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Part 1. Nongame and Endangered Species
87-5-101. Short title - 87-5-101. Short title. This part shall be known and may...
87-5-102. Definitions - 87-5-102. Definitions. As used in this part, the following definitions...
87-5-103. Legislative intent, findings, and policy - 87-5-103. Legislative intent, findings, and policy. (1) The legislature, mindful...
87-5-104. Investigations by department - 87-5-104. Investigations by department. The department shall conduct investigations on...
87-5-105. Regulations to manage nongame wildlife - 87-5-105. Regulations to manage nongame wildlife. (1) On the basis...
87-5-106. Unlawful acts - 87-5-106. Unlawful acts. Except as provided in regulations issued by...
87-5-107. List of endangered species - 87-5-107. List of endangered species. (1) (a) On the basis...
87-5-108. Establishment of programs - 87-5-108. Establishment of programs. (1) The director shall establish programs,...
87-5-109. Taking of species for educational, scientific, or other purposes - 87-5-109. Taking of species for educational, scientific, or other purposes....
87-5-110. Department to issue regulations - 87-5-110. Department to issue regulations. The department shall issue such...
87-5-111. Enforcement and penalty - 87-5-111. Enforcement and penalty. (1) Any person who violates the...
87-5-112. Construction - 87-5-112. Construction. This part may not be construed to apply...
87-5-113. through 87-5-115 reserved - 87-5-113 through 87-5-115 reserved.
87-5-116. Limited taking of certain nongame wildlife for commercial purposes -- exceptions - 87-5-116. Limited taking of certain nongame wildlife for commercial purposes...
87-5-117. through 87-5-120 reserved - 87-5-117 through 87-5-120 reserved.
87-5-121. Nongame wildlife account - 87-5-121. Nongame wildlife account. (1) There is a nongame wildlife...
87-5-122. Duties of commission - 87-5-122. Duties of commission. (1) The commission shall review and...
87-5-123. through 87-5-130 reserved - 87-5-123 through 87-5-130 reserved. History: En. Sec. 5, Ch. 627,...
87-5-131. Process for delisting of gray wolf -- management following delisting - 87-5-131. Process for delisting of gray wolf -- management following...
87-5-132. Use of radio-tracking collars for monitoring wolf packs - 87-5-132. Use of radio-tracking collars for monitoring wolf packs. (1)...
Part 2. Wild Birds -- Regulation of Raptors
87-5-201. Protection of wild birds and their nests and eggs - 87-5-201. Protection of wild birds and their nests and eggs....
87-5-202. Definition of raptors - 87-5-202. Definition of raptors. "Raptors", when used in this part,...
87-5-203. Regulation of raptors - 87-5-203. Regulation of raptors. A person may not at any...
87-5-204. License and rules for falconry and raptors - 87-5-204. License and rules for falconry and raptors. (1) The...
87-5-205. Restrictions on species allowed for falconry - 87-5-205. Restrictions on species allowed for falconry. (1) Bald eagles,...
87-5-206. Repealed - 87-5-206. Repealed. Sec. 4, Ch. 243, L. 1991. History: En....
87-5-207. Restrictions on use of raptors - 87-5-207. Restrictions on use of raptors. (1) Raptors may not...
87-5-208. Nonresidents allowed raptors in state -- capture - 87-5-208. Nonresidents allowed raptors in state -- capture. (1) A...
87-5-209. Destruction of eagles or predatory hawks and owls - 87-5-209. Destruction of eagles or predatory hawks and owls. Predatory...
87-5-210. Captive breeding of raptors -- permit -- transfer and revocation -- rules - 87-5-210. Captive breeding of raptors -- permit -- transfer and...
Part 3. Grizzly Bear
87-5-301. Grizzly bear -- findings -- policy - 87-5-301. Grizzly bear -- findings -- policy. (1) The legislature...
87-5-302. Commission regulations on grizzly bears - 87-5-302. Commission regulations on grizzly bears. (1) The commission may:...
87-5-303. Repealed - 87-5-303. Repealed. Sec. 5, Ch. 568, L. 1985. History: En....
