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Section 16-2-1 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1987, ch. 234, § 84 repealed 16-2-1...
Section 16-2-2 - State parks advisory board created; membership; compensation; duties. - A. The "advisory board" to the state parks division of...
Section 16-2-2.1 - State park volunteers. - A. The state parks division of the energy, minerals and...
Section 16-2-3 - Meaning of designations. - Wherever in the laws of New Mexico, whether or not...
Section 16-2-4 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1987, ch. 234, § 84 repealeds 16-2-4...
Section 16-2-5 - Director of division; qualifications. - The director of the state park and recreation division [state...
Section 16-2-6 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1987, ch. 234, § 84 repealed 16-2-6...
Section 16-2-7 - Rules and regulations. - The secretary shall promulgate and adopt rules for each park...
Section 16-2-7.1 - Free state park passes to disabled veterans. - A. The state parks division of the energy, minerals and...
Section 16-2-8 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1987, ch. 234, § 84 repealed 16-2-8...
Section 16-2-9 - Concessions in parks; contracts; board of finance approval. - The secretary has the power to grant concessions in [the]...
Section 16-2-9.1 - State park passes; vendors. - The director of the state parks division of the energy,...
Section 16-2-10 - Secretary and employees prohibited from having interest in concessions. - Neither the secretary nor any member of the energy, minerals...
Section 16-2-11 - Acquisition of lands for park and recreational purposes; criteria. - A. The state is authorized to acquire lands or interests...
Section 16-2-12 - Acquisition of federal land for park and recreational uses. - The legislature of New Mexico, taking cognizance that the federal...
Section 16-2-13 - Title to park and recreational lands; acceptance. - Title to or right in property to be used for...
Section 16-2-14 - Prior donations and grants accepted and confirmed. - Lands heretofore donated or granted to the state or its...
Section 16-2-15 - Secretary's power to authorize transfer of park lands. - The secretary has the right to authorize the commissioner of...
Section 16-2-15.1 - Elephant Butte lake lease lot lands; release of lease with federal government. - The director of the state park and recreation division [state...
Section 16-2-16 - Procedure for transfer of park lands or recreational areas to state agencies, institutions or public bodies. - Upon receipt of written notification from the secretary containing a...
Section 16-2-17 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1987, ch. 234, § 84 repealed 16-2-17...
Section 16-2-18 - Acceptance of donations of money, equipment or material. - A. The state is authorized to receive and accept gifts,...
Section 16-2-19 - State park and recreation revenues; source and disbursement. - All money derived from the operation of state parks or...
Section 16-2-19.1 - Motorboat fuel tax fund; appropriation. - There is created in the state treasury the "motorboat fuel...
Section 16-2-20 - Short title. - This act [16-2-20 to 16-2-29 NMSA 1978] may be cited...
Section 16-2-21 - Purpose of act. - The purpose of the State Park and Recreation Bond Act...
Section 16-2-22 - Bonding authority. - Whenever the secretary determines by written order that it is...
Section 16-2-23 - Form of bonds. - The state park and recreation division [state parks division], except...
Section 16-2-24 - Sale of bonds. - Bonds issued under this State Park and Recreation Bond Act...
Section 16-2-25 - Proceeds from sale of bonds. - Proceeds from the sale of bonds issued under this State...
Section 16-2-26 - Construction. - This State Park and Recreation Bond Act [16-2-20 to 16-2-29...
Section 16-2-27 - Tax exemptions. - The principal and income of bonds issued under the State...
Section 16-2-28 - Refunding. - Any bonds issued under the State Park and Recreation Bond...
Section 16-2-29 - Security; retirement of bonds. - The state park and recreation division [state parks division] of...
Section 16-2-30 - Police powers vested in director and state parks employees designated by the secretary. - A. The director of the state parks division and state...
Section 16-2-31 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1987, ch. 234, § 84 repealed 16-2-31...
Section 16-2-32 - Criminal offenses; penalty. - A person who commits any of the following acts is...
Section 16-2-33 - State parks division penalty assessment misdemeanors; definition; schedule of assessments. - A. As used in Chapter 16, Article 2 NMSA 1978,...