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Chapter 1. Basic Rights
Part 1. Basic Personal Rights
49-1-101. Right of protection from personal injury - 49-1-101. Right of protection from personal injury. Besides the personal...
49-1-102. Freedom from discrimination - 49-1-102. Freedom from discrimination. (1) The right to be free...
49-1-103. Right to use force - 49-1-103. Right to use force. Any necessary force may be...
Part 2. Basic Political Rights
49-1-201. Right to state's protection - 49-1-201. Right to state's protection. Every person while within the...
49-1-202. Right to hold elected office - 49-1-202. Right to hold elected office. Every elector is eligible...
49-1-203. Rights and duties of electors as compared to nonelectors - 49-1-203. Rights and duties of electors as compared to nonelectors....
49-1-204. Rights and duties of citizens of other states - 49-1-204. Rights and duties of citizens of other states. A...
Chapter 2. Illegal Discrimination
Part 1. General Provisions
49-2-101. Definitions - 49-2-101. Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context...
49-2-102. Records to be kept - 49-2-102. Records to be kept. The state, employers, labor organizations,...
Part 2. Commission for Human Rights
49-2-201. Repealed - 49-2-201. Repealed. Sec. 18, Ch. 467, L. 1997. History: (1)En....
49-2-202. Authority to require posted notice - 49-2-202. Authority to require posted notice. The commission may require...
49-2-203. Subpoena power of department and commissioner - 49-2-203. Subpoena power of department and commissioner. (1) The department...
49-2-204. Rules - 49-2-204. Rules. (1) The commission shall adopt procedural and substantive...
49-2-205. Purpose - 49-2-205. Purpose. It is the intent of the legislature that...
49-2-206. through 49-2-209 reserved - 49-2-206 through 49-2-209 reserved.
49-2-210. Enforcement - 49-2-210. Enforcement. (1) When a possible violation of this chapter...
Part 3. Prohibited Discriminatory Practices
49-2-301. Retaliation prohibited - 49-2-301. Retaliation prohibited. It is an unlawful discriminatory practice for...
49-2-302. Aiding, coercing, or attempting - 49-2-302. Aiding, coercing, or attempting. It is unlawful for a...
49-2-303. Discrimination in employment - 49-2-303. Discrimination in employment. (1) It is an unlawful discriminatory...
49-2-304. Discrimination in public accommodations - 49-2-304. Discrimination in public accommodations. (1) Except when the distinction...
49-2-305. Discrimination in housing -- exemptions - 49-2-305. Discrimination in housing -- exemptions. (1) It is an...
49-2-306. Discrimination in financing and credit transactions - 49-2-306. Discrimination in financing and credit transactions. (1) It is...
49-2-307. Discrimination in education - 49-2-307. Discrimination in education. It is an unlawful discriminatory practice...
49-2-308. Discrimination by the state - 49-2-308. Discrimination by the state. (1) It is an unlawful...
49-2-309. Discrimination in insurance and retirement plans - 49-2-309. Discrimination in insurance and retirement plans. (1) A financial...
49-2-310. Maternity leave -- unlawful acts of employers - 49-2-310. Maternity leave -- unlawful acts of employers. It is...
49-2-311. Reinstatement to job following pregnancy-related leave of absence - 49-2-311. Reinstatement to job following pregnancy-related leave of absence. Upon...
49-2-312. Discrimination based on vaccination status or possession of immunity passport prohibited -- definitions - 49-2-312. Discrimination based on vaccination status or possession of immunity...
49-2-313. Exemption - 49-2-313. Exemption. A licensed nursing home, long-term care facility, or...
Part 4. Exceptions to Prohibitions
49-2-401. Repealed - 49-2-401. Repealed. Sec. 11, Ch. 801, L. 1991. History: En....
49-2-402. "Reasonable" to be strictly construed - 49-2-402. "Reasonable" to be strictly construed. Any grounds urged as...