Part 4. Game Preserves and Closed Areas
87-5-401. Creation of game preserves and general provisions - 87-5-401. Creation of game preserves and general provisions. (1) There...
87-5-402. Posting of notice and additional provisions - 87-5-402. Posting of notice and additional provisions. (1) Preserves, refuges,...
87-5-403. Sun River game preserve - 87-5-403. Sun River game preserve. There is a Sun River...
87-5-404. Flathead Lake bird preserve -- university of Montana-Missoula biological reserve - 87-5-404. Flathead Lake bird preserve -- university of Montana-Missoula biological...
87-5-405. Repealed - 87-5-405. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 419, L. 2005. History: En....
87-5-406. Gates of the Mountains game preserve - 87-5-406. Gates of the Mountains game preserve. (1) Beginning in...
Part 5. Stream Protection
87-5-501. State policy - 87-5-501. State policy. It is hereby declared to be the...
87-5-502. Notice of construction or hydraulic projects - 87-5-502. Notice of construction or hydraulic projects. An agency of...
87-5-503. Investigation of construction plans - 87-5-503. Investigation of construction plans. The department shall promptly examine...
87-5-504. Notice of department findings and alternative plans - 87-5-504. Notice of department findings and alternative plans. Within 30...
87-5-505. Arbitration of disputes - 87-5-505. Arbitration of disputes. (1) If the department notifies the...
87-5-506. Vested water rights preserved and emergency actions excepted - 87-5-506. Vested water rights preserved and emergency actions excepted. This...
87-5-507. Irrigation projects excepted - 87-5-507. Irrigation projects excepted. This part shall not apply to...
87-5-508. Federal actions injuring fish and wildlife - 87-5-508. Federal actions injuring fish and wildlife. The department shall...
87-5-509. Penalty and restoration - 87-5-509. Penalty and restoration. (1) An agency, under 87-5-502, violating...
Part 6. Fish and Wildlife Crimestoppers
87-5-601. Short title - 87-5-601. Short title. This part may be cited as the...
87-5-602. Definitions - 87-5-602. Definitions. As used in this part, the following definitions...
87-5-603. Functions of board - 87-5-603. Functions of board. The board shall recommend to the...
87-5-604. Expenses of board members - 87-5-604. Expenses of board members. Members of the board are...
87-5-605. Powers and duties of department -- rules - 87-5-605. Powers and duties of department -- rules. (1) The...
87-5-606. Confidentiality - 87-5-606. Confidentiality. The identity of a person submitting information under...
Part 7. Importation, Introduction, and Transplantation of Wildlife
87-5-701. Purpose - 87-5-701. Purpose. The legislature finds that in order to protect...
87-5-702. Definitions - 87-5-702. Definitions. For purposes of this part, the following definitions...
87-5-703. Applicability to other provisions for importation or introduction of wildlife - 87-5-703. Applicability to other provisions for importation or introduction of...
87-5-704. Rulemaking - 87-5-704. Rulemaking. (1) The commission may adopt rules to implement...
87-5-705. Regulation of exotic wildlife - 87-5-705. Regulation of exotic wildlife. (1) A person may not...
87-5-706. Noncontrolled exotic wildlife authorized for possession or sale - 87-5-706. Noncontrolled exotic wildlife authorized for possession or sale. (1)...
87-5-707. Controlled exotic wildlife list - 87-5-707. Controlled exotic wildlife list. As provided in 87-5-704(3)(a), the...
87-5-708. Classification review committee -- composition, appointment, and duties - 87-5-708. Classification review committee -- composition, appointment, and duties. (1)...
87-5-709. Exceptions and exemptions to possession and sale of exotic wildlife - 87-5-709. Exceptions and exemptions to possession and sale of exotic...
87-5-710. reserved - 87-5-710 reserved.
87-5-711. Control of importation for introduction and transplantation or introduction of wildlife - 87-5-711. Control of importation for introduction and transplantation or introduction...
87-5-712. Authority for commission to control importation, possession, or sale of certain wildlife species and exotic wildlife - 87-5-712. Authority for commission to control importation, possession, or sale...
