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Section 29-2-1 - New Mexico state police created. - There is created in the department of public safety the...
Section 29-2-1.1 - Definitions. - As used in Chapter 29 NMSA 1978: A. "chief" or...
Section 29-2-2 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1987, ch. 254, § 27 repealed 29-2-2...
Section 29-2-3 - New Mexico state police; organization. - The New Mexico state police shall consist of a chief...
Section 29-2-4 - Appointments; removal. - The chief of the New Mexico state police shall be...
Section 29-2-4.1 - Rules. - The secretary shall promulgate rules governing employment and operating practices...
Section 29-2-5 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1987, ch. 254, § 27 repealed 29-2-5...
Section 29-2-6 - Qualifications of members. - A. Members of the New Mexico state police, except the...
Section 29-2-7 - Commissioned officers; application; procedure. - The New Mexico state police shall cause all applicants for...
Section 29-2-8 - New Mexico state police; commissioned officers; examination. - The New Mexico state police shall conduct a written examination...
Section 29-2-9 - Probationary period; length; permanent commission; salary. - A. All new appointments as members of the New Mexico...
Section 29-2-10 - Promotions. - All promotions in the New Mexico state police to the...
Section 29-2-11 - Disciplinary proceedings; appeal. - A. A New Mexico state police officer holding a permanent...
Section 29-2-12 - Oath. - All members of the New Mexico state police and the...
Section 29-2-13 - Uniforms and badges; uniform allowance to be set by secretary. - A suitable and distinctive uniform shall be prescribed by the...
Section 29-2-14 - Unauthorized wearing of uniform or badge; unauthorized marking of motor vehicle; penalty. - A. Unauthorized wearing of uniform or badge consists of the...
Section 29-2-15 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1987, ch. 254, § 27 repealed 29-2-15...
Section 29-2-16 - State police school; compensation. - A. Before entering upon the appointee's duties, every appointee to...
Section 29-2-17 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1979, ch. 202, § 53, repealed 29-2-17...
Section 29-2-18 - State police chief and other members; powers and duties. - A. The chief and other members of the New Mexico...
Section 29-2-19 - Chief; qualifications; removal. - A. The chief is the executive officer of the New...
Section 29-2-20 - Districts. - The New Mexico state police chief, subject to the control...
Section 29-2-21 - Details. - The governor of New Mexico may from time to time...
Section 29-2-22 - Rulemaking power; rules to establish standards of conduct. - The secretary has authority to make and promulgate rules and...
Section 29-2-23 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1979, ch. 202, § 53 repealed 29-2-23...
Section 29-2-24 - Waiver. - The provisions of Sections 29-2-6 through 29-2-8 NMSA 1978 may...
Section 29-2-25 - Accident reports. - When any member of the New Mexico state police investigates...
Section 29-2-26 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1979, ch. 202, § 53 repealed 29-2-26...
Section 29-2-27 - Security for the governor and the legislature. - A. The New Mexico state police shall provide security and...
Section 29-2-28 - Provide concurrent jurisdiction of state property and grounds. - The New Mexico state police shall have concurrent jurisdiction for...
Section 29-2-29 - State police; group life insurance. - Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 10-7-4 NMSA 1978 and in...