49-2-403. Specific limits on justification - 49-2-403. Specific limits on justification. (1) Except as permitted in...
49-2-404. Distinctions permitted for modesty or privacy - 49-2-404. Distinctions permitted for modesty or privacy. Separate lavatory, bathing,...
49-2-405. Veterans' and persons with disabilities employment preference - 49-2-405. Veterans' and persons with disabilities employment preference. The application...
Part 5. Enforcement
49-2-501. Filing complaints - 49-2-501. Filing complaints. (1) A person claiming to be aggrieved...
49-2-502. Repealed - 49-2-502. Repealed. Sec. 18, Ch. 467, L. 1997. History: En....
49-2-503. Temporary relief by court order - 49-2-503. Temporary relief by court order. At any time after...
49-2-504. Informal investigation -- conciliation -- findings - 49-2-504. Informal investigation -- conciliation -- findings. (1) The department...
49-2-505. Contested case hearing -- appeal to commission -- final agency decision - 49-2-505. Contested case hearing -- appeal to commission -- final...
49-2-506. Procedure upon decision finding discrimination - 49-2-506. Procedure upon decision finding discrimination. (1) If the hearings...
49-2-507. Repealed - 49-2-507. Repealed. Sec. 10, Ch. 28, L. 2007. History: En....
49-2-508. Enforcement of commission or department order or conciliation agreement - 49-2-508. Enforcement of commission or department order or conciliation agreement....
49-2-509. Repealed - 49-2-509. Repealed. Sec. 10, Ch. 28, L. 2007. History: En....
49-2-510. Procedures and remedies for enforcement of housing discrimination laws - 49-2-510. Procedures and remedies for enforcement of housing discrimination laws....
49-2-511. Dismissal after informal proceedings -- filing of objections -- procedures -- action in district court - 49-2-511. Dismissal after informal proceedings -- filing of objections --...
49-2-512. Filing in district court -- compliance with administrative procedures required - 49-2-512. Filing in district court -- compliance with administrative procedures...
Part 6. Penalties
49-2-601. Criminal penalty - 49-2-601. Criminal penalty. A person, educational institution, or financial institution,...
49-2-602. Intimidation or interference in right to be free from housing discrimination -- penalties - 49-2-602. Intimidation or interference in right to be free from...
Chapter 3. Governmental Code of Fair Practices
49-3-101. Definitions - 49-3-101. Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following definitions...
49-3-102. What local governmental units affected - 49-3-102. What local governmental units affected. Local governmental units affected...
49-3-103. Permitted distinctions - 49-3-103. Permitted distinctions. (1) Nothing in this chapter prohibits any...
49-3-104. Quotas not required - 49-3-104. Quotas not required. Nothing in this chapter shall be...
49-3-105. Repealed - 49-3-105. Repealed. Sec. 11, Ch. 801, L. 1991. History: En....
49-3-106. Rulemaking authority - 49-3-106. Rulemaking authority. The commission may adopt rules necessary for...
Part 2. Duties of Governmental Agencies and Officials
49-3-201. Employment of state and local government personnel - 49-3-201. Employment of state and local government personnel. (1) State...
49-3-202. Employment referrals and placement services - 49-3-202. Employment referrals and placement services. (1) All state and...
49-3-203. Educational, counseling, and training programs - 49-3-203. Educational, counseling, and training programs. All educational, counseling, and...
49-3-204. Licensing - 49-3-204. Licensing. (1) A state or local governmental agency may...
49-3-205. Governmental services - 49-3-205. Governmental services. (1) All services of every state or...
49-3-206. Distribution of governmental funds - 49-3-206. Distribution of governmental funds. Race, color, religion, creed, political...
49-3-207. Nondiscrimination provision in all public contracts - 49-3-207. Nondiscrimination provision in all public contracts. Every state or...
49-3-208. Public accommodations laws - 49-3-208. Public accommodations laws. No state or local governmental agency...
49-3-209. Retaliation prohibited - 49-3-209. Retaliation prohibited. It is an unlawful discriminatory practice for...
