New Mexico Statutes
Article 6 - State and County Fairs
Section 16-6-30 - [Tax levy; redemption fund; procedure for redeeming bonds.]

Upon the issuance of bi-state fair association bonds the board of county commissioners shall forthwith levy a tax sufficient to pay the interest and to discharge said bonds, as and when same are due and payable.
It shall be the duty of the county treasurer to keep said interest and redemption fund separate and distinct, and when there are sufficient monies in his hands to the credit of said fund to pay in full the principal and interest of any bonds issued under this act [16-6-25 through 16-6-30 NMSA 1978], to immediately call in and pay as many of such bonds, with accrued interest thereon, as such funds in his hands will liquidate. Such bonds shall be paid in order of their number, and when it is desired to redeem any of such bonds the county treasurer shall cause to be published in two weekly issues of some daily or weekly newspaper published in the county a notice stating that certain bi-state fair association bonds of Curry county by numbers and amounts will be paid on presentation, and that at the expiration of fifteen (15) days after the last publication of notice herein provided such bonds shall cease to bear interest, and when any bonds or coupons issued under this act are redeemed, it shall be the duty of the county treasurer to certify his action to the board of county commissioners, who shall cancel the bonds by punching holes through all the signatures of the bonds and coupons, so that they can be plainly identified.
History: 1941 Comp., § 48-2129, enacted by Laws 1947, ch. 152, § 6; 1953 Comp., § 45-20-29.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 16 - Parks, Recreation and Fairs

Article 6 - State and County Fairs

Section 16-6-1 - State fair commission; members; appointment; number; qualification; terms; oath; bond.

Section 16-6-2 - [Payment of premiums on bonds.]

Section 16-6-3 - Disqualification of commissioners; organization of commission; secretary and treasurer.

Section 16-6-3.1 - Budget review requirements.

Section 16-6-4 - Powers and duties of commission; annual fair; exhibits; premiums.

Section 16-6-5 - State fair commission administratively attached to tourism department.

Section 16-6-6 - [Annual meeting; election of officers; financial report to governor.]

Section 16-6-7 - [Annual appropriation; Albuquerque contribution.]

Section 16-6-8 - Repealed.

Section 16-6-9 - Appropriation; how paid to the commission.

Section 16-6-10 - Fair commission; expenses.

Section 16-6-11 - [Corporate powers of fair commission.]

Section 16-6-12 - [Contracts; financial interest by commissioner; effect; penalty.]

Section 16-6-13 - [Additional powers of fair commission; definitions.]

Section 16-6-14 - [Creating New Mexico state fair, a separate and independent legal entity.]

Section 16-6-15 - Additional powers.

Section 16-6-16 - Issuance of negotiable bonds; terms.

Section 16-6-17 - Powers to secure bonds.

Section 16-6-18 - Moneys of New Mexico state fair.

Section 16-6-19 - Validity of bonds.

Section 16-6-20 - Prohibitions against obligating state of New Mexico.

Section 16-6-21 - Bonds obligations of New Mexico state fair.

Section 16-6-22 - Supplemental nature of act, construction and purpose.

Section 16-6-23 - [Eastern New Mexico state fair; purposes; exhibits.]

Section 16-6-24 - [Reorganization of Chaves county cotton carnival.]

Section 16-6-25 - [Authorization for holding of an annual bi-state fair in Curry county.]

Section 16-6-26 - [Bi-state fair association.]

Section 16-6-27 - [Bond issue election; ballot; notice; voters; sale of bonds.]

Section 16-6-28 - [Declaration that bi-state fair association buildings are necessary public buildings.]

Section 16-6-29 - [Contesting validity of proceedings; limitation.]

Section 16-6-30 - [Tax levy; redemption fund; procedure for redeeming bonds.]

Section 16-6-31 - [Ownership and maintenance of real and personal property.]

Section 16-6-32 - Advisory committee created; appointments; staggered terms of members; duties.