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Section 16-3-1 - Short title. - This act [16-3-1 to 16-3-9 NMSA 1978] may be cited...
Section 16-3-2 - Definitions. - As used in the State Trails System Act: A. "local...
Section 16-3-3 - Purpose. - The purpose of the State Trails System Act is to...
Section 16-3-4 - State trails system created; types of trails; planning. - A. There is created a "state trails system" composed of:...
Section 16-3-5 - Secretary to supervise planning, construction, operation and maintenance of trails system; powers and duties. - A. The secretary shall: (1) adopt and regularly review and...
Section 16-3-6 - Trails on federal lands; coordination with national trails system. - A. The secretary may establish and designate state recreational, scenic,...
Section 16-3-7 - Violations; penalties. - Each person is guilty of a misdemeanor who shall: A....
Section 16-3-8 - Additional means of enforcement. - As an additional means of enforcing the provisions of the...
Section 16-3-9 - Limitation of liability of owners of land used for recreational purposes. - No person or corporation, or their successors in interest, who...