Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 67 - Political Subdivisions, Miscellaneous Powers
Section 67.1804 - Regional taxicab commission established, powers.

Effective - 28 Aug 2002
67.1804. Regional taxicab commission established, powers. — For the regional taxicab district, there is hereby established a "Regional Taxicab Commission", which shall be a body politic and corporate vested with all the powers expressly granted to it herein and created for the public purposes of recognizing taxicab service as a public transportation system, improving the quality of the system, and exercising primary authority over the provision of licensing, control and regulations of taxicab services within the district.
(L. 2002 H.B. 1041)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title VI - County, Township and Political Subdivision Government

Chapter 67 - Political Subdivisions, Miscellaneous Powers

Section 67.010 - Political subdivisions to prepare annual budget — contents — expenditures not to exceed revenues.

Section 67.020 - Budget officer, designation, duties — submission of budget.

Section 67.030 - Governing body may revise budget, limits — approval — budget decrease for law enforcement, injunctive relief, when.

Section 67.040 - Increase of expenditure over budgeted amount to be made only on formal resolution.

Section 67.042 - License or fee adjustment not deemed "increase", as used in Missouri Constitution, Article X, Section 22, when — records required.

Section 67.048 - Annual report required, when.

Section 67.050 - Transfer of funds from one agency to another.

Section 67.055 - Moneys collected for additional costs and expenses, review by county budget officer.

Section 67.060 - Orders increasing total budget kept on file three years — attestation.

Section 67.070 - Budget for preceding year to govern, when.

Section 67.080 - Expenditures prohibited unless authorized under this chapter.

Section 67.085 - Investment of certain public funds, conditions.

Section 67.090 - State officials to prepare forms for budgets, orders, resolutions and ordinances — assistance.

Section 67.100 - Applicability of law.

Section 67.110 - Fixing ad valorem property tax rates, procedure — failure to establish, effect — new or increased taxes approved after September 1 not to be included in that year's tax levy, exception.

Section 67.130 - Training commission for county officials established — purposes — members — appointment — duties.

Section 67.136 - Municipal courts, utilization of collection agencies permitted, when.

Section 67.138 - Liability of political subdivisions for certain frivolous actions.

Section 67.140 - Ownership of domestic animals, no laws or regulations to prohibit.

Section 67.145 - First responders, political activity while off duty and not in uniform, political subdivisions not to prohibit — first responder defined.

Section 67.150 - Insurance for elected officials and employees, political subdivision may contribute — contracting procedure.

Section 67.200 - Political subdivisions or corporations having over $100,000,000 assessed valuation may pension officers and employees — exceptions.

Section 67.210 - Political subdivisions may provide health insurance benefits when, to whom.

Section 67.212 - Failure of board members to attend meetings, commission's power to replace.

Section 67.250 - Cities and counties may grant funds to fire protection and library districts, when.

Section 67.265 - Public health order for threat to public health by contagious disease, requirements, procedure.

Section 67.275 - Electrical contractor licenses issued by political subdivisions valid in all political subdivisions.

Section 67.280 - Communities may incorporate by reference certain technical codes — penalty provisions, requirements — definitions.

Section 67.281 - Installation of fire sprinklers to be offered to purchaser by builder of certain dwellings — purchaser may decline.

Section 67.282 - Public street used for construction traffic not to be limited by ordinances, when (certain counties).

Section 67.287 - Minimum standards for municipalities in St. Louis County — definitions — failure to meet minimum standards, remedy, ballot language.

Section 67.300 - Counties and cities, towns and villages authorized to operate ambulance service — rates may be set — insurance may be purchased.

Section 67.301 - Battery-charged fence — no permit required in addition to alarm system permit — limitation on installation or operational requirements — definitions — notice of installation to political subdivision.

Section 67.303 - Economic growth, promotion and development in county — powers of county commission.

Section 67.304 - Charitable contributions, organizations may solicit in roadway, when, procedure.

Section 67.305 - Counties or cities not to arrest or punish for public intoxication.

Section 67.306 - Admission tickets, sale or resale of, no restrictions on price or fees, exceptions.

Section 67.307 - Sanctuary policies for municipalities prohibited — definitions — duty of law enforcement to cooperate in immigration enforcement.

Section 67.308 - COVID-19 vaccinations, political subdivisions prohibiting from requiring documentation for use of transportation systems and public accommodations.

Section 67.309 - Utility services, political subdivisions barred from prohibiting based on type or source of energy.

Section 67.310 - Exceptions to freedom from arrest or punishment involving drunkenness or being under influence of alcohol.

Section 67.315 - Intoxicated persons, how handled — officer granted immunity from legal action, when.

Section 67.316 - Public food service establishments, pets permitted, when.

Section 67.317 - Ordinances restricting owner of real property displaying signs for sale or lease, prohibited — exception.

Section 67.318 - Street addresses to be posted conspicuously to aid emergency location, ordinances by cities or counties — fire department to enforce.

Section 67.319 - Water service lines, repair programs, municipalities and certain districts — fee imposed — ballot language — administration — fee added to general tax levy bill, when.

Section 67.320 - County orders, violations may be brought in circuit court, when — county municipal court to be approved, appointment of judges, procedures (Jefferson and Franklin counties).

Section 67.329 - Local ordinances regulating amateur radio antennas authorized, limitations, requirements — historic preservation considerations allowed.

Section 67.330 - Short title.

Section 67.340 - Assistance to political subdivisions encouraged.

Section 67.350 - Use of state data processing equipment by political subdivisions.

Section 67.360 - Political subdivisions, use of state procurement service authorized.

Section 67.370 - State agencies may contract with political subdivisions.

Section 67.380 - Charges limited to cost of service.

Section 67.390 - Contracts to be filed with secretary of state.

Section 67.391 - Tax may be imposed by certain counties — election — ballot form — tax rate — effective, when, termination, when.

Section 67.392 - Sales tax may be imposed by certain counties — rate of tax — election ballot form — deposit in special trust fund, purpose — terminates, when (Clay County).

Section 67.395 - Deposit — trust fund established — distribution to counties, when — refunds authorized — tax abolished, effect.

Section 67.398 - Debris on property, ordinance may require abatement — abatement for vacant building in Kansas City — notice to owner — effect of failure to remove nuisance, penalties.

