Members of the state fair commission shall receive no salary, but each member shall receive per diem and mileage pursuant to the Per Diem and Mileage Act [10-8-1 to 10-8-8 NMSA 1978].
History: 1953 Comp., § 45-20-9, enacted by Laws 1961, ch. 110, § 1; 2003, ch. 215, § 2.
Repeals and reenactments. — Laws 1961, ch. 110, § 1, repealed 45-20-9, 1953 Comp., relating to compensation for commissioners, and enacted a new section.
The 2003 amendment, effective July 1, 2003, substituted "per diem and mileage pursuant to the Per Diem and Mileage Act" for "fifteen dollars ($15.00) per diem while engaged in the performance of his official duties for the commission. Members shall also receive reimbursement for travel expenses at the rate of eight cents ($.08) a mile for attending meetings or traveling in connection with their duties" at the end of the section.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Chapter 16 - Parks, Recreation and Fairs
Article 6 - State and County Fairs
Section 16-6-2 - [Payment of premiums on bonds.]
Section 16-6-3.1 - Budget review requirements.
Section 16-6-4 - Powers and duties of commission; annual fair; exhibits; premiums.
Section 16-6-5 - State fair commission administratively attached to tourism department.
Section 16-6-6 - [Annual meeting; election of officers; financial report to governor.]
Section 16-6-7 - [Annual appropriation; Albuquerque contribution.]
Section 16-6-9 - Appropriation; how paid to the commission.
Section 16-6-10 - Fair commission; expenses.
Section 16-6-11 - [Corporate powers of fair commission.]
Section 16-6-12 - [Contracts; financial interest by commissioner; effect; penalty.]
Section 16-6-13 - [Additional powers of fair commission; definitions.]
Section 16-6-14 - [Creating New Mexico state fair, a separate and independent legal entity.]
Section 16-6-15 - Additional powers.
Section 16-6-16 - Issuance of negotiable bonds; terms.
Section 16-6-17 - Powers to secure bonds.
Section 16-6-18 - Moneys of New Mexico state fair.
Section 16-6-19 - Validity of bonds.
Section 16-6-20 - Prohibitions against obligating state of New Mexico.
Section 16-6-21 - Bonds obligations of New Mexico state fair.
Section 16-6-22 - Supplemental nature of act, construction and purpose.
Section 16-6-23 - [Eastern New Mexico state fair; purposes; exhibits.]
Section 16-6-24 - [Reorganization of Chaves county cotton carnival.]
Section 16-6-25 - [Authorization for holding of an annual bi-state fair in Curry county.]
Section 16-6-26 - [Bi-state fair association.]
Section 16-6-27 - [Bond issue election; ballot; notice; voters; sale of bonds.]
Section 16-6-29 - [Contesting validity of proceedings; limitation.]
Section 16-6-30 - [Tax levy; redemption fund; procedure for redeeming bonds.]
Section 16-6-31 - [Ownership and maintenance of real and personal property.]
Section 16-6-32 - Advisory committee created; appointments; staggered terms of members; duties.