87-5-713. Control of wildlife species permitted to be transplanted or introduced - 87-5-713. Control of wildlife species permitted to be transplanted or...
87-5-714. Wildlife species authorized for introduction or transplantation - 87-5-714. Wildlife species authorized for introduction or transplantation. (1) The...
87-5-715. Extermination or control of transplanted or introduced wildlife or feral species posing threat - 87-5-715. Extermination or control of transplanted or introduced wildlife or...
87-5-716. Consultation with departments of agriculture, public health and human services, and livestock - 87-5-716. Consultation with departments of agriculture, public health and human...
87-5-717. through 87-5-720 reserved - 87-5-717 through 87-5-720 reserved.
87-5-721. Penalty -- license and permit revocation and denial - 87-5-721. Penalty -- license and permit revocation and denial. (1)...
87-5-722. through 87-5-724 reserved - 87-5-722 through 87-5-724 reserved.
87-5-725. Notification of transplantation or introduction of wildlife - 87-5-725. Notification of transplantation or introduction of wildlife. (1) When...
Part 8. Montana Wildlife Habitat Improvement Act
87-5-801. Short title - 87-5-801. (Temporary) Short title. This part may be cited as...
87-5-802. Definitions - 87-5-802. (Temporary) Definitions. As used in this part, unless the...
87-5-803. Wildlife habitat improvement advisory council -- members - 87-5-803. (Temporary) Wildlife habitat improvement advisory council -- members. (1)...
87-5-804. Wildlife habitat improvement projects -- requirements -- ranking - 87-5-804. (Temporary) Wildlife habitat improvement projects -- requirements -- ranking....
87-5-805. Account -- deposits - 87-5-805. (Temporary) Account -- deposits. (1) There is a wildlife...
87-5-806. Administration and expenditure of funds -- cooperation with other entities - 87-5-806. (Temporary) Administration and expenditure of funds -- cooperation with...
87-5-807. Reporting -- evaluations - 87-5-807. (Temporary) Reporting -- evaluations. (1) A project sponsor shall:...
87-5-808. Rulemaking authority - 87-5-808. (Temporary) Rulemaking authority. The department shall adopt rules to...
Part 9. Montana Greater Sage-Grouse Stewardship Act
87-5-901. Short title - 87-5-901. Short title. This part may be cited as the...
87-5-902. Legislative findings and purpose - 87-5-902. Legislative findings and purpose. (1) The legislature finds that...
87-5-903. Definitions - 87-5-903. Definitions. As used in this part, unless the context...
87-5-904. Montana sage grouse oversight team -- rulemaking - 87-5-904. Montana sage grouse oversight team -- rulemaking. The oversight...
87-5-905. Montana sage grouse oversight team -- duties -- powers - 87-5-905. Montana sage grouse oversight team -- duties -- powers....
87-5-906. through 87-5-908 reserved - 87-5-906 through 87-5-908 reserved.
87-5-909. Sage grouse stewardship account - 87-5-909. Sage grouse stewardship account. (1) There is a sage...
87-5-910. Grants -- eligibility - 87-5-910. Grants -- eligibility. (1) Subject to the provisions of...
87-5-911. Compensatory mitigation -- findings - 87-5-911. Compensatory mitigation -- findings. (1) The legislature finds that...
87-5-912. Leases and conservation easements - 87-5-912. Leases and conservation easements. A lease or conservation easement...
87-5-913. Real property - 87-5-913. Real property. Real property conveyed by fee simple title...
87-5-914. Application to mineral estates - 87-5-914. Application to mineral estates. No provision of this part...
87-5-915. Existing land uses and activities exempt - 87-5-915. Existing land uses and activities exempt. (1) Existing land...
87-5-916. Compensatory mitigation reduction or waiver - 87-5-916. Compensatory mitigation reduction or waiver. (1) Except as provided...
87-5-917. Operations and maintenance exempt - 87-5-917. Operations and maintenance exempt. (1) Permitting and authorizing agencies...
87-5-918. Reporting - 87-5-918. Reporting. (1) The oversight team shall report to the...