Section 67.399 - Registration fee for violations of housing codes — municipalities and St. Louis County — investigation — appeal — lien on property, when.

Section 67.400 - Ordinance may require vacation, demolition or repair of structures, when.

Section 67.402 - Abatement of nuisance in certain counties (Andrew, Boone, Buchanan, Cass, Cole, Dade, Jasper, Jefferson, Livingston, Newton, St. Francois, Taney) — ordinance requirements.

Section 67.410 - Provisions required in ordinance.

Section 67.412 - Fire and casualty insurance companies and director of the department of commerce and insurance, notification and duties.

Section 67.414 - Payment of claim without deduction on certification that insured will make premises safe.

Section 67.420 - Ordinance may provide penalties for noncompliance or delay.

Section 67.430 - Appeal must be authorized.

Section 67.440 - Emergency powers may be authorized.

Section 67.450 - Liability of subdivision for wrongful action.

Section 67.451 - Ordinance enforcement, unrecovered costs included in certain fees, or real estate tax bills.

Section 67.453 - Citation of law — definitions.

Section 67.455 - Neighborhood improvements — bonds, special assessments.

Section 67.456 - Neighborhood improvement districts — duration of bond maturity — maintenance provisions required, when — assessed costs on divided property recalculated, how, restrictions.

Section 67.457 - Establishment of neighborhood improvement districts — procedure — notice of elections, contents — alternatives, petition, contents — maintenance costs, assessment — recording requirements — submissions to state auditor and department...

Section 67.458 - Adjoining counties, contract to improve roads, district may be formed — unanimous decision required — fund, expenditures, appraisal.

Section 67.459 - Apportionment of improvement costs — governing body to establish classifications.

Section 67.461 - Assessments, plans, specifications — public filing — duties of clerk — notice.

Section 67.463 - Public hearing, procedure — apportionment of costs — special assessments, notice — payment and collection of assessments.

Section 67.465 - Period of limitation, lawsuits.

Section 67.467 - Supplemental assessments authorized, when — reassessments.

Section 67.469 - Assessment treated as tax lien, payable upon foreclosure.

Section 67.471 - Temporary notes, general obligation bonds.

Section 67.473 - Funds to be created — use of funds — use of balance upon completion of improvements.

Section 67.475 - Maximum bond indebtedness — advisory committee in certain cities.

Section 67.490 - Building permit inspections waived if licensed engineer inspects footing, foundation, walls, and framing, when, inspection forms.

Section 67.494 - Physical security measure on private property, state preemption — exclusions — access to property for law enforcement and first responders.

Section 67.500 - Short title — definitions.

Section 67.505 - Election procedure — sales tax imposed, property taxes to be reduced — rate of tax — no zoological taxes permitted.

Section 67.506 - Computation of county sales tax levy.

Section 67.525 - Deposit — distribution to county, when — refunds authorized — tax abolished, effect.

Section 67.540 - Repeal or amendment of sales tax — procedure.

Section 67.545 - Law not applicable to certain cities and counties.

Section 67.547 - Sales tax imposed in counties — election procedure — rate of tax — St. Louis County and New Madrid County, distribution of revenue, limitation on use — zoological taxes, limitations — all-county trust fund for overpayment refunds and...

Section 67.548 - County commission of certain counties approving sales tax, authorized actions — share to other political subdivisions, how distributed (Clay and Platte counties).

Section 67.550 - Sales tax imposed in certain first class counties — rate of tax — election procedure — revenue to be used to build and maintain certain facilities — effective when — terminates when (St. Charles and Jefferson counties).

Section 67.570 - Deposit — distribution to counties, when — refunds authorized — tax abolished, effect (St. Charles County).

Section 67.571 - Museums and festivals, sales tax authorized (Buchanan County).

Section 67.572 - Repeal of sales tax, procedure.

Section 67.573 - Sales tax to be an additional tax to taxes in chapter 144 — computation of tax.

Section 67.574 - Director of revenue to be responsible for administration and operation of the tax.

Section 67.576 - Collection of the tax requirements — applicable penalties.

Section 67.577 - Delinquency in payment, limitation for bringing suit.

Section 67.578 - Certain counties (Andrew) may impose a sales tax for museum purposes, amount — ballot, effective date — collection of tax — applicable provisions and exemptions — museum board, members, duties — repeal of tax, effective date.

Section 67.581 - St. Louis County, additional sales tax — rate of tax — election procedure — distribution of revenue, alternative plans — method to change distribution of funds — collection procedure — limitation on use of funds — trust fund for over...

Section 67.582 - Law enforcement sales tax — rate of tax — election procedure — special trust fund established — duties of director of revenue — refunds, procedure (all counties except certain first class charter counties).

Section 67.583 - County employee benefit sales tax — rate of tax — election procedure — administration of tax — refunds (St. Francois County).

Section 67.584 - Sales tax authorized, Jefferson County — proceeds to be used for county prosecutor's office and law enforcement services — ballot language.

Section 67.585 - Sales tax, recreational and community center district — ballot language — fund created, use of moneys — repeal or termination of tax, effect of — board established. (Clay County)

Section 67.587 - Sales tax for transportation infrastructure — ballot language — fund created, use of moneys — repeal of tax, ballot language. (New Madrid County)

Section 67.590 - Sales tax imposition by certain second class counties — rate of tax — election procedure — revenue for construction of law enforcement facilities and communication centers — effective when — terminates when (Buchanan County).

Section 67.594 - Deposit — distribution to counties, when — refunds authorized — tax abolished, effect (Buchanan County).

Section 67.601 - Regional convention and visitors commission, appointment — terms, vacancies — limitation on powers of members, when.

Section 67.604 - Definitions.

Section 67.607 - Powers of commission.

Section 67.611 - Decisions by majority, exceptions.

Section 67.614 - Penalties may be imposed by ordinances for injuries to commission's property.

Section 67.617 - Annual report — annual audit by certified public accountant, compensation — certain exemptions from Sunshine Law.

Section 67.619 - Tax on hotels, motels, sleeping rooms — rate — submitted to voters, when — procedure — ballot form — effective when — adoption to exempt from certain other taxes.

Section 67.621 - Revenues, distribution.

Section 67.623 - Collection and administration of tax, options.

Section 67.624 - Collection of tax, duties — unlawful advertisement — sale of business, duties — civil action allowed, when.

