A. The "advisory board" to the state parks division of the energy, minerals and natural resources department is created. It shall be composed of seven to eleven members appointed by the governor.
B. The advisory board shall provide advice and make recommendations relating to the administration of the state parks division. It shall advise on all matters of policy, regulations, the formulation of a comprehensive statewide recreation plan and such other matters as may be requested by the director of that division.
C. The advisory board shall meet quarterly or at the call of the chairman.
D. Each member of the advisory board shall annually elect a chairman and vice chairman from its membership. The director of the state parks division shall serve as the executive secretary of the board.
History: 1978 Comp., § 16-2-2, enacted by Laws 1977, ch. 254, § 113; 1987, ch. 234, § 12; 2005, ch. 228 , § 1.
The 2005 amendment, effective June 17, 2005, changed "advisory committee" to "advisory board".
The 1987 amendment, effective July 1, 1987, inserted "advisory" preceding "committee" once in each subsection; in Subsections A and D, inserted "energy, minerals and" preceding "natural resources"; in Subsection B, inserted "state park and recreation" preceding "division" near the end of the first sentence and made a minor language change in the second sentence.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — State's liability for personal injuries from criminal attack in state park, 59 A.L.R.4th 1236.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Chapter 16 - Parks, Recreation and Fairs
Article 2 - State Parks Division
Section 16-2-2 - State parks advisory board created; membership; compensation; duties.
Section 16-2-2.1 - State park volunteers.
Section 16-2-3 - Meaning of designations.
Section 16-2-5 - Director of division; qualifications.
Section 16-2-7 - Rules and regulations.
Section 16-2-7.1 - Free state park passes to disabled veterans.
Section 16-2-9 - Concessions in parks; contracts; board of finance approval.
Section 16-2-9.1 - State park passes; vendors.
Section 16-2-10 - Secretary and employees prohibited from having interest in concessions.
Section 16-2-11 - Acquisition of lands for park and recreational purposes; criteria.
Section 16-2-12 - Acquisition of federal land for park and recreational uses.
Section 16-2-13 - Title to park and recreational lands; acceptance.
Section 16-2-14 - Prior donations and grants accepted and confirmed.
Section 16-2-15 - Secretary's power to authorize transfer of park lands.
Section 16-2-15.1 - Elephant Butte lake lease lot lands; release of lease with federal government.
Section 16-2-18 - Acceptance of donations of money, equipment or material.
Section 16-2-19 - State park and recreation revenues; source and disbursement.
Section 16-2-19.1 - Motorboat fuel tax fund; appropriation.
Section 16-2-20 - Short title.
Section 16-2-21 - Purpose of act.
Section 16-2-22 - Bonding authority.
Section 16-2-23 - Form of bonds.
Section 16-2-24 - Sale of bonds.
Section 16-2-25 - Proceeds from sale of bonds.
Section 16-2-26 - Construction.
Section 16-2-27 - Tax exemptions.
Section 16-2-29 - Security; retirement of bonds.