Effective - 28 Aug 1996
622.500. Penalties are cumulative. — All penalties accruing under this chapter shall be cumulative of each other, and the suit for the recovery of one penalty shall not be a bar to or affect the recovery of any other penalty or forfeiture or be a bar to any original prosecution against any carrier, corporation or person, or any officer, director, agent or employee thereof.
(L. 1996 S.B. 780)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XL - Additional Executive Departments
Chapter 622 - Motor Carrier and Railroad Safety
Section 622.027 - Rules, procedure.
Section 622.090 - Powers and duties of division of motor carrier and railroad safety.
Section 622.100 - Definitions.
Section 622.110 - Application of law to foreign and interstate commerce.
Section 622.115 - Record disposal, when.
Section 622.120 - Administrative law judges and employees, oath, eligibility for office.
Section 622.130 - Prohibition against solicitation and gifts — penalties for violation, misdemeanor.
Section 622.160 - Arbitration by division.
Section 622.170 - Delegation of authority.
Section 622.190 - Division's authority to establish system of accounts — access to accounts.
Section 622.220 - Copies of official documents evidence of originals, when.
Section 622.230 - Fees and charges, collected when.
Section 622.310 - Division documents, public records, when — hearings on pending legislation, when.
Section 622.330 - Complaints by carriers or other parties.
Section 622.350 - Burden of proof in all proceedings.
Section 622.360 - Subpoenas, issuance, process, fees, costs — documents furnished to division, fee.
Section 622.370 - Production of documents and records, ordered when.
Section 622.390 - Immunity for certain persons testifying or producing documents, when, exceptions.
Section 622.400 - Information not open to public, when, penalty for disclosure, misdemeanor.
Section 622.430 - Review by circuit court of order, procedure.
Section 622.460 - Effect of final orders of division.
Section 622.500 - Penalties are cumulative.
Section 622.520 - Substantial compliance, effect on rules and regulations of division, construction.
Section 622.530 - Liability for unlawful acts.
Section 622.540 - Exemption from liability of a carrier by contract or regulation.
Section 622.600 - Definitions.
Section 622.602 - Application of sections 622.600 to 622.620.
Section 622.604 - Registration required, when, exceptions.
Section 622.617 - Records not open to public — penalty for divulging confidential information.