New Mexico Statutes
Article 2 - State Parks Division
Section 16-2-9 - Concessions in parks; contracts; board of finance approval.

The secretary has the power to grant concessions in [the] state parks and recreation areas upon such rentals, fees or percentage of income or profits as he may prescribe, but not for a longer period than thirty years. All concessions shall be evidenced by a written contract, the faithful performance of which shall be secured by such bond as the secretary may prescribe. No contract granting a concession shall be effective until it has been approved by the state board of finance.
History: Laws 1935, ch. 57, § 9; 1941 Comp., § 4-109; 1953 Comp., § 4-9-9; Laws 1961, ch. 114, § 1; 1963, ch. 98, § 9; 1973, ch. 81, § 1; 1977, ch. 254, § 19; 1987, ch. 234, § 16.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.
The 1987 amendment, effective July 1, 1987, substituted "secretary" for "director" near the beginning of the first sentence and near the end of the second sentence.
Procedure in granting concession contracts. — The state park commission (now the state parks division) need not advertise or invite bids from prospective licensees but may negotiate and exercise its discretionary authority in granting concession contracts. 1960 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 60-12.

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 16 - Parks, Recreation and Fairs

Article 2 - State Parks Division

Section 16-2-1 - Repealed.

Section 16-2-2 - State parks advisory board created; membership; compensation; duties.

Section 16-2-2.1 - State park volunteers.

Section 16-2-3 - Meaning of designations.

Section 16-2-4 - Repealed.

Section 16-2-5 - Director of division; qualifications.

Section 16-2-6 - Repealed.

Section 16-2-7 - Rules and regulations.

Section 16-2-7.1 - Free state park passes to disabled veterans.

Section 16-2-8 - Repealed.

Section 16-2-9 - Concessions in parks; contracts; board of finance approval.

Section 16-2-9.1 - State park passes; vendors.

Section 16-2-10 - Secretary and employees prohibited from having interest in concessions.

Section 16-2-11 - Acquisition of lands for park and recreational purposes; criteria.

Section 16-2-12 - Acquisition of federal land for park and recreational uses.

Section 16-2-13 - Title to park and recreational lands; acceptance.

Section 16-2-14 - Prior donations and grants accepted and confirmed.

Section 16-2-15 - Secretary's power to authorize transfer of park lands.

Section 16-2-15.1 - Elephant Butte lake lease lot lands; release of lease with federal government.

Section 16-2-16 - Procedure for transfer of park lands or recreational areas to state agencies, institutions or public bodies.

Section 16-2-17 - Repealed.

Section 16-2-18 - Acceptance of donations of money, equipment or material.

Section 16-2-19 - State park and recreation revenues; source and disbursement.

Section 16-2-19.1 - Motorboat fuel tax fund; appropriation.

Section 16-2-20 - Short title.

Section 16-2-21 - Purpose of act.

Section 16-2-22 - Bonding authority.

Section 16-2-23 - Form of bonds.

Section 16-2-24 - Sale of bonds.

Section 16-2-25 - Proceeds from sale of bonds.

Section 16-2-26 - Construction.

Section 16-2-27 - Tax exemptions.

Section 16-2-28 - Refunding.

Section 16-2-29 - Security; retirement of bonds.

Section 16-2-30 - Police powers vested in director and state parks employees designated by the secretary.

Section 16-2-31 - Repealed.

Section 16-2-32 - Criminal offenses; penalty.

Section 16-2-33 - State parks division penalty assessment misdemeanors; definition; schedule of assessments.