Effective - 01 Jul 1985
622.030. Administrative law judges, powers and duties — hearing procedure — technical evidence not required — docket fee paid to whom, deposited in highway fund. — 1. The administrative law judges shall assume all the duties concerning transportation activities heretofore imposed upon the commissioners of the public service commission in their quasi-judicial capacity and function. All ministerial duties shall be performed by the division, and the administrative law judges shall not be responsible for those activities. The administrative law judges shall hear and decide all matters concerning transportation activities which the public service commission or public service commissioners would have been required to hear and decide in a quasi-judicial capacity.
2. Each administrative law judge may exercise all powers granted to the division without the concurrence of any other administrative law judge, except with respect to the rulemaking powers, in which all administrative law judges must concur. The method of assignment of petitions, appeals or other cases may be determined by rule or other agreement between the administrative law judges. Except as provided in section 622.035, all hearings before the administrative law judges shall be governed by rules adopted by them. In all investigations, inquiries or hearings before the division or the administrative law judges, neither the administrative law judges nor the division shall be bound by technical rules of evidence. No formality in any proceeding nor in the manner of taking testimony before the division or an administrative law judge shall invalidate any order, decision, rule or regulation made, approved or confirmed by the division or administrative law judge.
3. The division may charge a reasonable docket fee as may be set by rule to be paid upon the filing of any petition, application, complaint, or other request for relief or authority by any party other than the division staff. All such docket fees shall be paid to the state director of revenue at the time of the filing of any such petition, application, complaint or other request for relief or authority, and the same shall be deposited by the state director of revenue in the highway fund of the state of Missouri.
(L. 1985 S.B. 2 § 4)
Effective 7-01-85
Administrative law judges of division transferred to administrative hearing commission, 226.008
Workers' compensation claims to be reviewed only by administrative law judges, commission or appellate courts, 287.801
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XL - Additional Executive Departments
Chapter 622 - Motor Carrier and Railroad Safety
Section 622.027 - Rules, procedure.
Section 622.090 - Powers and duties of division of motor carrier and railroad safety.
Section 622.100 - Definitions.
Section 622.110 - Application of law to foreign and interstate commerce.
Section 622.115 - Record disposal, when.
Section 622.120 - Administrative law judges and employees, oath, eligibility for office.
Section 622.130 - Prohibition against solicitation and gifts — penalties for violation, misdemeanor.
Section 622.160 - Arbitration by division.
Section 622.170 - Delegation of authority.
Section 622.190 - Division's authority to establish system of accounts — access to accounts.
Section 622.220 - Copies of official documents evidence of originals, when.
Section 622.230 - Fees and charges, collected when.
Section 622.310 - Division documents, public records, when — hearings on pending legislation, when.
Section 622.330 - Complaints by carriers or other parties.
Section 622.350 - Burden of proof in all proceedings.
Section 622.360 - Subpoenas, issuance, process, fees, costs — documents furnished to division, fee.
Section 622.370 - Production of documents and records, ordered when.
Section 622.390 - Immunity for certain persons testifying or producing documents, when, exceptions.
Section 622.400 - Information not open to public, when, penalty for disclosure, misdemeanor.
Section 622.430 - Review by circuit court of order, procedure.
Section 622.460 - Effect of final orders of division.
Section 622.500 - Penalties are cumulative.
Section 622.520 - Substantial compliance, effect on rules and regulations of division, construction.
Section 622.530 - Liability for unlawful acts.
Section 622.540 - Exemption from liability of a carrier by contract or regulation.
Section 622.600 - Definitions.
Section 622.602 - Application of sections 622.600 to 622.620.
Section 622.604 - Registration required, when, exceptions.
Section 622.617 - Records not open to public — penalty for divulging confidential information.