Repeals. — Laws 1979, ch. 202, § 53 repealed 29-2-23 NMSA 1978, as enacted by Laws 1941, Ch. 147, § 23, relating to the transfer of powers and duties in the bureau of identification of the department of justice to the technical services bureau of the criminal justice support division of the criminal justice department, effective July 1, 1979.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Section 29-2-1 - New Mexico state police created.
Section 29-2-1.1 - Definitions.
Section 29-2-3 - New Mexico state police; organization.
Section 29-2-4 - Appointments; removal.
Section 29-2-6 - Qualifications of members.
Section 29-2-7 - Commissioned officers; application; procedure.
Section 29-2-8 - New Mexico state police; commissioned officers; examination.
Section 29-2-9 - Probationary period; length; permanent commission; salary.
Section 29-2-11 - Disciplinary proceedings; appeal.
Section 29-2-13 - Uniforms and badges; uniform allowance to be set by secretary.
Section 29-2-16 - State police school; compensation.
Section 29-2-18 - State police chief and other members; powers and duties.
Section 29-2-19 - Chief; qualifications; removal.
Section 29-2-22 - Rulemaking power; rules to establish standards of conduct.
Section 29-2-23 - Repealed.
Section 29-2-25 - Accident reports.
Section 29-2-27 - Security for the governor and the legislature.
Section 29-2-28 - Provide concurrent jurisdiction of state property and grounds.