Montana Code Annotated
Part 5. Construction Liens
71-3-542. Priority of construction liens as against claims other than construction lien claims

71-3-542. Priority of construction liens as against claims other than construction lien claims. (1) A construction lien arising under this part has priority over any other interest, lien, mortgage, or encumbrance that may attach to the building, structure, or improvement or on the real property on which the building, structure, or improvement is located and that is filed after the construction lien attaches.
(2) An interest, lien, mortgage, or encumbrance that is filed before the construction lien attaches has priority over a construction lien arising under this part, except as provided in subsections (3) and (4).
(3) A construction lien has priority, to the extent of the value of the work or improvement that is severable, over an interest, lien, mortgage, or encumbrance that is filed before the construction lien attaches. If the work or improvement may be removed without harm to the rest of the real property, the lienholder may have the value determined, the work or improvement sold separately on foreclosure, and the proceeds delivered to the lienholder to satisfy the construction lien.
(4) A construction lien has priority over any interest, lien, mortgage, or encumbrance that is filed before the construction lien attaches if that interest, lien, mortgage, or encumbrance was taken to secure advances made for the purpose of paying for the particular real estate improvement to which the lien was attached.
History: En. Sec. 12, Ch. 202, L. 1987; amd. Sec. 2280, Ch. 56, L. 2009.

Structure Montana Code Annotated

Montana Code Annotated

Title 71. Mortgages, Pledges, and Liens

Chapter 3. Liens

Part 5. Construction Liens

71-3-501. Repealed

71-3-502. Repealed

71-3-503. Repealed

71-3-504. Renumbered 71-3-561

71-3-505. Renumbered 71-3-562

71-3-506. through 71-3-510 reserved

71-3-511. Repealed

71-3-512. Renumbered 71-3-533

71-3-513. Renumbered 71-3-534

71-3-514. Repealed

71-3-515. Renumbered 71-3-537

71-3-516. Renumbered 71-3-551

71-3-517. Renumbered 71-3-552

71-3-518. Renumbered 71-3-553

71-3-519. Renumbered 71-3-563

71-3-520. reserved

71-3-521. Scope

71-3-522. Definitions

71-3-523. Who may claim construction lien -- limitation

71-3-524. Limitation of lien for materials supplied

71-3-525. Extent of lien

71-3-526. Amount of lien

71-3-527. through 71-3-530 reserved

71-3-531. Notice of right to claim lien required -- exceptions

71-3-532. Content of notice of right to claim lien

71-3-533. Notice of completion

71-3-534. Filing with county clerk -- notification of owner

71-3-535. Attachment of lien -- filing

71-3-536. Content of lien notice

71-3-537. Acknowledgment of satisfaction of lien -- penalty

71-3-538. Release of notice of right to claim lien

71-3-539. and 71-3-540 reserved

71-3-541. Priority among holders of construction liens

71-3-542. Priority of construction liens as against claims other than construction lien claims

71-3-543. through 71-3-550 reserved

71-3-551. Substitution of bond allowed -- filing -- amount -- condition

71-3-552. Lien discharged upon filing of bond

71-3-553. Action upon bond -- period of limitation same

71-3-554. through 71-3-560 reserved

71-3-561. Parties

71-3-562. Limitation on actions

71-3-563. Rules of practice

71-3-564. Arbitration of lien disputes