Section 67.626 - Lien allowed, when, procedure — release of, when — recorder's fee, amount — violations, penalty.

Section 67.627 - Regional cultural and performing arts district created — purpose. (St. Louis, city and county).

Section 67.628 - Definitions.

Section 67.629 - Commission appointment, terms — qualifications — vacancies — officers' powers — cultural institutions defined.

Section 67.631 - Penalties may be imposed by ordinances for injuries — district's property.

Section 67.633 - Staff and administration expenses, limitation — certain institutions not to receive funds.

Section 67.636 - Reports by commission, when — audit by certified public accountant, when, compensation.

Section 67.638 - Definitions.

Section 67.639 - Convention and sports complex fund, certain cities and counties may establish, purpose.

Section 67.641 - General assembly may make appropriations, conditions, limitations — matching funds required locally.

Section 67.643 - Law not to impair existing rights of political subdivisions.

Section 67.645 - Report to general assembly, when — biennial audit, required.

Section 67.650 - Regional convention and sports complex authority established.

Section 67.651 - Definitions.

Section 67.652 - Commissioners to be appointed — qualifications — terms — vacancies — officer's and employee's compensation — expenses — disqualified from voting on issue, when.

Section 67.653 - Commission's powers and duties — bond issues authorized — rate — sales — refunding — exemption from income tax.

Section 67.654 - Investment in bond issues, by whom, authority.

Section 67.655 - Tax exemption for property and income of authority.

Section 67.656 - Regional convention and sports complex fund established — lapse to general revenue prohibited — funding, where.

Section 67.657 - Powers of authority, city or county — tax on sales or charges for hotels, voter approval, rate — ballot form — collection of tax — uses of revenue, excess revenue — alternative tax in lieu of license fee, ballot form, collection of t...

Section 67.658 - Report by authority, contents, when — audit of accounts by independent accountants, when.

Section 67.660 - Greater St. Louis sports authority created — commissioners' qualifications — chairman, how appointed — actions binding when — terms — vacancies.

Section 67.661 - Authorities' duties — annual report due when — no public revenue authorized.

Section 67.662 - Limitations on applicability

Section 67.663 - Tourism taxes, collection, distribution and administration.

Section 67.664 - Limitations on imposition of tourism taxes.

Section 67.665 - Tourism tax may be levied by certain lakefront counties, rate — tourism fund created — use of revenues — tourism committee, appointment, terms, duties — transient guest defined — refunds and penalties.

Section 67.667 - Adoption of tourism tax, procedure — ballot form.

Section 67.669 - Additional fee for short-term rentals of motor vehicles, check-off box provided (Platte County).

Section 67.671 - Tourism sales tax may be imposed by certain counties — election — ballot form — tax rate — effective when.

Section 67.672 - Retailer in area to add tax to purchase price — collection to be based on bracket system.

Section 67.673 - Repeal of tax, procedure, ballot form — effective when.

Section 67.674 - Additional tax imposed on goods subject to tourism sales tax, computation — report to county collector or to director of revenue, when.

Section 67.676 - Collection of tourism tax, duties of county collector or director of revenue, when.

Section 67.678 - Collection provisions — exemptions — discounts — penalties — sale deemed consummated, where.

Section 67.680 - Cost of collection — fund established — county treasurer's duties — bonding requirements — annual audit — abolishing tax, effect on fund.

Section 67.681 - Delinquencies — limitation for bringing suit — prosecutor may bring action.

Section 67.683 - Tourism board, appointment — qualifications — term — duties — staff authorized.

Section 67.685 - Counties may cooperate — percentage of total collection — effect on additional board member.

Section 67.700 - Sales tax for capital improvements may be imposed in certain counties, procedure — use of revenue — tax effective when — brackets to be established — rate of tax — sales tax revenue collected, defined.

Section 67.701 - Submission of ballot — limitations on use of revenue (St. Louis County).

Section 67.712 - Deposit — distribution to county, when — refunds authorized — tax repealed, effect.

Section 67.713 - County-municipal storm water and public works trust fund created — tax revenue, how distributed (St. Louis County).

Section 67.721 - Repeal or amendment of sales tax, procedure.

Section 67.724 - Definition of county.

Section 67.727 - Tax may be imposed in addition to other sales taxes — counties may contract with certain political subdivisions to handle projects.

Section 67.729 - Sales tax for storm water control and public works may be imposed, how — collection and distribution of revenues — abolition of tax, procedure.

Section 67.730 - Capital improvements sales tax — bonds — election procedure — ballot form.

Section 67.731 - Bonds, advertisement and sale, limitations on use of proceeds, retirement, interest rate — not an indebtedness of the county — bonds shall be negotiable instruments.

Section 67.732 - Imposition of tax, when — interest and sinking fund, limitations on use.

Section 67.733 - Bonds, refunding.

Section 67.734 - Rate of tax.

Section 67.737 - Applicable provisions, administration.

Section 67.738 - Trust fund, distribution of proceeds — additional duties of director of revenue — refunds authorized.

Section 67.739 - Voter approval required for removal or amendment — contracts with other political subdivisions authorized.

Section 67.745 - Recreation sales tax authorized — ballot language — rate, use of moneys — expiration date.

Section 67.750 - Definitions.

Section 67.755 - Subdivision may establish recreational system, restriction — tax levy — limits — excess property may be sold, exception.

Section 67.760 - Joint operation of recreation system.

Section 67.765 - Administration by existing agency or by board or commission — organization of board.

Section 67.770 - Subdivision may accept gifts for recreational purposes.

Section 67.775 - Use of facilities of other governmental agencies, when.

Section 67.780 - Effect on other powers of subdivision.

Section 67.781 - County recreational system — citation of law — definitions.

Section 67.782 - Recreation sales tax — rate of tax — election procedure — duties of director of revenue — refunds authorized — expires, when (Bollinger and Cape Girardeau counties).

Section 67.783 - Recreational lake authority — purpose and powers — exemption — immunity.

Section 67.785 - Lake authority, members — appointment — terms — successors — qualifications — election.

Section 67.787 - Lake authority — initial meeting — officers — duties — bond, amount — restrictions.

Section 67.788 - Lake authority — powers — funds — condemnation — security force — zoning.

