Montana Code Annotated
Part 7. Liability
27-1-710. Civil liability for injuries involving alcohol consumption

27-1-710. Civil liability for injuries involving alcohol consumption. (1) The purpose of this section is to set statutory criteria governing the liability of a person or entity that furnishes an alcoholic beverage for injury or damage arising from an event involving the person who consumed the beverage.
(2) Except as provided in 16-6-305, a person or entity furnishing an alcoholic beverage may not be found liable for injury or damage arising from an event involving the consumer wholly or partially on the basis of a provision or a violation of a provision of Title 16.
(3) Furnishing a person with an alcoholic beverage is not a cause of, or grounds for finding the furnishing person or entity liable for, injury or damage wholly or partly arising from an event involving the person who consumed the beverage unless:
(a) the consumer was under the legal drinking age and the furnishing person knew that the consumer was underage or did not make a reasonable attempt to determine the consumer's age;
(b) the consumer was visibly intoxicated; or
(c) the furnishing person forced or coerced the consumption or told the consumer that the beverage contained no alcohol.
(4) A jury or trier of fact may consider the consumption of an alcoholic beverage in addition to the sale, service, or provision of the alcoholic beverage in determining the cause of injuries or damages inflicted upon another by the consumer.
(5) A civil action may not be brought pursuant to subsection (3) by the consumer or by the consumer's estate, legal guardian, or dependent unless:
(a) the consumer was under the legal age and the furnishing person knew or should have known that the consumer was under age; or
(b) the furnishing person forced or coerced the consumption or told the consumer that the beverage contained no alcohol while knowing that it did contain alcohol.
(6) A civil action may not be commenced under this section against a person who furnished alcohol unless the person bringing the civil action provides notice of an intent to file the action to the person who furnished the alcohol by certified mail within 180 days from the date of sale or service. The civil action must be commenced pursuant to this section within 2 years after the sale or service.
(7) In any civil action brought pursuant to this section, the total liability for noneconomic damages may not exceed $250,000.
(8) In any civil action brought pursuant to this section, the total liability for punitive damages may not exceed $250,000.
(9) Evidence of intentional or criminal activity by a person causing injury in connection with any event or injury commenced pursuant to this part is admissible in any action brought pursuant to this section.
History: En. Sec. 1, Ch. 1, Sp. L. March 1986; amd. Sec. 2, Ch. 448, L. 1989; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 489, L. 2003.

Structure Montana Code Annotated

Montana Code Annotated

Title 27. Civil Liability, Remedies, and Limitations

Chapter 1. Availability of Remedies -- Liability

Part 7. Liability

27-1-701. Liability for negligence as well as willful acts

27-1-702. Comparative negligence -- extent to which contributory negligence bars recovery in action for damages

27-1-703. Multiple defendants -- determination of liability

27-1-704. Release -- covenant not to sue

27-1-705. Several liability -- purpose -- pleading -- determination -- nonparties

27-1-706. Effect of a release or covenant not to sue

27-1-707. reserved

27-1-708. Liability of landowner to trespasser

27-1-709. Property owner's immunity from damage caused by use of property unlawfully taken

27-1-710. Civil liability for injuries involving alcohol consumption

27-1-711. Liability of minor or person of unsound mind for own torts -- exemplary damages

27-1-712. Liability for damages for deceit

27-1-713. Duty to restore thing wrongfully acquired or retained

27-1-714. Limits on liability for emergency care rendered at scene of accident or emergency

27-1-715. Liability of owner of vicious dog

27-1-716. Immunity of persons donating food for free distribution

27-1-717. Issuing a bad check, draft, converted check, electronic funds transfer, or order or stopping payment -- civil liability -- statute of limitations

27-1-718. Civil penalty for shoplifting

27-1-719. Liability of seller of product for physical harm to user or consumer

27-1-720. Liability -- defect in design of firearms or ammunition

27-1-721. Immunity of certain firearms and hunter safety or hunter education instructors

27-1-722. Civil damages immunity for injury caused by legal use of force

27-1-723. reserved

27-1-724. Limits on liability of livestock owner or property owner in accidents involving motor vehicles and livestock

27-1-725. Purpose

27-1-726. Definitions

27-1-727. Equine activity liability limitations

27-1-728. Mule and horseracing -- exception

27-1-729. and 27-1-730 reserved

27-1-731. Individual immunity for and indemnification of ditch company employees -- definitions

27-1-732. Immunity of nonprofit corporation officers, directors, and volunteers

27-1-733. Liability of nonprofit organizations and their employees for injuries suffered in sponsored rodeo and similar events

27-1-734. Limits on liability of health care provider in emergency situations

27-1-735. Emergency communications systems -- lawful release of information

27-1-736. Limits on liability of medical practitioner or dental hygienist who provides services without compensation

27-1-737. Repealed

27-1-738. Health care provider's responsibility for others

27-1-739. Liability of health care provider for reduced chance of recovery caused by malpractice

27-1-740. Ridesharing -- limits on employer liability

27-1-741. Purpose

27-1-742. Definitions

27-1-743. Operator's responsibilities

27-1-744. Passenger responsibilities and prohibitions

27-1-745. Injury reports

27-1-746. Duty of health care provider performing third-party medical examination

27-1-747. Claims and damages based on birth of child prohibited

27-1-748. through 27-1-750 reserved

27-1-751. Short title

27-1-752. Definitions

27-1-753. Limitation on liability in sport or recreational opportunity

27-1-754. Recreational activity -- applicability exceptions

27-1-755. Civil action -- human trafficking victim