New Mexico Statutes
Article 13 - Construction Industries Licensing
Section 60-13-41 - Inspectors; designated inspection agencies.

A. State inspectors shall be employed by the director.
B. Qualifications for inspectors shall be prescribed by the commission, and applicants shall submit to an appropriate background check as prescribed by the commission. Inspectors shall meet the minimum continuing education requirements as prescribed by the nationally recognized code organization for each trade bureau jurisdiction and provide proof of such credits to the division upon application for or renewal of certification.
C. The division shall certify and issue a statewide inspector's certificate to any person who meets the requirements established by the nationally recognized code organization for certification. The certificate shall list all trade bureaus for which the inspector is certified to inspect and shall be valid for a term of three years.
D. An inspector shall be employed by a county, municipality or other political subdivision in order to inspect work under permits issued in the trade bureau for which the inspector is certified; provided that the county, municipality or other political subdivision has a certified building official in its employ and has adopted the current minimum code standards as established by the commission.
E. Except as provided in Subsection F of this section, the state or its agent shall conduct all inspections if a county, municipality or other political subdivision does not have a certified building official in its employ.
F. A county, municipality or other political subdivision may enter into a memorandum of understanding to share a certified building official and inspectors operating under that certified building official with another county, municipality or other political subdivision; provided that the certified building official is employed in the same county, in an adjacent county, within one hundred miles of the county, municipality or other political subdivision or as approved by the division.
G. A person currently acting in the capacity of a certified building official may continue to act in that capacity and shall have five years from the effective date of this 2013 act to become a certified building official as prescribed by the Construction Industries Licensing Act. When a certified building official leaves the employ of a county, municipality or other political subdivision, the plan review, permitting and inspections overseen by that certified building official shall transfer to the state unless the county, municipality or other political subdivision, within sixty days or a longer period as approved by the division, replaces that certified building official or enters into a memorandum of understanding pursuant to Subsection F of this section.
H. The division may appoint inspection agencies to inspect the construction, installation, alteration or repair of manufactured commercial units, modular homes and premanufactured homes, including those manufacturers whose business premises are without the state, to ensure that the New Mexico standards of construction and installation are adhered to and that the quality of construction meets all New Mexico codes and standards. If the inspection agency has no place of business within the state, it shall file a written statement with the secretary of state setting forth its name and business address and designating the secretary of state as its agent for the service of process.
I. The division shall, with the approval of the commission, establish qualifications for inspectors certified to inspect in more than one bureau's jurisdiction.
J. The director shall assign an investigator to investigate the merits of every complaint brought against an inspector and report to the commission within ten days.
History: 1953 Comp., § 67-35-49, enacted by Laws 1967, ch. 199, § 49; 1972, ch. 11, § 2; 1973, ch. 229, § 4; 1973, ch. 259, § 14; 1975, ch. 331, § 19; 1977, ch. 245, § 203; 1983, ch. 105, § 18; 1989, ch. 6, § 35; 2001, ch. 156, § 1; 2011, ch. 129, § 1; 2013, ch. 142, § 4; 2013, ch. 153, § 4.
The 2013 amendment, effective June 14, 2013, provided qualifications of inspectors; provided for statewide inspector's certificates; provided for local inspection agencies; in Subsection B, in the first sentence, after "Qualifications", deleted "and job descriptions", after "Qualifications for inspectors", deleted "for the state, municipalities and all other political subdivisions", and after "shall be prescribed by the commission", added the remainder of the sentence and added the second sentence; added Subsections C through G; deleted former Subsection D, which provided for reciprocal agreements with other jurisdictions; and added Subsection J.
Laws 2013, ch. 142, § 4, and Laws 2013, ch. 153, § 4, both effective June 14, 2013, enacted identical amendments to this section. The section was set out as amended by Laws 2013, ch. 153, § 4. See 12-1-8 NMSA 1978.
The 2011 amendment, effective June 17, 2011, made no change.
The 2001 amendment, effective June 15, 2001, deleted "The commission shall also promulgate rules and regulations establishing a recertification incentive plan which provides for salary increases for state inspectors based on education and training and additional qualifications." from the end of Subsection B.
Authority to create categories of certification of inspectors. — The construction industries division of the regulation and licensing department has the authority to create different categories of certification with different certification standards based on an inspector's status as a state or local inspector. 2011 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 11-06.
Law reviews. — For note, "County Regulation of Land Use and Development," see 9 Nat. Resources J. 266 (1969).