Section 67.789 - Lake authority — revenue bonds, form, denominations, terms — options — refunds — negotiability — security — not liability of state — not personal liability.

Section 67.790 - Lake authority — tax increment financing — approval, by whom.

Section 67.792 - Regional recreation district may be created, territory that may be included — ineligible areas, exception — powers of district — disincorporation in Clay County, procedure.

Section 67.793 - Petition to create a regional recreational district — filed where — content — hearing.

Section 67.794 - Hearing on petition — notice by publication, content — costs how paid — two petitions filed covering in part same territory, procedure.

Section 67.795 - Submission of question, formation or expansion of a regional recreation district, when.

Section 67.796 - Ballot form, content.

Section 67.797 - Board of directors appointed for district or elected in certain districts (Clay County), qualifications — terms — officers — powers and duties — money to be deposited in treasury of county containing largest portion of district.

Section 67.798 - Bonds — issuance, interest, payments — income tax exemption.

Section 67.799 - Regional recreational district may levy property or sales tax, purpose — rate of tax — election, ballot form — tax, how collected — qualified voters defined.

Section 67.800 - Notice to nonresident property owners, when.

Section 67.810 - Owner to file affidavit of request, contents, fee.

Section 67.820 - Notice, how sent, by whom.

Section 67.830 - Receipt of notice, owner to refile affidavit.

Section 67.840 - Request for notice expires, when, renewed, how.

Section 67.850 - Failure of notice, effect of.

Section 67.860 - Nonresident property owner defined.

Section 67.870 - Policy statement.

Section 67.875 - Provisions of sections 67.870 to 67.910 applicable to state and certain subdivisions.

Section 67.880 - Who may acquire land and for what purpose.

Section 67.885 - Plan for conservation, hearing and reports required before condemnation authorized.

Section 67.890 - Not-for-profit organizations may acquire land or water rights in same manner, exception.

Section 67.895 - Tax assessments, how affected.

Section 67.900 - Definitions.

Section 67.905 - Authorization to accept funds or grants.

Section 67.910 - Sections 67.870 to 67.910 not to apply to second class counties having more than 100,000 and less than 110,000 inhabitants.

Section 67.950 - Dissolution of certain special purpose districts — procedure for election, form of ballot.

Section 67.955 - Procedure for dissolution — bonded indebtedness, effect of.

Section 67.970 - Definitions.

Section 67.972 - Residential renovation loan commission, procedure to establish — commission membership, terms — expenses.

Section 67.974 - Powers of commission.

Section 67.976 - Residences selected for renovation, location — plans to have hearing before commissions to determine impact.

Section 67.978 - Bonds issues, authorization — forms — sales — rate of interest.

Section 67.981 - Notes authorized — sales — interest rate — to mature when.

Section 67.983 - Issuance of renewal notes and refunding bonds — sales.

Section 67.990 - Senior citizens' services fund tax, election, ballot, levy and collection of, limitation.

Section 67.993 - Fund established, when — board of directors, appointment, members, terms, vacancies, officers — duties — use of fund moneys — powers.

Section 67.995 - Fund abolished, moneys transferred to general revenue — audit of fund, when.

Section 67.997 - Senior services and youth program sales tax — ballot language — trust fund created, use of moneys (Perry County).

Section 67.1000 - Transient guests to pay tax on sleeping rooms in hotels and motels, purpose to fund convention and visitors bureau, any county and certain cities — limitation on tax, certain cities and counties.

Section 67.1002 - Ballot form — tax to be effective when — collection of tax, options — penalty on unpaid taxes — delinquent when, any county and certain cities.

Section 67.1003 - Transient guest tax on hotels and motels in counties and cities meeting a room requirement or a population requirement, amount, issue submitted to voters, ballot language.

Section 67.1004 - Transient guest tax for certain counties, amount — issue submitted to voters, ballot language (includes Platte County).

Section 67.1006 - Transient guests to pay tax on sleeping rooms in hotels or motels — rate — election, ballot form — purpose, tourism — rate of tax change, procedure (Pettis County).

Section 67.1008 - Tourism commission to be established, appointment, qualifications, terms (Pettis County).

Section 67.1009 - Transient guest tax authorized for certain cities — ballot language (Cities of Edmundson and Woodson Terrace).

Section 67.1010 - Tax revenues to be administered by commission for promotion of tourism, powers and duties (Pettis County).

Section 67.1012 - Collection of tax, options, penalty for delinquency, when (Pettis County).

Section 67.1015 - Transient guests of hotels and motels to pay tax to fund exposition and community center (including city of Marshall).

Section 67.1016 - County transient guest taxes — procedures.

Section 67.1018 - Transient guest tax to pay for law enforcement and promotion of tourism (Carter County).

Section 67.1020 - Disaster relief services, nongovernmental agencies exempt from tax, when.

Section 67.1062 - Definitions.

Section 67.1063 - Governing body of county may establish program of assistance for homeless — financing by additional user fees for recording instruments, voter approval required.

Section 67.1064 - Recorder of deeds to file report — pay over funds to county treasurer for deposit.

Section 67.1065 - Administrative body to be appointed, duties, expenses, limitation.

Section 67.1067 - Agencies applying for funds, information required.

Section 67.1069 - Requirements for agencies to be eligible for funds.

Section 67.1070 - Eligible agencies.

Section 67.1071 - Report to be made by agencies receiving funds, content — program.

Section 67.1150 - County convention and sports facilities authority to be a political subdivision of state (St. Charles County).

Section 67.1153 - Authority to consist of five commissioners, qualifications, appointment, chairman, elected from members, staff — quorum required for action — terms, expenses.

Section 67.1155 - Powers and duties of commissioners.

Section 67.1158 - Tax on transient guests in hotels and motels may be established — rate — purpose and use — ballot form, collection options, delinquency, interest and penalty — audit authorized — suits to enforce.

Section 67.1159 - Lien for unpaid taxes — release of lien, when — fee for recording of lien — notification of sale of property, when — civil action authorized, when.

Section 67.1170 - Lake area business district, authorized, boundaries — resolution, contents — hearing, notice.

Section 67.1175 - Advisory board, established, members — duties, powers.

Section 67.1177 - Hotel and motel tax, authorized, rate — election, ballot, costs — purpose, use of revenues — collection.

