848 - Safety glazing materials in motor vehicles. - A. No motor vehicle sold as new on or after...
Section 66-3-849 - Certain vehicles to carry flares or other warning devices. - On every bus, truck, truck tractor, road tractor and every...
Section 66-3-850 - Buses; additional emergency equipment. - On every bus, except buses engaged in driveaway-towaway operations, school...
Section 66-3-851 - Meaning of term "motor vehicle" as used in Sections 66-3-852 through 66-3-857 NMSA 1978; unattended vehicles. - A. For the purposes of Sections 66-3-852 through 66-3-857 NMSA...
Section 66-3-852 - Stopped vehicles not to interfere with other traffic. - No motor vehicle shall be stopped, parked or left standing,...
Section 66-3-853 - Emergency signals; disabled vehicle. - Whenever any motor vehicle is disabled upon the traveled portion...
Section 66-3-854 - Emergency signals; stopped or parked vehicles. - Whenever for any cause other than disablement or necessary traffic...
Section 66-3-855 - Emergency signals; flame producing. - No driver shall attach or permit any person to attach...
Section 66-3-856 - Emergency signals; dangerous cargoes. - No driver shall use or permit the use of any...
Section 66-3-857 - Red flags; stopped vehicles. - During the time when lighted lamps are not required, whenever...
Section 66-3-858 to 66-3-872 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 2003, ch. 173, § 1, effective June...
Section 66-3-873 - Formulation of rules and regulations governing transportation of compressed gases and corrosive liquids. - A. The director is empowered and directed to formulate, adopt...
Section 66-3-874 - Safety belts required. - It is unlawful for any person to buy, sell, lease,...
Section 66-3-875 - Safety belts; type and manner of installation. - All safety belts required in Section 66-3-874 NMSA 1978 shall...
Section 66-3-876 to 66-3-886 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1995, ch. 135, § 29 repealed former...
Section 66-3-887 - Slow-moving vehicle identification. - A. As used in this section, "slow-moving vehicle" means any...
Section 66-3-888 - Airbag violations. - A. It is unlawful for a person to knowingly: (1)...
Section 66-3-901 - Vehicles without required equipment or in unsafe condition. - A. A person shall not drive or move on any...
Section 66-3-1001 - Short title. - Sections 66-3-1001 through 66-3-1016 [and 66-3-1017 to 66-3-1020] NMSA 1978...
Section 66-3-1001.1 - Definitions. - As used in the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Act: A. "board"...
Section 66-3-1002 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1990, ch. 120, § 45 repealed 66-3-1002...
Section 66-3-1003 - Off-highway motor vehicles; registration. - Unless exempted from the provisions of the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle...
Section 66-3-1003.1 - Recompiled. - History: Laws 2017, ch. 70, § 2; 66-3-1003.1 recompiled as...
Section 66-3-1004 - Registration certificate and nonresident permit fees; renewal; distribution of fees. - Fees shall be collected and distributed as follows: A. the...
Section 66-3-1004.1 - Repealed. - History: Laws 2005, ch. 325, § 4; 2007, ch. 319,...
Section 66-3-1005 - Exemptions. - The provisions of the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Act shall not...
Section 66-3-1006 - Grounds for refusing registration or certificate of title. - The division may refuse registration or issuance of a certificate...
Section 66-3-1007 - Evidentiary value of certificate of title. - A certificate of title issued by the division for an...
Section 66-3-1008 - Validating stickers to be furnished by division. - The division, upon registering an off-highway motor vehicle, shall issue...
Section 66-3-1009 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1991, ch. 160, § 22 repealed 66-3-1009...
Section 66-3-1010 - Licensing. - Drivers of off-highway motor vehicles are not required to be...
Section 66-3-1010.1 - Off-highway motor vehicle safety training organization; approval and certification. - A. An off-highway motor vehicle safety training organization that offers...
Section 66-3-1010.2 - Off-highway motor vehicle safety permit; requirements; issuance. - A person under the age of eighteen shall be required...
Section 66-3-1010.3 - Operation and equipment; safety requirements. - A. A person shall not operate an off-highway motor vehicle:...
Section 66-3-1010.4 - Safety helmet; civil liability. - Failure by a passenger or driver to use a safety...
Section 66-3-1010.5 - Requirements of dealers to distribute safety information. - A dealer selling off-highway motor vehicles shall distribute information provided...
Section 66-3-1011 - Operation on streets or highways; prohibited areas. - A. A person shall not operate an off-highway motor vehicle...
Section 66-3-1012 - Driving of off-highway motor vehicles adjacent to highway. - A. Off-highway motor vehicles issued a validating sticker or nonresident...
Section 66-3-1013 - Liability; local registration prohibited. - A. A landowner shall not be held liable for damages...
Section 66-3-1014 - Accidents and accident reports. - The driver of an off-highway motor vehicle involved in an...
Section 66-3-1015 - Enforcement. - A wildlife conservation officer, state police officer or peace officer...
Section 66-3-1016 - Repealed. - History: 1953 Comp., § 64-3-1016, enacted by Laws 1978, ch....
Section 66-3-1017 - Off-highway motor vehicle advisory board created; members; compensation. - A. The "off-highway motor vehicle advisory board" is created to...
Section 66-3-1018 - Department; powers and duties. - A. The department shall cooperate with appropriate federal agencies, public...
Section 66-3-1019 - Fund created; disposition. - A. The "trail safety fund" is created in the state...
Section 66-3-1020 - Penalties. - A. A person who violates the provisions of the Off-Highway...
Section 66-3-1021 - Legislative oversight. - In addition to reporting to the legislative finance committee pursuant...
Section 66-3-1101 - Mopeds; standards; operator requirements; application of Motor Vehicle Code. - A. Mopeds shall comply with those motor vehicle safety standards...
Section 66-3-1102 - Electric personal assistive mobility devices; standards; operator requirements; applicability; penalties. - A. An electric personal assistive mobility device shall be equipped...
Section 66-3-1103 - Neighborhood electric cars. - A. A neighborhood electric car shall be equipped with head...