A. If the superintendent has cause to believe that any unfair method of competition or act or practice defined or prohibited in Chapter 59A, Article 16 NMSA 1978 is being engaged in by any person, he shall order such person to cease and desist therefrom. The superintendent shall deliver such order to such person directly or by certified mail. If the person fails to comply therewith within twenty days after receipt of the cease and desist order, and does not make written request for a hearing thereon within such twenty days, he shall be subject to the penalties referred to in Section 59A-16-29 NMSA 1978, for each violation committed theretofore or thereafter. In any event, if the person does not make a written request for hearing thereon within such twenty days the order shall be final and not subject to review or appeal.
B. If a hearing is so requested, the superintendent shall hold a hearing, and proceed as provided under Chapter 59A, Article 4 NMSA 1978 as to hearings in general.
C. If after such a hearing the violation is confirmed by final order of the superintendent, the violator shall be subject to the penalty referred to in Subsection A of this section, together with payment of the costs of the hearing as determined by the superintendent.
D. If the alleged violator fails to comply with the superintendent's order after expiration of the twenty-day period to request a hearing referred to in Subsection A of this section or after hearing referred to in Subsection C of this section, the superintendent may cause an action for injunction to be filed in the district court of the county in which the violation occurred.
E. No order of the superintendent pursuant to this section or order of court to enforce it, shall in any way relieve or absolve any person affected by such order from any other liability, penalty or forfeiture applicable under law.
F. Nothing in this section shall be construed as relieving any violator from penalties prescribed in Section 59A-16-29 NMSA 1978 whether or not such a cease and desist order is issued or other action hereunder taken by the superintendent.
History: Laws 1984, ch. 127, § 294; 1993, ch. 320, § 56.
The 1993 amendment, effective June 18, 1993, added the last sentence in Subsection A, rewrote Subsection D, and made stylistic changes throughout the section.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 43 Am. Jur. 2d Insurance §§ 56, 59.
44 C.J.S. Insurance § 74.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Article 16 - Trade Practices and Frauds
Section 59A-16-1 - Scope of article.
Section 59A-16-2 - Purpose of article.
Section 59A-16-3 - Practices and acts prohibited, in general.
Section 59A-16-4 - Misrepresentation, false advertising of policies.
Section 59A-16-5 - False information, advertising.
Section 59A-16-6 - "Twisting" prohibited.
Section 59A-16-7 - Replacement of life insurance.
Section 59A-16-7.1 - Unclaimed life insurance benefits.
Section 59A-16-8 - Falsification, omission of records; misleading financial statements.
Section 59A-16-9 - Publication of nonstatutory financial statements.
Section 59A-16-10 - Defamation.
Section 59A-16-11 - Unfair discrimination prohibited; life and health insurance.
Section 59A-16-11.1 - Medical Insurance Pool Act; unfair referral.
Section 59A-16-12 - Discrimination in insurance.
Section 59A-16-12.1 - Discrimination on the basis of deterioration in health.
Section 59A-16-13 - Prohibiting sex discrimination in insurance.
Section 59A-16-13.1 - Craniomandibular and temporomandibular joint disorders.
Section 59A-16-13.2 - Discrimination on the basis of blindness.
Section 59A-16-14 - Coercion of business prohibited; notice required; charges prohibited.
Section 59A-16-17 - Discrimination, rebates and certain inducements prohibited; other coverages.
Section 59A-16-18 - Receipt of rebates and inducements; penalty.
Section 59A-16-19 - Monopolistic practices prohibited.
Section 59A-16-20 - Unfair claims practices defined and prohibited.
Section 59A-16-21.1 - Health plan requirements.
Section 59A-16-21.3 - Health care providers; surprise billing prohibited.
Section 59A-16-22 - Record of complaints required.
Section 59A-16-23 - False applications, claims, proofs of loss.
Section 59A-16-24 - Illegal dealing in premiums; excess charges for coverage.
Section 59A-16-25 - Knowledge of insurer of prohibited acts.
Section 59A-16-26 - Insurer name; deceptive use prohibited.
Section 59A-16-27 - Desist orders for prohibited practices.
Section 59A-16-28 - Procedure as to undefined practices.