Section 67.1180 - Dissolution of district, procedures — trustee, appointment, duties.

Section 67.1181 - Audit required, promotion of tourism moneys.

Section 67.1185 - Hotel and motel charges, private tourist attraction charges, surcharge on, maximum rate — exemption.

Section 67.1186 - Retailers liable for surcharge, collection and return of surcharges.

Section 67.1187 - Tourism surcharge trust fund, established — use.

Section 67.1188 - Ballot for submission.

Section 67.1189 - Effective date of surcharge.

Section 67.1200 - Definitions.

Section 67.1203 - Political subdivision may adopt and enforce airport hazard area zoning — hazard area may be divided into zones.

Section 67.1205 - Airport compatible land use zoning regulation may be adopted, when — regulation of land adjacent or in vicinity of airport, requirement.

Section 67.1207 - County commission in certain counties submit to voters proposition to adopt township military airport zoning — plan for all areas in airport hazard area.

Section 67.1210 - Airport planning commission created — appointment, qualifications — chairman to be elected by members — terms — removal from office, procedure — vacancies.

Section 67.1212 - Election to establish military airport zoning, ballot form.

Section 67.1214 - Municipality adopting zoning ordinance, procedure — conflict in regulation, more stringent limitation to prevail.

Section 67.1216 - Lights and markers to warn military aircraft, municipality permitted to install, operate and maintain — alteration or interference with use of structures or trees prohibited — preexisting nonconforming structures or trees not to be...

Section 67.1218 - Variances to zoning rules by alteration to building or permitting growth of trees, procedure for variance applications to board of adjustment, when — lights and marks to warn aircraft, powers of municipalities.

Section 67.1220 - Board of adjustment, appointment — powers and duties — qualifications — chairman to be elected by members — removal of member from office, procedure — vacancies, terms — procedure to reverse orders.

Section 67.1222 - Administrative agency to administer and enforce but not to be members of board of adjustment — violations of airport zoning, penalties.

Section 67.1224 - Airport zoning regulation not applicable to certain counties.

Section 67.1230 - Countywide agricultural commodity research district, procedure to establish — assessment fee not to exceed twenty-five cents per acre.

Section 67.1233 - Ballot form for submission to affected landowner.

Section 67.1235 - Majority of affected landowners required to form.

Section 67.1237 - District to be incorporated when — meeting to be held within thirty days to elect board of supervisors — notice, publication, content — election of board, procedure, qualifications, terms, expenses, vacancies.

Section 67.1239 - Officers of board of supervisors to be elected at first meeting — amount of fee to be set, collection by county collector.

Section 67.1241 - District to be body politic to sue and be sued — powers to contract — accept gifts and grants.

Section 67.1243 - Fees to be deposited in financial institutions authorized to receive county funds — personnel may be employed by board.

Section 67.1245 - Research on agricultural commodities, planting, production, expansion and development, duties of district.

Section 67.1247 - Contracts and cooperation with other districts, colleges or universities to carry out responsibilities.

Section 67.1249 - Grants may be awarded by board to conduct research.

Section 67.1251 - Joint districts may be formed to be governed by joint boards — contract to specify procedures for election of joint board.

Section 67.1253 - Dissolution procedure for district — ballot form.

Section 67.1260 - Counties may form business associations to provide health care insurance for prisoners in county jails.

Section 67.1263 - License fee for county groups providing health insurance for prisoners — articles and bylaws to be filed, content — registered in-state agent required — license issued, when.

Section 67.1266 - Association may begin business, when — no liability for members of association — renewal license fee, annual report and amendments to articles and bylaws filed when.

Section 67.1269 - Association to formulate safety and health improvement program for the jails — content and procedure.

Section 67.1272 - Director of the department of commerce and insurance, right to examine association and to take over association, when.

Section 67.1275 - Exemption from premium tax for association.

Section 67.1300 - Sales tax authorized certain counties — rate — ballot form — expenditures — local economic development sales tax trust fund created — deposit, records, distribution refunds — abolishing tax — sections 32.085 and 32.087 applicable —...

Section 67.1303 - Sales tax authorized in certain cities and counties (Springfield, Joplin, all cities in Jasper County, Butler County and all cities therein, Buchanan County, and St. Joseph), rate — ballot, effective date — use of revenue, limitatio...

Section 67.1305 - Retail sales tax may be imposed in lieu of certain local economic development sales tax — ballot language — collection and distribution of moneys — trust fund and board to be established — repeal of tax, procedure.

Section 67.1350 - Annexation by certain cities to promote economic development (Warrensburg).

Section 67.1352 - Annexation of municipal airports, when (city of Monett).

Section 67.1360 - Transient guests to pay tax for funding the promotion of tourism, certain cities and counties, vote required.

Section 67.1361 - Tax on charges for sleeping rooms for certain counties and cities (Buchanan County and City of St. Joseph).

Section 67.1362 - Ballot form, election procedure — collection and administration of tax — penalties on unpaid taxes.

Section 67.1364 - Tourism commission — members, appointment, qualifications — tax revenue, limitations on use.

Section 67.1366 - Transient guests to pay tax for funding the promotion of tourism, vote required (including city of Independence).

Section 67.1367 - Transient guest tax for promotion of tourism — ballot language. (Perry County)

Section 67.1368 - Tax authorized — ballot language (Douglas and Montgomery counties).

Section 67.1401 - Definitions.

Section 67.1411 - Districts, how established.

Section 67.1421 - Public hearing to establish — petition, requirements — clerk's duties — amended petition — clerk to report — submission to state auditor and department of revenue.

Section 67.1422 - Establishment of district subject to vote, ballot language — repeal or amendment of property tax, when.

Section 67.1431 - Public hearing, notice.

Section 67.1441 - Removal from and addition to district, procedure.

Section 67.1442 - Certain cities, removal of real property from district or change in class designation, purpose, procedure (Springfield).

Section 67.1451 - Board of directors, election, qualifications, appointment, terms, removal, actions.

Section 67.1452 - Election of board of directors, no person to cast more than one ballot.

Section 67.1461 - Powers of district — reimbursement of municipality — limitations — contracts to be competitively bid, when.

Section 67.1471 - Fiscal year — budget — meeting — report — audit.

Section 67.1481 - Termination of district, procedure — extension of district prior to termination, procedure.

