Effective - 28 Aug 2003
59.330. What shall be recorded — legal description required, when — validity. — 1. It shall be the duty of recorders to record:
(1) All deeds, mortgages, conveyances, deeds of trust, assignments, bonds, covenants, defeasances, or other instruments of writing, of or concerning any lands and tenements, or goods and chattels, which shall be proved or acknowledged, and authorized to be recorded in their offices;
(2) All papers and documents found in their respective offices, of and concerning lands and tenements, or goods and chattels, and which were received from the Spanish and French authorities at the change of government;
(3) All marriage contracts and certificates of marriage;
(4) All commissions and official bonds required by law to be recorded in their offices;
(5) All written statements furnished to him for record, showing the sex and date of birth of any child or children, the name, business and residence of the father and maiden name of the mother of such child or children.
2. All deeds, mortgages, conveyances, deeds of trust, assignments, bonds, covenants or defeasances, except supplemental indentures of utility companies and rural electric cooperatives, must contain a legal description of the lands affected. All deeds, except deeds of easement or right-of-way conveying any lands or tenements must contain a mailing address of one of the grantees named in the instrument. The recorder of deeds shall not record such instrument absent such address or legal description; provided, however, that the statutory constructive notice or the validity of the instrument shall not be affected by the absence of the address or the absence of the legal description.
(RSMo 1939 § 13161, A.L. 1963 p. 115, A.L. 1985 H.B. 210, A.L. 1989 H.B. 786, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1190, A.L. 1997 S.B. 164, A.L. 2003 S.B. 383)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 11543; 1919 § 10568; 1909 § 10381
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title VI - County, Township and Political Subdivision Government
Chapter 59 - County Recorders of Deeds
Section 59.010 - Office created.
Section 59.020 - Election — term of office (first, second and third class counties).
Section 59.043 - Circuit court clerk elected, when.
Section 59.044 - Certain recorders to be paid statutory compensation.
Section 59.080 - Failure to give bond — penalty.
Section 59.090 - Circuit clerk to be ex officio recorder, exceptions (fourth class counties).
Section 59.110 - Bond of clerk — deposited, recorded (fourth class counties).
Section 59.120 - Place of office — record books.
Section 59.140 - Seal used by ex officio recorder.
Section 59.150 - Administration of oaths.
Section 59.160 - Office hours, cities of 300,000 or more population.
Section 59.180 - County commission to provide office and supplies.
Section 59.200 - Recorder or deputy prohibited from making abstracts of title — penalty.
Section 59.210 - Accounts audited and settled by county commission.
Section 59.220 - Compensation of recorder of deeds (St. Louis City).
Section 59.227 - Fees, record of and disposition of (certain first class counties).
Section 59.230 - Fees received — reports — deposited where (second class counties).
Section 59.250 - Accounting of fees collected — annual report — moneys collected property of county.
Section 59.255 - Marginal release of deeds of trust book kept, certain counties.
Section 59.257 - Deputy recorders — appointment — qualifications — certain counties.
Section 59.260 - Circuit clerk to collect and report fees as recorder, when.
Section 59.270 - Deputies — compensation (certain first class counties).
Section 59.290 - Deputies — appointment — qualifications — compensation (second class counties).
Section 59.318 - Donation for homeless, recording of certain instruments (Jackson County).
Section 59.320 - Fee to be paid before record made, exceptions.
Section 59.330 - What shall be recorded — legal description required, when — validity.
Section 59.335 - Bankruptcy, certified copies of papers to be recorded — fees.
Section 59.340 - Records to be recorded in separate books by classes.
Section 59.350 - Conveyances of personal property recorded, how.
Section 59.380 - Land patents recorded.
Section 59.390 - Copies of land patents received in evidence.
Section 59.400 - Manner of recording.
Section 59.410 - Photographic copies deemed recording — to be bound.
Section 59.420 - Manner of recording (first class counties and certain cities).
Section 59.430 - Certificate on instrument recorded.
Section 59.440 - Abstract and index of deeds.
Section 59.450 - Index to marriage contracts and certificates.
Section 59.460 - Index to officers' commissions and bonds.
Section 59.470 - Index to instruments on file.
Section 59.510 - Certified copy of deeds for land in different counties to be recorded, when.
Section 59.520 - Certified copy of record notice to purchasers.
Section 59.530 - Force and effect of certified copy.
Section 59.540 - United States land patents.
Section 59.550 - United States land patents — duties of recorders.
Section 59.560 - New abstract and index of deeds, when made — fee.
Section 59.563 - Electronic format for documents may be established.
Section 59.565 - Electronically transmitted signature valid, when.
Section 59.567 - Fees, collection procedure.
Section 59.568 - Electronic records, requirements for certain documents.
Section 59.570 - Records rebound, when.
Section 59.580 - Records transcribed, when.
Section 59.590 - New record books — designation — certification — validity.
Section 59.610 - Rerecording of conveyances — when — by whom.
Section 59.620 - Rerecording — free of charge, when.
Section 59.630 - Compensation for rerecording copyist.
Section 59.640 - Rerecorded conveyances admissible in evidence.
Section 59.650 - Neglect of duty — liability.
Section 59.660 - Neglect of duty — penalty.
Section 59.700 - Waiver of state's rights of reverter in certain property (Scott County).