Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 59 - County Recorders of Deeds
Section 59.700 - Waiver of state's rights of reverter in certain property (Scott County).

Effective - 28 Aug 2001
59.700. Waiver of state's rights of reverter in certain property (Scott County). — The state of Missouri hereby waives all rights to its possibility of reverter in the real property particularly described in the quitclaim deed in book 279 at pages 76-77 of the office of the recorder of deeds of Scott County.
(L. 2001 S.B. 86 § 1)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title VI - County, Township and Political Subdivision Government

Chapter 59 - County Recorders of Deeds

Section 59.003 - Requests for records dated after December 31, 1969 to be made at original recorder's office.

Section 59.005 - Definitions.

Section 59.010 - Office created.

Section 59.020 - Election — term of office (first, second and third class counties).

Section 59.021 - Qualifications when offices of clerk of the court and recorder of deeds are separate.

Section 59.022 - Vacancy when offices of clerk of the court and recorder of deeds are separate, how filled.

Section 59.041 - Separation of offices of circuit clerk and recorder of deeds (certain second class counties) — office to be placed on ballot, when.

Section 59.042 - Vote required to separate offices of circuit court clerk and recorder of deeds, when.

Section 59.043 - Circuit court clerk elected, when.

Section 59.044 - Certain recorders to be paid statutory compensation.

Section 59.080 - Failure to give bond — penalty.

Section 59.090 - Circuit clerk to be ex officio recorder, exceptions (fourth class counties).

Section 59.100 - Bond.

Section 59.110 - Bond of clerk — deposited, recorded (fourth class counties).

Section 59.120 - Place of office — record books.

Section 59.130 - Seal.

Section 59.140 - Seal used by ex officio recorder.

Section 59.150 - Administration of oaths.

Section 59.160 - Office hours, cities of 300,000 or more population.

Section 59.163 - Instruments where recorded or filed in counties of first class having two recording offices.

Section 59.167 - Abstract of instruments in branch offices not required to be kept (first class counties).

Section 59.170 - Branch of Jackson County recorder's office in Kansas City — recording of documents at county seat of Jackson County permitted.

Section 59.180 - County commission to provide office and supplies.

Section 59.200 - Recorder or deputy prohibited from making abstracts of title — penalty.

Section 59.210 - Accounts audited and settled by county commission.

Section 59.220 - Compensation of recorder of deeds (St. Louis City).

Section 59.227 - Fees, record of and disposition of (certain first class counties).

Section 59.230 - Fees received — reports — deposited where (second class counties).

Section 59.240 - Fees to be collected — affidavit required — report, contents of (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 59.245 - Record of conveyances to county assessor (second class and certain first class counties).

Section 59.250 - Accounting of fees collected — annual report — moneys collected property of county.

Section 59.255 - Marginal release of deeds of trust book kept, certain counties.

Section 59.257 - Deputy recorders — appointment — qualifications — certain counties.

Section 59.260 - Circuit clerk to collect and report fees as recorder, when.

Section 59.270 - Deputies — compensation (certain first class counties).

Section 59.290 - Deputies — appointment — qualifications — compensation (second class counties).

Section 59.300 - Deputies, counties wherein clerk is ex officio recorder — appointment — qualifications.

Section 59.310 - Documents for recording — page, defined — size of type or print — signature requirements — recorder's fee.

Section 59.313 - Recorder's fees (St. Louis City) — page, defined — size of type or print — signature requirements.

Section 59.318 - Donation for homeless, recording of certain instruments (Jackson County).

Section 59.319 - User fee and an additional fee required to record — collection, deposit, distribution, use of — state treasurer, commissioner of administration, secretary of state, duties.

Section 59.320 - Fee to be paid before record made, exceptions.

Section 59.321 - One dollar filing fee required, used for county employees' retirement system or general revenue account.

Section 59.330 - What shall be recorded — legal description required, when — validity.

Section 59.331 - Certain personal identifying information not to be included in certain documents for recording, exceptions.

Section 59.332 - Redaction or removal of sensitive personal identifying information permitted, when, procedure (Jackson County)

Section 59.335 - Bankruptcy, certified copies of papers to be recorded — fees.

Section 59.340 - Records to be recorded in separate books by classes.

Section 59.350 - Conveyances of personal property recorded, how.

Section 59.380 - Land patents recorded.

Section 59.390 - Copies of land patents received in evidence.

Section 59.400 - Manner of recording.

Section 59.410 - Photographic copies deemed recording — to be bound.

Section 59.420 - Manner of recording (first class counties and certain cities).

Section 59.430 - Certificate on instrument recorded.

Section 59.440 - Abstract and index of deeds.

Section 59.450 - Index to marriage contracts and certificates.

Section 59.460 - Index to officers' commissions and bonds.

Section 59.470 - Index to instruments on file.

Section 59.480 - Recording of discharges from Armed Forces — definitions — duties of recorders — certain discharge records open records — disclosure of records, when.

Section 59.510 - Certified copy of deeds for land in different counties to be recorded, when.

Section 59.520 - Certified copy of record notice to purchasers.

Section 59.530 - Force and effect of certified copy.

Section 59.540 - United States land patents.

Section 59.550 - United States land patents — duties of recorders.

Section 59.560 - New abstract and index of deeds, when made — fee.

Section 59.563 - Electronic format for documents may be established.

Section 59.565 - Electronically transmitted signature valid, when.

Section 59.567 - Fees, collection procedure.

Section 59.568 - Electronic records, requirements for certain documents.

Section 59.569 - Electronic documents with electronic signatures, permissible, when — requirements, certificate — notary public duties — inapplicability, when.

Section 59.570 - Records rebound, when.

Section 59.580 - Records transcribed, when.

Section 59.590 - New record books — designation — certification — validity.

Section 59.605 - Recorder to furnish assessor with list of mortgages and deeds of trust (second and certain third class counties).

Section 59.610 - Rerecording of conveyances — when — by whom.

Section 59.620 - Rerecording — free of charge, when.

Section 59.630 - Compensation for rerecording copyist.

Section 59.640 - Rerecorded conveyances admissible in evidence.

Section 59.650 - Neglect of duty — liability.

Section 59.660 - Neglect of duty — penalty.

Section 59.700 - Waiver of state's rights of reverter in certain property (Scott County).

Section 59.800 - Additional five dollar fee imposed, when, distribution — fund established, use of moneys — deficiency, effect of.