Section 67.1485 - Merger of districts, when — assessments, effect on.

Section 67.1491 - Obligations of district.

Section 67.1501 - Funding of district.

Section 67.1511 - Fund, how created, use.

Section 67.1521 - Special assessments, petition, funds, how collected — added to annual real estate bill — separate fund required, when.

Section 67.1531 - Real property or business license tax, how imposed, ballot.

Section 67.1541 - Taxes and assessments, how collected, distributed.

Section 67.1545 - Sales and use tax authorized in certain districts — procedure to adopt, ballot language, imposition and collection by retailers — penalties for violations — deposit into trust fund, use — repeal procedure — display of rate by retail...

Section 67.1551 - Election for real estate tax, procedure, results, reimbursement of costs.

Section 67.1561 - Statute of limitations.

Section 67.1571 - Minimum wage limitation.

Section 67.1600 - Home equity program act — definitions.

Section 67.1603 - Home equity program — creation by petition or ordinance contingent on approval by voters, appointment of commissioners if approved, certain municipalities and counties eligible.

Section 67.1606 - Addition of new areas to existing home equity program, procedure.

Section 67.1609 - Merger of existing home equity programs, procedure — commissioners, merger effect, residence, terms, vacancies.

Section 67.1612 - Powers and duties.

Section 67.1615 - Application for participation in program — eligibility, how determined — certificate of participation issued if eligible.

Section 67.1618 - Member's home value guaranteed, when, procedure.

Section 67.1621 - Member to follow certain procedures in sale of home in order to access program funds.

Section 67.1624 - Payment by program required, when.

Section 67.1627 - Payment program not made until sale closed and title or proprietary interest passed.

Section 67.1630 - Member property acquired by eminent domain, program benefits may be claimed, when.

Section 67.1633 - Member may apply for new appraisal, new guaranteed value and new certificate, when.

Section 67.1636 - Member may appeal guaranteed values or dollar depreciations, how.

Section 67.1639 - Guarantee fund, maintenance mandatory, how funded, how used, audited annually, adjust tax rate to meet liabilities.

Section 67.1642 - Termination of existing program, how.

Section 67.1645 - Program to protect against local adverse conditions only, how determined — suspension of program, when.

Section 67.1648 - Commission may suspend new registration if fund depleted — program debts not to be debts of other political subdivisions or the state.

Section 67.1651 - Indemnification of commissioners, officers or employees of a program, limitations.

Section 67.1654 - Suit may be brought, when, limitations.

Section 67.1657 - Program only proportionally liable when member has separate home equity insurance.

Section 67.1660 - Member may withdraw at any time, right to sell privately not abridged — antidiscrimination policy.

Section 67.1663 - Penalty.

Section 67.1700 - Metropolitan park and recreation district may be created — existing recreation or public park systems already within district, effect, powers.

Section 67.1703 - Metropolitan district to be body corporate and political subdivision.

Section 67.1706 - District to develop, operate and maintain system of interconnecting trails and parks — power to contract with other parks.

Section 67.1709 - Political subdivision's departments in certain counties to operate trails and parks by contract — limitation.

Section 67.1712 - Sales tax may be imposed on retail sales, rate to fund program — additional sales tax, amount, purpose — ordinance to be submitted to voters.

Section 67.1713 - No sales tax on food for counties in metropolitan park and recreation districts, when.

Section 67.1715 - District ballot form, approval of majority required — district established, when.

Section 67.1718 - Single county district, procedure.

Section 67.1721 - District to contain more than one county, procedure — counties wanting to be included in district after it is established, procedure.

Section 67.1724 - Board of directors in one-county district, appointment, qualifications, restrictions in certain counties — removal from office.

Section 67.1727 - Board members not to hold county office, exception — United States citizenship and residence in county of district required — financial interest in district contracts prohibited.

Section 67.1730 - Board member terms — vacancies, how filled, eligible for reappointment.

Section 67.1733 - President and officers of board to be elected at organizational meeting — bylaws to be adopted, content.

Section 67.1736 - Money collected to be kept in separate fund and deposited in county treasury of largest contributing county — board's powers and duties.

Section 67.1739 - Distribution of board members — new county entering district, appointment of board members, when — restrictions — certain years, county executives to determine allocation of board members, arbitration, when.

Section 67.1742 - Powers and duties of the district.

Section 67.1745 - Public highway, street or road extending into trail or park area, board may improve highway or road, procedure, district may agree to pay portion of cost.

Section 67.1748 - Missouri products and supplies to be given preference.

Section 67.1751 - Metropolitan district not to have power of eminent domain.

Section 67.1754 - Sales tax, how allocated — reauthorization of tax, when.

Section 67.1757 - Municipal grant program for certain counties, purpose, members of — grant commission, how determined, qualifications — advisory committee to be established.

Section 67.1760 - Bonds may be issued by metropolitan district — rates, how paid.

Section 67.1763 - Refunding bonds issued by district — how paid — board members who cease to be on board signing bonds or coupons, effect.

Section 67.1766 - Income from bonds exempt from income tax.

Section 67.1769 - Purchases in excess of ten thousand dollars to be made to the lowest and best bid standard.

Section 67.1775 - Authorizes local sales tax in all counties and St. Louis City to provide services for children — establishes fund.

Section 67.1776 - Short title — children's services fund reimbursement.

Section 67.1800 - Definitions.

Section 67.1802 - District boundaries.

Section 67.1804 - Regional taxicab commission established, powers.

Section 67.1806 - Membership of commission, appointments.

Section 67.1808 - Powers of the commission.

Section 67.1809 - Licensure, supervision, and regulation of persons who engage in the business of transporting passengers in commerce.

Section 67.1810 - Duties of the commission — expenditures limited to fees collected.

Section 67.1812 - Taxicab code promulgated, procedure.

Section 67.1813 - Special taxicab license plate, application for, fee — revocation, effect of — rulemaking authority.

Section 67.1814 - Airport taxicabs, limitation on regulation by the commission.

Section 67.1816 - City and county ordinances in effect until taxicab code adopted.

Section 67.1818 - Licensure, taxicab code to include administrative procedures.

Section 67.1819 - Criminal background check policy required.

Section 67.1820 - Commission to establish annual budget to enforce taxicab code.

