Effective - 28 Aug 1996
622.510. Actions to recover penalties, forfeiture or to enforce division's powers, where brought, procedure. — An action to recover a penalty or a forfeiture under this chapter or to enforce the powers of the division under this or any other law may be brought in any circuit court in this state in the name of the state of Missouri and shall be commenced and prosecuted to final judgment by the general counsel to the division. No filing or docket fee shall be required of the general counsel. In any such action all penalties and forfeitures incurred up to the time of commencing the same may be sued for and recovered therein, and the commencement of an action to recover a penalty or forfeiture shall not be, or be held to be, a waiver of the right to recover any other penalty or forfeiture; if the defendant in such action shall prove that during any portion of the time for which it is sought to recover penalties or forfeitures for a violation of an order or decision of the division the defendant was actually and in good faith prosecuting a suit to review such order or decision in the manner as provided in this chapter, the court shall remit the penalties or forfeitures incurred during the pendency of such proceeding. All moneys recovered as a penalty or forfeiture shall be paid to the public school fund of the state. Any such action may be compromised or discontinued on application of the division upon such terms as the court shall approve and order.
(L. 1996 S.B. 780)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XL - Additional Executive Departments
Chapter 622 - Motor Carrier and Railroad Safety
Section 622.027 - Rules, procedure.
Section 622.090 - Powers and duties of division of motor carrier and railroad safety.
Section 622.100 - Definitions.
Section 622.110 - Application of law to foreign and interstate commerce.
Section 622.115 - Record disposal, when.
Section 622.120 - Administrative law judges and employees, oath, eligibility for office.
Section 622.130 - Prohibition against solicitation and gifts — penalties for violation, misdemeanor.
Section 622.160 - Arbitration by division.
Section 622.170 - Delegation of authority.
Section 622.190 - Division's authority to establish system of accounts — access to accounts.
Section 622.220 - Copies of official documents evidence of originals, when.
Section 622.230 - Fees and charges, collected when.
Section 622.310 - Division documents, public records, when — hearings on pending legislation, when.
Section 622.330 - Complaints by carriers or other parties.
Section 622.350 - Burden of proof in all proceedings.
Section 622.360 - Subpoenas, issuance, process, fees, costs — documents furnished to division, fee.
Section 622.370 - Production of documents and records, ordered when.
Section 622.390 - Immunity for certain persons testifying or producing documents, when, exceptions.
Section 622.400 - Information not open to public, when, penalty for disclosure, misdemeanor.
Section 622.430 - Review by circuit court of order, procedure.
Section 622.460 - Effect of final orders of division.
Section 622.500 - Penalties are cumulative.
Section 622.520 - Substantial compliance, effect on rules and regulations of division, construction.
Section 622.530 - Liability for unlawful acts.
Section 622.540 - Exemption from liability of a carrier by contract or regulation.
Section 622.600 - Definitions.
Section 622.602 - Application of sections 622.600 to 622.620.
Section 622.604 - Registration required, when, exceptions.
Section 622.617 - Records not open to public — penalty for divulging confidential information.