Part 3. Enforcement and Remedies
49-3-301. Cooperation with commission for human rights - 49-3-301. Cooperation with commission for human rights. All state and...
49-3-302. Repealed - 49-3-302. Repealed. Sec. 3, Ch. 370, L. 1989. History: En....
49-3-303. Repealed - 49-3-303. Repealed. Sec. 14, Ch. 540, L. 1983. History: En....
49-3-304. Repealed - 49-3-304. Repealed. Sec. 18, Ch. 467, L. 1997. History: En....
49-3-305. Repealed - 49-3-305. Repealed. Sec. 18, Ch. 467, L. 1997. History: En....
49-3-306. Repealed - 49-3-306. Repealed. Sec. 18, Ch. 467, L. 1997. History: En....
49-3-307. Repealed - 49-3-307. Repealed. Sec. 18, Ch. 467, L. 1997. History: En....
49-3-308. Repealed - 49-3-308. Repealed. Sec. 18, Ch. 467, L. 1997. History: En....
49-3-309. Repealed - 49-3-309. Repealed. Sec. 18, Ch. 467, L. 1997. History: En....
49-3-310. Repealed - 49-3-310. Repealed. Sec. 18, Ch. 467, L. 1997. History: En....
49-3-311. Repealed - 49-3-311. Repealed. Sec. 18, Ch. 467, L. 1997. History: En....
49-3-312. Repealed - 49-3-312. Repealed. Sec. 18, Ch. 467, L. 1997. History: En....
49-3-313. and 49-3-314 reserved - 49-3-313 and 49-3-314 reserved.
49-3-315. Enforcement and remedies - 49-3-315. Enforcement and remedies. The procedures set forth in chapter...
Chapter 4. Rights of Persons With Disabilities
Part 1. Discrimination in Employment
49-4-101. Discrimination prohibited - 49-4-101. Discrimination prohibited. It is unlawful to discriminate, in hiring...
49-4-102. Penalty and civil remedy - 49-4-102. Penalty and civil remedy. A person who practices discrimination...
Part 2. Rights of the Physically Disabled
49-4-201. Repealed - 49-4-201. Repealed. Sec. 11, Ch. 239, L. 1983. History: En....
49-4-202. Policy of the state - 49-4-202. Policy of the state. It is the policy of...
49-4-203. Definitions - 49-4-203. Definitions. (1) "Housing accommodation" means any real property or...
49-4-204. through 49-4-210 reserved - 49-4-204 through 49-4-210 reserved.
49-4-211. Right to use public places and accommodations - 49-4-211. Right to use public places and accommodations. (1) The...
49-4-212. Access to housing accommodations - 49-4-212. Access to housing accommodations. Blind, visually impaired, and deaf...
49-4-213. Use of white or metallic-colored canes restricted to the blind - 49-4-213. Use of white or metallic-colored canes restricted to the...
49-4-214. Right to be accompanied by service animal -- identification for service animals in training - 49-4-214. Right to be accompanied by service animal -- identification...
49-4-215. Penalty for violating rights - 49-4-215. Penalty for violating rights. Any person, firm, or corporation...
49-4-216. Duty and civil liability of pedestrian or driver approaching blind person - 49-4-216. Duty and civil liability of pedestrian or driver approaching...
49-4-217. Penalty for violation of duty or unauthorized use of cane - 49-4-217. Penalty for violation of duty or unauthorized use of...
49-4-218. through 49-4-220 reserved - 49-4-218 through 49-4-220 reserved.
49-4-221. Misrepresentation of a service animal -- complaint -- investigation - 49-4-221. Misrepresentation of a service animal -- complaint -- investigation....
49-4-222. Misrepresentation of a service animal -- misdemeanor -- penalty - 49-4-222. Misrepresentation of a service animal -- misdemeanor -- penalty....
Part 3. Disability Parking Permits
49-4-301. Eligibility for disability parking permit - 49-4-301. Eligibility for disability parking permit. (1) The department of...