Section 67.1822 - Annual report submitted by commission to CEOs of city and county — CPA appointed by city and county for the commission.

Section 67.1830 - Definitions.

Section 67.1832 - Political subdivisions required to consent to certain activities by public utility right-of-way users — recovery of costs, procedure — permitted ordinance requirements.

Section 67.1834 - Restoration of a public right-of-way after excavation, standards and conditions, completion dates.

Section 67.1836 - Denial of an application for a right-of-way permit, when — revocation of a permit, when — bulk processing of permits allowed, when.

Section 67.1838 - Disputes to be reviewed by governing body of the political subdivision, court action authorized.

Section 67.1840 - Fee imposed to recover management costs, amount — allocation of such fees — uniform application of right-of-way laws required.

Section 67.1842 - Prohibited acts by political subdivisions — no right-of-way permit required for projects commenced prior to August 28, 2001 — no fee required, when.

Section 67.1844 - Compliance with applicable safety and construction codes required — licensed contractors and subcontractors required, when.

Section 67.1846 - Exceptions to applicability of right-of-way laws.

Section 67.1847 - Fiber networks in right-of-way, no fee for use of — exceptions.

Section 67.1848 - Sewer and water lines in public roads, when permitted, limitations and requirements.

Section 67.1850 - Geographical information system may be created, purpose, open records policy, fees for information, licensing, liability.

Section 67.1860 - Title.

Section 67.1862 - Definitions.

Section 67.1864 - District created in certain counties (includes Camden County).

Section 67.1866 - Vote required to create district — petition, contents — hearing on petition, when, notice required.

Section 67.1868 - Opposition to formation of a district, petition filed, procedure.

Section 67.1870 - Costs of filing to be paid by petitioners.

Section 67.1872 - Board of directors, members.

Section 67.1874 - Notice of district organization — election of board members, terms.

Section 67.1876 - Powers of the board, meetings, corporate seal, quorum.

Section 67.1878 - Use of funds, sources of funding.

Section 67.1880 - Property tax imposed, when — ballot language — collection of tax.

Section 67.1882 - Contracting, borrowing and agreement authority of the district.

Section 67.1884 - Limitation on district's contracting authority.

Section 67.1886 - Additional powers of the district.

Section 67.1888 - Insurance obtained by the district, types, conditions.

Section 67.1890 - Change in district boundaries, procedure.

Section 67.1892 - Vote required for change in boundaries, when.

Section 67.1894 - Termination of taxing authority by petition, procedure.

Section 67.1896 - Vote required for termination of taxing authority, when — ballot language.

Section 67.1898 - Dissolution of a district, procedure.

Section 67.1922 - Water quality, infrastructure and tourism, sales taxes authorized for certain counties — ballot language.

Section 67.1925 - Special trust fund created.

Section 67.1928 - Authorized appropriations from special trust fund.

Section 67.1931 - Indebtedness authorized to accomplish purposes of certain taxes.

Section 67.1934 - Repeal of tax, submitted to voters, ballot language.

Section 67.1937 - Safekeeping of county permanent records — accounting records and annual audit.

Section 67.1940 - Donation of property to county.

Section 67.1950 - Definitions.

Section 67.1953 - Tourism community enhancement district authorized for certain counties — boundaries — procedure.

Section 67.1956 - Board of directors, members, terms, duties.

Section 67.1958 - Modification of requirements by vote of the district.

Section 67.1959 - Sales tax imposed, when — submitted to voters, ballot language.

Section 67.1962 - Special trust fund created.

Section 67.1965 - County collector to collect tax at discretion of the board — rules.

Section 67.1968 - Expenditure of sales tax revenue, conditions.

Section 67.1971 - Reduction of liability for entities remitting the sales tax.

Section 67.1974 - Expansion of district boundaries, procedure.

Section 67.1977 - Dissolution and repeal of the tax, procedure.

Section 67.1978 - Annual audit required.

Section 67.1979 - Removal of board members.

Section 67.2000 - Creation of an exhibition center and recreational facility district, petition, hearing, ballot form — board of trustees, powers — trust fund created — sales tax authorization, procedure — dissolution of district (Buchanan, Caldwell,...

Section 67.2010 - Certain counties may have associate circuit judges decide county ordinance violations.

Section 67.2030 - Retail sales tax for tourism authorized, ballot language — collection and administration of the tax — repeal of sales tax, procedure (city of Weston, Platte County).

Section 67.2040 - Sales tax authorized — ballot language — revenue, use of moneys — repeal of tax, ballot language.

Section 67.2300 - Homelessness, use of state funds, when — state-owned lands not to be used for unauthorized sleeping, camping, or shelters — no state funding, when — rules.

Section 67.2500 - Establishment of a district, where — definitions.

Section 67.2505 - Purpose of district — name — size — subdistricts permitted — procedure for establishment of a district.

Section 67.2510 - Alternative procedure for establishment of a district.

Section 67.2515 - Petition, contents, notice — hearing — district declared organized, when.

Section 67.2520 - Election conducted, when — sales tax vote, amount — ballot form.

Section 67.2525 - Board of directors, qualifications — subdivision of district, how — powers and duties of the board.

Section 67.2530 - Refund of district indebtedness, when, how — imposition of a sales tax authorized — deposit and use of sales tax revenue — repeal of sales tax, ballot form.

Section 67.2535 - Monitoring of blasting operations permitted (St. Charles County).

Section 67.2540 - Definitions.

Section 67.2546 - Restrictions, prohibitions — violation, penalty.

Section 67.2552 - Prohibited acts, penalties — public policy interest to be protected.

Section 67.2555 - Competitive bids required, when (Jackson County).

Section 67.2675 - Citation of law.

Section 67.2677 - Definitions — effective date.

Section 67.2677 - Definitions.

Section 67.2679 - Purpose statement — preemption of regulation of video services — state-issued video services authorization required, procedure.

Section 67.2680 - Satellite or streaming video services, no new tax, license, or fee.

Section 67.2681 - No separate franchise to be required by a franchise entity or political subdivision.

Section 67.2683 - Compliance with FCC requirements for emergency messages.

Section 67.2685 - Expiration of authorization, when.

Section 67.2687 - Notice of commencement of service, when.

Section 67.2689 - Fee authorized, amount — exception — adjustment of fee, when.

