87-1-286. Fishing access enhancement program -- benefits for providing fishing access -- cooperative agreement -- factors for determining benefits earned -- restriction on landowner liability. (1) As provided in 87-1-285, the department may establish and administer a voluntary program to enhance fishing access. The program must be designed to provide tangible benefits to participating private landowners who grant access to or across their land for public fishing.
(2) A contract for participation in the fishing access enhancement program is established through a cooperative agreement between the landowner and the department that will guarantee reasonable access for public fishing, which may include leases, easements, or rights-of-way to rivers, streams, ponds, or lakes on the landowner's property and leases or easements for access along the banks or shorelines of rivers, streams, ponds, or lakes on the property. Landowners may also form a voluntary association when development of a unified cooperative agreement is advantageous. A cooperative agreement must contain a detailed description of the plan developed by the landowner and the department and may include but is not limited to:
(a) fishing access management, which may include off-road parking, foot trails, and vehicle access roads;
(b) services to be provided to the public;
(c) landowner property rules and other restrictions;
(d) any other management information to be gathered, which must be made available to the public; and
(e) notice to adjacent landowners.
(3) If the department determines that the plan referred to in subsection (2) may adversely influence fish management decisions or fishing habitat on public lands, then other public land agencies, interested sportspersons, and affected landowners must be consulted. An affected landowner's management goals and personal observations regarding fish populations and habitat use must be considered in developing the plan.
(4) The commission shall develop rules for determining tangible benefits to be provided to a landowner for providing public fishing access. Benefits will be provided to offset potential impacts associated with public fishing access, including but not limited to those associated with general property maintenance, conservation efforts, weed control, fire protection, liability insurance, roads, fences, and parking area maintenance. Program priority must be given to properties that provide the greatest fishing access for the lowest costs. Factors used in determining benefits may include but are not limited to:
(a) the number of days of public fishing provided by a participating landowner;
(b) fish habitat provided; and
(c) access provided to adjacent public lands.
(5) Benefits earned by a landowner under this section may be applied in, but application is not limited to, the following manner:
(a) A landowner may receive direct monetary compensation for providing fishing access.
(b) A landowner may direct weed control payments to be made directly to the county weed control board or may elect to receive payments directly.
(c) A landowner may direct fire protection payments to be made directly to the local fire district or the county where the landowner resides or may elect to receive payments directly.
(d) A landowner may receive direct payment to offset insurance costs incurred for allowing public fishing access.
(e) The department may provide assistance in the construction and maintenance of roads, fencing, gates, and parking facilities and in the signing of property.
(6) The restriction on liability of a landowner, agent, or tenant that is provided under 70-16-302(1) applies to a landowner who participates in the fishing access enhancement program.
History: En. Sec. 2, Ch. 196, L. 2001.
Structure Montana Code Annotated
Chapter 1. Organization and Operation
Part 2. Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks
87-1-202. Publication of orders and rules
87-1-203. Effect of orders, rules, and regulations
87-1-204. Political activity of employees
87-1-206. Bounty claims for wild animals
87-1-207. Establishment of checking stations
87-1-209. Acquisition and sale of lands or waters
87-1-210. Research, training, and other projects
87-1-214. Disclosure of information -- legislative finding -- large predators
87-1-216. Wild buffalo or bison as species in need of management -- policy -- department duties
87-1-217. Policy for management of large predators -- legislative intent
87-1-218. Notice of proposed land acquisitions
87-1-219. and 87-1-220 reserved
87-1-221. Acquisition, importation, and propagation of fish and game -- waterfowl food
87-1-222. Construction and maintenance of fish hatcheries and fish ladders
87-1-223. Control of state waters for propagation of fish
87-1-224. Destruction of beaver and beaver dams for protection of public health
87-1-225. Regulation of wild animals damaging property -- public hunting requirements
87-1-226. Disposition of meat of animals damaging property
87-1-227. Hunting rights on adjoining federal wildlife preserve
87-1-228. Agreement with Indians concerning hunting and fishing -- Indian treaty of 1855
87-1-229. Entry on private land -- policy
87-1-233. Compensation for damage caused by animal held in captivity
87-1-234. Exceptions to tattoo and compensation requirements
87-1-235. through 87-1-240 reserved
87-1-241. Acquisition of wildlife habitat -- rules
87-1-242. Funding for wildlife habitat
87-1-243. through 87-1-245 reserved
87-1-246. Funding of upland game bird enhancement program
87-1-247. Upland game bird enhancement program -- authorized use of funds
87-1-248. Qualification of upland game bird enhancement projects
87-1-250. Upland game bird enhancement program -- report
87-1-251. Upland game bird enhancement program -- advisory council
87-1-252. through 87-1-254 reserved
87-1-257. River restoration program
87-1-258. River restoration account
87-1-259. Funding for river restoration account
87-1-260. through 87-1-262 reserved
87-1-263. Veterans' preference for reserving certain block management areas on Veterans' Day
87-1-264. Expenditure of hunting access program funds on weed control
87-1-266. License benefits for landowners enrolled in block management program -- rulemaking
87-1-269. Private land/public wildlife advisory committee -- duties -- reports
87-1-270. Allocation of license fees to hunting access programs
87-1-271. Annual lottery of hunting licenses -- proceeds dedicated to hunting access
87-1-272. Future fisheries improvement program -- funding priority -- reports required
87-1-273. Future fisheries review panel -- purpose -- appointment and duties
87-1-274. Emergency instream flows -- funding
87-1-277. Shooting range development grants
87-1-280. through 87-1-282 reserved
87-1-283. Native Montana fish species enhancement program
87-1-288. and 87-1-289 reserved
87-1-290. Hunting access account
87-1-291. and 87-1-292 reserved
87-1-293. Hunters against hunger -- findings -- optional donation -- rulemaking
87-1-294. Unlocking public lands program -- purpose -- commission rulemaking authority
87-1-295. Public access land agreement -- terms -- application fee