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 60 - Business Licenses

Article 13 - Construction Industries Licensing

Section 60-13-1 - Short title.

Section 60-13-1.1 - Purpose of the act.

Section 60-13-2 - General definitions.

Section 60-13-3 - Definition; contractor.

Section 60-13-3.1 - Employer and employee relationship; independent contractor; improper reporting; penalty; license sanctions.

Section 60-13-4 - Recompiled.

Section 60-13-5 - Repealed.

Section 60-13-6 - Construction industries commission created; membership; duties.

Section 60-13-7 - Construction industries division; director; appointment and qualifications.

Section 60-13-8 - Division; employees; equipment and supplies.

Section 60-13-8.1 - Construction industries division publications revolving fund created; appropriation.

Section 60-13-9 - Division; duties.

Section 60-13-10 - Additional division duties; flood or mudslide areas; standards.

Section 60-13-10.1 - Division; additional duties; alcohol fuel plant construction code; rules and regulations.

Section 60-13-10.2 - Division and commission; standards to accommodate solar collectors.

Section 60-13-10.3 - Equal access to public baby changing facilities.

Section 60-13-11 - Division or commission; powers.

Section 60-13-12 - Contractor's license required.

Section 60-13-13 - Application for contractor's license.

Section 60-13-13.1 - Repealed.

Section 60-13-13.2 - Licensees; identical or similar names.

Section 60-13-14 - Division; license issuance; reports.

Section 60-13-14.1 - Expedited licensure; military service members, spouses and dependents; veterans; waiver of fees.

Section 60-13-15 - License issuance; commission review.

Section 60-13-16 - Division; qualifying party; examination; certificate.

Section 60-13-17 - Repealed.

Section 60-13-18 - Licenses; renewal.

Section 60-13-19 - Division; evidence of possession; penalty.

Section 60-13-20 - Fees established by the division; payment of examination and licensing service fees.

Section 60-13-21 - Division; disposition of fees.

Section 60-13-21.1 - Repealed.

Section 60-13-22 - Repealed.

Section 60-13-23 - Revocation or suspension of license by the commission; causes.

Section 60-13-23.1 - Administrative penalty.

Section 60-13-24 - Certificates of qualification; statewide inspector's certificates; causes for revocation or suspension.

Section 60-13-25 - Qualifying party; termination of relationship.

Section 60-13-26 - Division; trade bureaus; liability of commission members.

Section 60-13-27 - Complaints against licensees and certificate holders; investigations by division; informal resolution; notice of revocation action.

Section 60-13-28 - Suspension period.

Section 60-13-29 - Application following revoked license or certificate.

Section 60-13-30 - Suit by contractor for compensation; pleading and proof of license.

Section 60-13-31 - Trade bureaus created.

Section 60-13-32 - Trade bureaus; definitions.

Section 60-13-33 - Trade bureaus; general duties and powers.

Section 60-13-35 - Repealed.

Section 60-13-36 - Certificates of competence; suspension and revocation.

Section 60-13-37 - Repealed.

Section 60-13-38 - Certificates of competence; examination; journeymen.

Section 60-13-39 - Certificates and examination.

Section 60-13-40 - Repealed.

Section 60-13-40.1 - Repealed.

Section 60-13-41 - Inspectors; designated inspection agencies.

Section 60-13-42 - Authority of inspectors; limitation.

Section 60-13-43 - Repealed.

Section 60-13-44 - Trade bureaus; standards; conflicts.

Section 60-13-45 - Trade bureaus; permits.

Section 60-13-46 - Trade bureaus; annual permits.

Section 60-13-47 - Trade bureaus; connection to installation.

Section 60-13-48 - Repealed.

Section 60-13-48.1 - Financial statements; confidentiality.

Section 60-13-49 - Proof of responsibility.

Section 60-13-50 - Repealed.

Section 60-13-51 - Contractor's bond; municipal requirement prohibited.

Section 60-13-52 - Penalty; misdemeanor.

Section 60-13-53 - Commission or division; powers of injunction; mandamus.

Section 60-13-54 - Continuation of license.

Section 60-13-55 - Continuation of construction codes and standards.

Section 60-13-56 - Repealed.

Section 60-13-57 - Hearing officer authorized.

Section 60-13-58 - Repealed.

Section 60-13-59 - Building permits; contents; display.