Section 67.2691 - Audits authorized — availability of records, expenses — cause of action for disputes, procedure.

Section 67.2692 - Customer service requirements — definitions — inquiries, process for handling — toll-free number to be maintained — filing of complaints.

Section 67.2693 - Report to be issued by the public service commission, contents.

Section 67.2694 - Confidentiality of subscriber information.

Section 67.2695 - Immunity of political subdivisions, when — indemnification, when — exceptions.

Section 67.2701 - Transferability of authorizations, procedure.

Section 67.2703 - Designation of noncommercial channels authorized, when — PEG channels, requirements.

Section 67.2705 - Discrimination prohibited — defense to alleged violation — annual report required — waiver permitted, when.

Section 67.2707 - Regulation of providers — political subdivisions prohibited from imposing certain regulations.

Section 67.2709 - National Electric Safety Code, compliance with required.

Section 67.2711 - Noncompliance, effect of.

Section 67.2714 - Effective date.

Section 67.2720 - Task force established — members, meetings, duties — report — expenses — expiration date.

Section 67.2725 - Notice required for public meeting on tax increases, eminent domain, creation of certain districts, and certain redevelopment plans.

Section 67.2800 - Citation of law — definitions — projects subject to municipal ordinances and regulations.

Section 67.2805 - Rulemaking authority.

Section 67.2810 - Clean energy development boards may be formed, members, powers of board — annual report — limitation on certain legal actions.

Section 67.2815 - Assessment contract or levy of special assessment, requirements — maximum assessment — assessment to be a lien, when — right of first refusal, when — applicability for PACE program projects.

Section 67.2816 - PACE program or district creation, joining, or withdrawal — notice to director — boards subject to examination for compliance, procedure — liability.

Section 67.2817 - Assessment contracts — approval criteria — insurance coverage required, when — notification by board prior to execution, when — website to be maintained.

Section 67.2818 - Federal law applicability — contracts not entered into, when — disclosure form, contents — board duties prior to execution of contract, verbal confirmation.

Section 67.2819 - Advertisement of availability of contracts, requirements — prohibited acts of board.

Section 67.2820 - Program authorized, requirements — application process — audit may be required.

Section 67.2825 - Alternative financing method.

Section 67.2830 - Issuance of bonds.

Section 67.2835 - Allocation of state's residual share of certain bond limitation.

Section 67.2840 - Effective dates.

Section 67.3000 - Definitions — contract submitted to department for certification — tax credit eligibility, procedure, requirements — rulemaking authority.

Section 67.3005 - Tax credit authorized, amount — application, approval — rulemaking authority — sunset date.

Section 67.4500 - Definitions.

Section 67.4505 - Authority created, powers, purpose — income and property exempt from taxation — immunity from liability.

Section 67.4510 - Members, appointment.

Section 67.4515 - Initial meeting, when — officers, executive director — surety bond requirements — conflict of interest.

Section 67.4520 - Powers of authority — transfer of property to authority, when — zoning and planning powers.

Section 67.5000 - District authorized.

Section 67.5002 - Name of district.

Section 67.5004 - Responsibilities of district, powers and responsibilities supplemental to other systems.

Section 67.5006 - Powers of district.

Section 67.5008 - Ballot language.

Section 67.5010 - Majority vote required.

Section 67.5012 - Sale tax authorized in counties of district.

Section 67.5014 - Allocation of sales tax.

Section 67.5016 - Department of revenue to administer and collect tax — director's duties.

Section 67.5018 - Treasurer's duties — report required, when.

Section 67.5020 - Revenues from tax not to be allocated to special fund by municipalities.

Section 67.5022 - Board of directors, appointment, terms, removal.

Section 67.5024 - Organizational meeting — adoption of bylaws, rules, and regulations.

Section 67.5026 - Qualifications of board members.

Section 67.5028 - Alterations of public highways, streets, or roads through parks, trails, or greenways — agreements permitted.

Section 67.5030 - Eminent domain authority, district not authorized to exercise.

Section 67.5032 - Issuance of bonds, requirements.

Section 67.5034 - Negotiable refunding bonds permitted, limitations.

Section 67.5036 - Public function, board declared performing — exemption from taxation by this state.

Section 67.5038 - Purchases in excess of $10,000 by lowest and best bid standard.

Section 67.5050 - Definitions — use of construction manager-at-risk method, when — procedure — default, effect of — inapplicability — expiration date.

Section 67.5060 - Definitions — design-build contracts, requirements — phases I, II, and III — stipend permitted, when — wastewater or water contracts — bonding requirements — inapplicability — expiration date.

Section 67.5065 - Political subdivision definition.

Section 67.5070 - Wastewater or water treatment projects--disbursement of grants--use of loan fund moneys.

Section 67.5090 - Citation of law.

Section 67.5092 - Definitions.

Section 67.5094 - Prohibited acts by authority.

Section 67.5096 - Permitted acts of authority — applicants for new structures, requirements — authority's duties — court review, when.

Section 67.5098 - Modification of structures, applicant requirements — authority's duties — court review, when.

Section 67.5100 - Review for conformity with applicable building permit requirements — authority's duties — court review, when.

Section 67.5102 - Prohibited acts.

Section 67.5103 - Power of eminent domain prohibited, when.

Section 67.5104 - Pole attachment and pole defined — denial of permit on nondiscriminatory basis only — pole attachment fees, terms, and conditions to be nondiscriminatory — review, when — attachment during pendency of dispute — revocation, when.

Section 67.5110 - Citation of law, purpose.

Section 67.5111 - Definitions.

Section 67.5112 - Wireless providers use of right-of-ways to collocate small wireless facilities, requirements.

Section 67.5113 - No charge for collocation — permits, requirements — application not required, when.

Section 67.5114 - Authority wireless support structures, use for collocation — rates, fees, and terms.

Section 67.5115 - Authority poles, use of — make-ready work.

Section 67.5116 - Rates and fees.

Section 67.5117 - Limitation on services permitted.

Section 67.5118 - Authority may exercise certain authority, limitations.

Section 67.5119 - Ordinance or agreement required, when.

Section 67.5120 - Court jurisdiction.

Section 67.5121 - Indemnification, insurance, and bonding requirements permitted — exceptions.

Section 67.5122 - Expiration date, exception.

Section 67.5125 - Report to general assembly, when, contents.