Effective - 01 Mar 2011, 2 histories
700.525. Manufactured home defined. — As used in sections 700.525 to 700.541, "manufactured home" shall mean a manufactured home as defined in section 700.010, excluding a manufactured home with respect to which the requirements of subsections 1 to 3 of section 700.111, as applicable, have been satisfied, or a modular unit as defined in subdivision (8) of section 700.010.
(L. 1992 H.B. 1434 & 1490 § 10 subsec. 1, A.L. 2008 S.B. 788, A.L. 2010 S.B. 630)
Effective 3-01-11
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XLI - Codes and Standards
Chapter 700 - Manufactured Homes (Mobile Homes)
Section 700.010 - Definitions.
Section 700.021 - Seals issued to persons, when — manufacturer to certify that unit meets code.
Section 700.025 - Alteration of unit with seal, prohibited when.
Section 700.030 - Reciprocal recognition of seals, when.
Section 700.041 - Manufactured housing consumer recovery fund established, use of moneys.
Section 700.045 - Certain acts declared misdemeanors.
Section 700.055 - Serial numbers required when, form.
Section 700.056 - Dealer to provide buyer certain information.
Section 700.060 - Units covered by sections 700.060 to 700.115.
Section 700.065 - Manufactured homes to be anchored.
Section 700.085 - Certain units exempt from sections 700.060 to 700.085, when.
Section 700.095 - Registration and renewal requirements, application contents — fee.
Section 700.097 - Registration not required, when.
Section 700.098 - Sanctioning of registration, when.
Section 700.370 - Satisfaction of lien or encumbrance, release of, procedure.
Section 700.375 - Provisions of sections 700.350 to 700.380 exclusive — exceptions.
Section 700.500 - Director of revenue to notify assessor of home's location, when.
Section 700.525 - Manufactured home defined.
Section 700.526 - Abandonment deemed, when.
Section 700.528 - Contest of lien, procedure.
Section 700.541 - Rules, promulgation.
Section 700.650 - Citation — definitions.
Section 700.653 - Program to assure proper installation of manufactured homes required.
Section 700.665 - Limited-use installer license authorized.
Section 700.671 - Prohibitions — violation, penalty.
Section 700.674 - Prohibitions.
Section 700.686 - Inspection standards.
Section 700.689 - Dispute process required.
Section 700.692 - Administration — fees authorized — rulemaking authority.