87-5-906 through 87-5-908 reserved.
Structure Montana Code Annotated
Chapter 5. Wildlife Protection
Part 9. Montana Greater Sage-Grouse Stewardship Act
87-5-902. Legislative findings and purpose
87-5-904. Montana sage grouse oversight team -- rulemaking
87-5-905. Montana sage grouse oversight team -- duties -- powers
87-5-906. through 87-5-908 reserved
87-5-909. Sage grouse stewardship account
87-5-910. Grants -- eligibility
87-5-911. Compensatory mitigation -- findings
87-5-912. Leases and conservation easements
87-5-914. Application to mineral estates
87-5-915. Existing land uses and activities exempt
87-5-916. Compensatory mitigation reduction or waiver