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87-5-901. Short title - 87-5-901. Short title. This part may be cited as the...
87-5-902. Legislative findings and purpose - 87-5-902. Legislative findings and purpose. (1) The legislature finds that...
87-5-903. Definitions - 87-5-903. Definitions. As used in this part, unless the context...
87-5-904. Montana sage grouse oversight team -- rulemaking - 87-5-904. Montana sage grouse oversight team -- rulemaking. The oversight...
87-5-905. Montana sage grouse oversight team -- duties -- powers - 87-5-905. Montana sage grouse oversight team -- duties -- powers....
87-5-906. through 87-5-908 reserved - 87-5-906 through 87-5-908 reserved.
87-5-909. Sage grouse stewardship account - 87-5-909. Sage grouse stewardship account. (1) There is a sage...
87-5-910. Grants -- eligibility - 87-5-910. Grants -- eligibility. (1) Subject to the provisions of...
87-5-911. Compensatory mitigation -- findings - 87-5-911. Compensatory mitigation -- findings. (1) The legislature finds that...
87-5-912. Leases and conservation easements - 87-5-912. Leases and conservation easements. A lease or conservation easement...
87-5-913. Real property - 87-5-913. Real property. Real property conveyed by fee simple title...
87-5-914. Application to mineral estates - 87-5-914. Application to mineral estates. No provision of this part...
87-5-915. Existing land uses and activities exempt - 87-5-915. Existing land uses and activities exempt. (1) Existing land...
87-5-916. Compensatory mitigation reduction or waiver - 87-5-916. Compensatory mitigation reduction or waiver. (1) Except as provided...
87-5-917. Operations and maintenance exempt - 87-5-917. Operations and maintenance exempt. (1) Permitting and authorizing agencies...
87-5-918. Reporting - 87-5-918. Reporting. (1) The oversight team shall report to the...