Repeals. — Laws 1987, ch. 254, § 27 repealed 29-2-5 NMSA 1978, as enacted by Laws 1941, ch. 147, § 5, relating to retention of chief and members of state police, effective July 1, 1987.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Section 29-2-1 - New Mexico state police created.
Section 29-2-1.1 - Definitions.
Section 29-2-3 - New Mexico state police; organization.
Section 29-2-4 - Appointments; removal.
Section 29-2-6 - Qualifications of members.
Section 29-2-7 - Commissioned officers; application; procedure.
Section 29-2-8 - New Mexico state police; commissioned officers; examination.
Section 29-2-9 - Probationary period; length; permanent commission; salary.
Section 29-2-11 - Disciplinary proceedings; appeal.
Section 29-2-13 - Uniforms and badges; uniform allowance to be set by secretary.
Section 29-2-16 - State police school; compensation.
Section 29-2-18 - State police chief and other members; powers and duties.
Section 29-2-19 - Chief; qualifications; removal.
Section 29-2-22 - Rulemaking power; rules to establish standards of conduct.
Section 29-2-25 - Accident reports.
Section 29-2-27 - Security for the governor and the legislature.
Section 29-2-28 - Provide concurrent jurisdiction of state property and grounds.