The following terms, wherever used or referred to in this act [16-6-13 to 16-6-22 NMSA 1978], shall have the following meaning unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context:
A. the term "bonds" shall mean any bonds of the New Mexico state fair issued pursuant to this act;
B. the term "project" shall mean and include buildings, structures, improvements and equipment of every kind, nature and description, which may be required by or convenient for the purpose of the New Mexico state fair, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, administration, exhibition, recreation, or parts thereof, or additions thereto, heat, light, or systems, or parts thereof, or extensions thereto; greenhouses, farm exhibition building, stock pens, stable, grounds or parts thereof; or additions thereto; or any one, or more than one, or all of the foregoing, or any combination thereof; or such other buildings, pens, stalls or improvements as the fair commission shall by a majority of the members deem necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and of Chapter 46, Laws of 1913 (Sections 16-6-1 to 16-6-4, 16-6-6 to 16-6-9, 16-6-11, 16-6-12 NMSA 1978), and all amendments thereof;
C. the term "to acquire" shall include to purchase, to erect, to build, to construct, to reconstruct, to repair, to replace, to extend, to better, to equip, to develop, to improve and to embellish a project;
D. the term "Recovery Act" shall mean the act of the congress of the United States of America, approved June 16, 1933, entitled: "An act to encourage national industrial recovery, to foster fair competition, and to provide for the construction of certain useful public works and for other purposes," and acts amendatory thereof and acts supplemental thereto, and revisions thereof, and any further acts of the congress of the United States to encourage public works or to reduce unemployment and providing for the making of loans or grants or both;
E. the term "federal agency" shall mean the United States of America, the president of the United States of America, the federal emergency administrator of public works, or such other agency or agencies as may have been designated or may be designated or created to make loans or grants or both pursuant to the Recovery Act;
F. the term "commission" shall mean the fair commission as appointed by the governor under Chapter 46 of the Laws of 1913.
History: Laws 1935, ch. 69, § 1; 1941 Comp., § 48-2112; 1953 Comp., § 45-20-12.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.
Compiler's notes. — The National Industrial Recovery Act of June 16, 1933, referred to in Subsections D and E, was declared unconstitutional. Present provisions relating to economic recovery are compiled as 15 U.S.C. § 712a et seq.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — Exemption from taxation of property of agricultural fair society or association, 89 A.L.R.2d 1104.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Chapter 16 - Parks, Recreation and Fairs
Article 6 - State and County Fairs
Section 16-6-2 - [Payment of premiums on bonds.]
Section 16-6-3.1 - Budget review requirements.
Section 16-6-4 - Powers and duties of commission; annual fair; exhibits; premiums.
Section 16-6-5 - State fair commission administratively attached to tourism department.
Section 16-6-6 - [Annual meeting; election of officers; financial report to governor.]
Section 16-6-7 - [Annual appropriation; Albuquerque contribution.]
Section 16-6-9 - Appropriation; how paid to the commission.
Section 16-6-10 - Fair commission; expenses.
Section 16-6-11 - [Corporate powers of fair commission.]
Section 16-6-12 - [Contracts; financial interest by commissioner; effect; penalty.]
Section 16-6-13 - [Additional powers of fair commission; definitions.]
Section 16-6-14 - [Creating New Mexico state fair, a separate and independent legal entity.]
Section 16-6-15 - Additional powers.
Section 16-6-16 - Issuance of negotiable bonds; terms.
Section 16-6-17 - Powers to secure bonds.
Section 16-6-18 - Moneys of New Mexico state fair.
Section 16-6-19 - Validity of bonds.
Section 16-6-20 - Prohibitions against obligating state of New Mexico.
Section 16-6-21 - Bonds obligations of New Mexico state fair.
Section 16-6-22 - Supplemental nature of act, construction and purpose.
Section 16-6-23 - [Eastern New Mexico state fair; purposes; exhibits.]
Section 16-6-24 - [Reorganization of Chaves county cotton carnival.]
Section 16-6-25 - [Authorization for holding of an annual bi-state fair in Curry county.]
Section 16-6-26 - [Bi-state fair association.]
Section 16-6-27 - [Bond issue election; ballot; notice; voters; sale of bonds.]
Section 16-6-29 - [Contesting validity of proceedings; limitation.]
Section 16-6-30 - [Tax levy; redemption fund; procedure for redeeming bonds.]
Section 16-6-31 - [Ownership and maintenance of real and personal property.]
Section 16-6-32 - Advisory committee created; appointments; staggered terms of members; duties.