Effective - 28 Aug 1982
700.076. Owner to anchor manufactured home, how, when — commission may promulgate rules — insurers to insure, when, must pay, when — suit against persons anchoring or tying down manufactured home, damages, equitable relief. — 1. The owner of a manufactured home shall secure the manufactured home to the ground by the use of anchors and tiedowns so as to resist wind overturning and sliding. However, nothing herein shall be construed as requiring that anchors and tiedowns be installed to secure manufactured homes which are permanently attached to a permanent structure. A permanent structure shall have a foundation and such other structural elements as assure the rigidity and stability of the manufactured home.
2. The commission shall have authority to promulgate regulations relating to manufactured home or modular unit tiedowns or anchors setting minimum standards for both the manufacture and installation of tiedowns and anchors.
3. (1) Persons licensed in this state to engage in the business of insuring manufactured homes that are subject to the provisions of this section against damage from windstorm shall issue such insurance only if the manufactured home has been anchored and tied down in accordance with the provisions of this section.
(2) In the event that a manufactured home is insured against damage caused by windstorm and subsequently sustains windstorm damage of a nature that indicates that the manufactured home was not anchored or tied down in the manner required by this section, the person issuing the policy shall not be relieved from meeting the obligations specified in the insurance policy with respect to such damage on the basis that the manufactured home was not properly anchored or tied down.
4. Whenever a person who engages in the business of installing anchors, tiedowns, or over-the-roof ties or who engages in the business of manufacturing such devices for use in this state does so in a manner not in accordance with the minimum standards set forth by the commission, a person aggrieved thereby may bring an action in the appropriate court for actual damages and attorney's fees. In addition, the court may provide appropriate equitable relief including the enjoining of a violator from engaging in further violations. Whenever it is established to the satisfaction of the court that a willful violation has occurred, the court shall award punitive damages to the aggrieved party.
5. Any violation of the provisions of this section shall constitute a violation of the provisions of section 407.020.
(L. 1976 H.B. 1393, A.L. 1978 S.B. 739, A.L. 1982 S.B. 648)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XLI - Codes and Standards
Chapter 700 - Manufactured Homes (Mobile Homes)
Section 700.010 - Definitions.
Section 700.021 - Seals issued to persons, when — manufacturer to certify that unit meets code.
Section 700.025 - Alteration of unit with seal, prohibited when.
Section 700.030 - Reciprocal recognition of seals, when.
Section 700.041 - Manufactured housing consumer recovery fund established, use of moneys.
Section 700.045 - Certain acts declared misdemeanors.
Section 700.055 - Serial numbers required when, form.
Section 700.056 - Dealer to provide buyer certain information.
Section 700.060 - Units covered by sections 700.060 to 700.115.
Section 700.065 - Manufactured homes to be anchored.
Section 700.085 - Certain units exempt from sections 700.060 to 700.085, when.
Section 700.095 - Registration and renewal requirements, application contents — fee.
Section 700.097 - Registration not required, when.
Section 700.098 - Sanctioning of registration, when.
Section 700.370 - Satisfaction of lien or encumbrance, release of, procedure.
Section 700.375 - Provisions of sections 700.350 to 700.380 exclusive — exceptions.
Section 700.500 - Director of revenue to notify assessor of home's location, when.
Section 700.525 - Manufactured home defined.
Section 700.526 - Abandonment deemed, when.
Section 700.528 - Contest of lien, procedure.
Section 700.541 - Rules, promulgation.
Section 700.650 - Citation — definitions.
Section 700.653 - Program to assure proper installation of manufactured homes required.
Section 700.665 - Limited-use installer license authorized.
Section 700.671 - Prohibitions — violation, penalty.
Section 700.674 - Prohibitions.
Section 700.686 - Inspection standards.
Section 700.689 - Dispute process required.
Section 700.692 - Administration — fees authorized — rulemaking authority.