Effective - 28 Aug 2022, 2 histories
59.310. Documents for recording — page, defined — size of type or print — signature requirements — recorder's fee. — 1. The county recorder of deeds may refuse any document presented for recording that does not meet the following requirements:
(1) The document shall consist of one or more individual pages printed only on one side and not permanently bound nor in a continuous form. The document shall not have any attachment stapled or otherwise affixed to any page except as necessary to comply with statutory requirements, provided that a document may be stapled together for presentation for recording; a label that is firmly attached with a bar code or return address may be accepted for recording;
(2) The size of print or type shall not be smaller than eight-point type and shall be in black or dark ink. Should any document presented for recording contain type smaller than eight-point type, such document shall be accompanied by an exact typewritten copy not smaller than eight-point type to be recorded contemporaneously as additional pages of the document;
(3) The document must be of sufficient legibility to produce a clear and legible reproduction thereof. Should any document not be of sufficient legibility to produce a clear and legible reproduction, such document shall be accompanied by an exact typewritten copy not smaller than eight-point type to be recorded contemporaneously as additional pages of the document;
(4) The document shall be on white or light-colored paper of not less than twenty-pound weight without watermarks or other visible inclusions, except for plats and surveys, which may be on materials such as Mylar or velum. All text within the document shall be of sufficient color and clarity to ensure that when the text is reproduced from record, it shall be readable;
(5) All signatures on a document shall be in black or dark ink, such that such signatures shall be of sufficient color and clarity to ensure that when the text is reproduced from record, it shall be readable, and shall have the corresponding name typed, printed or stamped underneath said signature. The typing or printing of any name or the applying of an embossed or inked stamp shall not cover or otherwise materially interfere with any part of the document except where provided for by law;
(6) The documents shall have a top margin of at least three inches of vertical space from left to right, to be reserved for the recorder of deeds' certification and use. All other margins on the document shall be a minimum of three-fourths of one inch on all sides. Nonessential information such as form numbers, page numbers or customer notations may be placed in the margin. A document may be recorded if a minor portion of a seal or incidental writing extends beyond the margins. The recorder of deeds will not incur any liability for not showing any seal or information that extends beyond the margins of the permanent archival record.
2. Every document containing any of the items listed in this subsection that is presented for recording, except plats and surveys, shall have such information on the first page below the three-inch horizontal margin:
(1) The title of the document;
(2) The date of the document;
(3) All grantors' names and marital status;
(4) All grantees' names;
(5) Any statutory addresses;
(6) The legal description of the property; and
(7) Reference book and pages for statutory requirements, if applicable.
If there is not sufficient room on the first page for all of the information required by this subsection, the page reference within the document where the information is set out shall be stated on the first page.
3. From January 1, 2002, documents which do not meet the requirements set forth in this section may be recorded for an additional fee of twenty-five dollars, which shall be deposited in the recorders' fund established pursuant to subsection 1 of section 59.319.
4. Documents which are exempt from format requirements and which the recorder of deeds may record include the following:
(1) Documents which were signed prior to January 1, 2002;
(2) Military separation papers;
(3) Documents executed outside the United States;
(4) Certified copies of documents, including birth and death certificates;
(5) Any document where one of the original parties is deceased or otherwise incapacitated; and
(6) Judgments or other documents formatted to meet court requirements.
5. Any document rejected by a recorder of deeds shall be returned to the preparer or presenter accompanied by an explanation of the reason it could not be recorded.
6. Recorders of deeds shall be allowed fees for their services as follows:
(1) For recording every deed or instrument: five dollars for the first page and three dollars for each page thereafter except for plats and surveys;
(2) For copying or reproducing any recorded instrument, except surveys and plats: a fee not to exceed two dollars for the first page and one dollar for each page thereafter;
(3) For every certificate and seal, except when recording an instrument: one dollar;
(4) For recording a plat or survey of a subdivision, outlets or condominiums: twenty-five dollars for each sheet of drawings or calculations based on a size not to exceed twenty-four inches in width by eighteen inches in height. For recording a survey of one or more tracts: five dollars for each sheet of drawings or calculations based on a size not to exceed twenty-four inches in width by eighteen inches in height. Any plat or survey larger than eighteen inches by twenty-four inches shall be counted as an additional sheet for each additional eighteen inches by twenty-four inches, or fraction thereof, plus five dollars per page of other material;
(5) For copying a plat or survey of one or more tracts: a fee not to exceed five dollars for each sheet of drawings and calculations not larger than twenty-four inches in width and eighteen inches in height and one dollar for each page of other material;
(6) For a document which releases or assigns more than one item: five dollars for each item beyond one released or assigned in addition to any other charges which may apply;
(7) For every certified copy of a marriage license or application for a marriage license: two dollars;
(8) For duplicate copies of the records in a medium other than paper, the recorder of deeds shall set a reasonable fee not to exceed the costs associated with document search and duplication; and
(9) For all other use of equipment, personnel services and office facilities, the recorder of deeds may set a reasonable fee.