49-4-302. Privileges of permitholder -- privilege for disabled veteran -- exemptions from time limits -- requirements for accessible parking spaces - 49-4-302. Privileges of permitholder -- privilege for disabled veteran --...
49-4-303. Issuance of interim disability parking permit - 49-4-303. Issuance of interim disability parking permit. A licensed physician,...
49-4-304. Disability license plate or placard to be provided and displayed -- additional placards allowed -- rulemaking required - 49-4-304. Disability license plate or placard to be provided and...
49-4-305. Expiration of permit - 49-4-305. Expiration of permit. (1) Except as provided in 49-4-303...
49-4-306. Department of justice to publicize permit - 49-4-306. Department of justice to publicize permit. (1) The department...
49-4-307. Penalty - 49-4-307. Penalty. A person who parks a motor vehicle or...
49-4-308. and 49-4-309 reserved - 49-4-308 and 49-4-309 reserved.
49-4-310. Disability parking permit for long-term care facility - 49-4-310. Disability parking permit for long-term care facility. A long-term...
49-4-311. Repealed - 49-4-311. Repealed. Sec. 6, Ch. 233, L. 2005. History: En....
49-4-312. Repealed - 49-4-312. Repealed. Sec. 6, Ch. 233, L. 2005. History: En....
Part 4. Preference in Leasing of Concessions (Repealed)
49-4-401. Repealed - 49-4-401. Repealed. Sec. 14, Ch. 175, L. 1981. History: En....
49-4-402. Repealed - 49-4-402. Repealed. Sec. 14, Ch. 175, L. 1981. History: En....
49-4-403. Repealed - 49-4-403. Repealed. Sec. 14, Ch. 175, L. 1981. History: En....
49-4-404. Repealed - 49-4-404. Repealed. Sec. 14, Ch. 175, L. 1981. History: En....
49-4-405. Repealed - 49-4-405. Repealed. Sec. 14, Ch. 175, L. 1981. History: En....
49-4-406. Repealed - 49-4-406. Repealed. Sec. 14, Ch. 175, L. 1981. History: En....
Part 5. Interpreters for the Deaf in Official Proceedings
49-4-501. Policy - 49-4-501. Policy. It is the policy of this state to...
49-4-502. Definitions - 49-4-502. Definitions. As used in this part, the following definitions...
49-4-503. Deaf person as participant in judicial or administrative proceeding -- interpreter to be used - 49-4-503. Deaf person as participant in judicial or administrative proceeding...
49-4-504. Preliminary determination - 49-4-504. Preliminary determination. The appointing authority may not appoint a...
49-4-505. Intermediary interpreter to be used - 49-4-505. Intermediary interpreter to be used. If a qualified interpreter...
49-4-506. Interpreter in full view - 49-4-506. Interpreter in full view. In any action or proceeding...
49-4-507. Coordination of interpreter requests - 49-4-507. Coordination of interpreter requests. (1) Whenever an appointing authority...
49-4-508. Oath of interpreter - 49-4-508. Oath of interpreter. An interpreter appointed to interpret for...
49-4-509. Compensation - 49-4-509. Compensation. An interpreter appointed to interpret for the deaf...
49-4-510. Waiver - 49-4-510. Waiver. The right of a deaf person to an...
49-4-511. Privileged communications - 49-4-511. Privileged communications. Any information that the interpreter gathers from...
Part 6. Discrimination in Anatomical Gifts and Organ Transplants
49-4-601. Legislative intent - 49-4-601. Legislative intent. The legislature finds that: (1) an intellectual...
49-4-602. Definitions - 49-4-602. Definitions. As used in this part, unless the context...
49-4-603. Discrimination in organ transplantation - 49-4-603. Discrimination in organ transplantation. (1) A covered entity may...
49-4-604. Enforcement - 49-4-604. Enforcement. (1) A person claiming to be aggrieved by...