A. An insurer shall pay promptly claims arising under its policies with checks or drafts, or, if a claimant requests, may pay by electronic transfer of funds. Without amending other statutes dealing with checks, drafts or electronic transfer of funds, a resident of New Mexico is granted a cause of action for ten percent of the amount of any check, draft or electronic transfer of funds that is not paid or lawfully rejected within ten days of forwarding by a New Mexico financial institution, but in no case to be less than five hundred dollars ($500) plus costs of suit and attorney fees. The insurer shall not be required to pay such civil damages for delay if it proves that the delay in processing and payment was caused by a financial institution or postal or delivery service and the check, draft or electronic transfer of funds was paid or lawfully rejected within forty-eight hours of actual receipt of the draft, check or electronic transfer of funds by the person on whom drawn.
B. Notwithstanding any provision of the Insurance Code [Chapter 59A NMSA 1978], any insurer issuing any policy, certificate or contract of insurance, surety, guaranty or indemnity of any kind or nature that fails for a period of forty-five days, after required proof of loss has been furnished, to pay to the person entitled the amount justly due shall be liable for the amount due and unpaid with interest on that amount at the rate of one and one-half times the prime lending rate for New Mexico banks during the period the claim is unpaid. Interest shall accrue, and the interest rate shall be determined, as of the forty-sixth day after the proof of loss was furnished.
C. Subsection B of this section shall not apply to any claims in arbitration or litigation.
History: Laws 1984, ch. 127, § 287; 1986, ch. 109, § 2; 1987, ch. 259, § 17; 2017, ch. 15, § 1; 2017, ch. 130, § 12; 2021, ch. 108, § 12.
Cross references. — For the Insurance Code, see 59A-1-1 NMSA 1978 and notes thereto.
The 2021 amendment, effective July 1, 2021, clarified that interest on a due and unpaid claim shall accrue during the period the claim is unpaid, and provided the date for determining the interest rate; and in Subsection B, after "prime lending rate", deleted "as determined by the superintendent", and after "the period the claim is unpaid", added "Interest shall accrue, and the interest rate shall be determined, as of the forty-sixth day after the proof of loss was furnished".
2017 Amendments. — Laws 2017, ch. 130, § 12, effective July 1, 2017, authorized insurers to pay claims by electronic fund transfer, and added "or electronic transfer of funds" throughout the section; in the catchline, added "or electronic transfer"; in Subsection A, after "checks or drafts", deleted "which", added "or, if a claimant requests, may pay by electronic transfer of funds, that", after "costs of suit and", changed "attorneys'" to "attorney"; and in Subsection B, after "indemnity of any kind or nature", deleted "which" and added "that".
Laws 2017, ch. 15, § 1, effective June 16, 2017, provided for electronic claims payment by insurers, and added "electronic transfer of funds" throughout the section; in the catchline, added "or electronic transfer"; in Subsection A, after "shall pay", added "promptly", after "checks or drafts", deleted "which are promptly paid" and added "or, if a claimant requests, may pay by electronic transfers", after "plus costs of suit and", deleted "attorneys'" and added "attorney"; and in Subsection B, after "indemnity of any kind or nature", deleted "which" and added "that".
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Article 16 - Trade Practices and Frauds
Section 59A-16-1 - Scope of article.
Section 59A-16-2 - Purpose of article.
Section 59A-16-3 - Practices and acts prohibited, in general.
Section 59A-16-4 - Misrepresentation, false advertising of policies.
Section 59A-16-5 - False information, advertising.
Section 59A-16-6 - "Twisting" prohibited.
Section 59A-16-7 - Replacement of life insurance.
Section 59A-16-7.1 - Unclaimed life insurance benefits.
Section 59A-16-8 - Falsification, omission of records; misleading financial statements.
Section 59A-16-9 - Publication of nonstatutory financial statements.
Section 59A-16-10 - Defamation.
Section 59A-16-11 - Unfair discrimination prohibited; life and health insurance.
Section 59A-16-11.1 - Medical Insurance Pool Act; unfair referral.
Section 59A-16-12 - Discrimination in insurance.
Section 59A-16-12.1 - Discrimination on the basis of deterioration in health.
Section 59A-16-13 - Prohibiting sex discrimination in insurance.
Section 59A-16-13.1 - Craniomandibular and temporomandibular joint disorders.
Section 59A-16-13.2 - Discrimination on the basis of blindness.
Section 59A-16-14 - Coercion of business prohibited; notice required; charges prohibited.
Section 59A-16-17 - Discrimination, rebates and certain inducements prohibited; other coverages.
Section 59A-16-18 - Receipt of rebates and inducements; penalty.
Section 59A-16-19 - Monopolistic practices prohibited.
Section 59A-16-20 - Unfair claims practices defined and prohibited.
Section 59A-16-21.1 - Health plan requirements.
Section 59A-16-21.3 - Health care providers; surprise billing prohibited.
Section 59A-16-22 - Record of complaints required.
Section 59A-16-23 - False applications, claims, proofs of loss.
Section 59A-16-24 - Illegal dealing in premiums; excess charges for coverage.
Section 59A-16-25 - Knowledge of insurer of prohibited acts.
Section 59A-16-26 - Insurer name; deceptive use prohibited.
Section 59A-16-27 - Desist orders for prohibited practices.
Section 59A-16-28 - Procedure as to undefined practices.