(RSMo 1939 § 13426, A.L. 1951 p. 396, A.L. 1977 S.B. 112, A.L. 1981 S.B. 348, A.L. 1985 H.B. 320, A.L. 2001 H.B. 606 merged with S.B. 515, A.L. 2022 H.B. 1606 merged with H.B. 1662)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 11804; 1919 § 11012; 1909 § 10715
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title VI - County, Township and Political Subdivision Government
Chapter 59 - County Recorders of Deeds
Section 59.010 - Office created.
Section 59.020 - Election — term of office (first, second and third class counties).
Section 59.043 - Circuit court clerk elected, when.
Section 59.044 - Certain recorders to be paid statutory compensation.
Section 59.080 - Failure to give bond — penalty.
Section 59.090 - Circuit clerk to be ex officio recorder, exceptions (fourth class counties).
Section 59.110 - Bond of clerk — deposited, recorded (fourth class counties).
Section 59.120 - Place of office — record books.
Section 59.140 - Seal used by ex officio recorder.
Section 59.150 - Administration of oaths.
Section 59.160 - Office hours, cities of 300,000 or more population.
Section 59.180 - County commission to provide office and supplies.
Section 59.200 - Recorder or deputy prohibited from making abstracts of title — penalty.
Section 59.210 - Accounts audited and settled by county commission.
Section 59.220 - Compensation of recorder of deeds (St. Louis City).
Section 59.227 - Fees, record of and disposition of (certain first class counties).
Section 59.230 - Fees received — reports — deposited where (second class counties).
Section 59.250 - Accounting of fees collected — annual report — moneys collected property of county.
Section 59.255 - Marginal release of deeds of trust book kept, certain counties.
Section 59.257 - Deputy recorders — appointment — qualifications — certain counties.
Section 59.260 - Circuit clerk to collect and report fees as recorder, when.
Section 59.270 - Deputies — compensation (certain first class counties).
Section 59.290 - Deputies — appointment — qualifications — compensation (second class counties).
Section 59.318 - Donation for homeless, recording of certain instruments (Jackson County).
Section 59.320 - Fee to be paid before record made, exceptions.
Section 59.330 - What shall be recorded — legal description required, when — validity.
Section 59.335 - Bankruptcy, certified copies of papers to be recorded — fees.
Section 59.340 - Records to be recorded in separate books by classes.
Section 59.350 - Conveyances of personal property recorded, how.
Section 59.380 - Land patents recorded.
Section 59.390 - Copies of land patents received in evidence.
Section 59.400 - Manner of recording.
Section 59.410 - Photographic copies deemed recording — to be bound.
Section 59.420 - Manner of recording (first class counties and certain cities).
Section 59.430 - Certificate on instrument recorded.
Section 59.440 - Abstract and index of deeds.
Section 59.450 - Index to marriage contracts and certificates.
Section 59.460 - Index to officers' commissions and bonds.
Section 59.470 - Index to instruments on file.
Section 59.510 - Certified copy of deeds for land in different counties to be recorded, when.
Section 59.520 - Certified copy of record notice to purchasers.
Section 59.530 - Force and effect of certified copy.
Section 59.540 - United States land patents.
Section 59.550 - United States land patents — duties of recorders.
Section 59.560 - New abstract and index of deeds, when made — fee.
Section 59.563 - Electronic format for documents may be established.
Section 59.565 - Electronically transmitted signature valid, when.
Section 59.567 - Fees, collection procedure.
Section 59.568 - Electronic records, requirements for certain documents.
Section 59.570 - Records rebound, when.
Section 59.580 - Records transcribed, when.
Section 59.590 - New record books — designation — certification — validity.
Section 59.610 - Rerecording of conveyances — when — by whom.
Section 59.620 - Rerecording — free of charge, when.
Section 59.630 - Compensation for rerecording copyist.
Section 59.640 - Rerecorded conveyances admissible in evidence.
Section 59.650 - Neglect of duty — liability.
Section 59.660 - Neglect of duty — penalty.
Section 59.700 - Waiver of state's rights of reverter in certain property (Scott County).