Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 566 - Sexual Offenses
Section 566.115 - Sexual conduct with a nursing facility resident or a vulnerable person, first degree, penalty.

Effective - 01 Jan 2017
566.115. Sexual conduct with a nursing facility resident or a vulnerable person, first degree, penalty. — 1. A person commits the offense of sexual conduct with a nursing facility resident or vulnerable person in the first degree if he or she:
(1) Being an owner or employee of a skilled nursing facility, as defined in section 198.006, or an Alzheimer's special care unit or program, as defined in section 198.505, has sexual intercourse or deviate sexual intercourse with a resident; or
(2) Being a vender, provider, agent, or employee of a certified program operated, funded, licensed, or certified by the department of mental health, has sexual intercourse or deviate sexual intercourse with a vulnerable person.
2. The offense of sexual conduct with a nursing facility resident or vulnerable person in the first degree is a class A misdemeanor. Any second or subsequent violation of this section is a class E felony.
3. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person who is married to the resident or vulnerable person.
4. Consent of the victim is not a defense to a prosecution under this section.
(L. 2014 S.B. 491)
Effective 1-01-17

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXXVIII - Crimes and Punishment; Peace Officers and Public Defenders

Chapter 566 - Sexual Offenses

Section 566.010 - Chapter 566 and chapter 568 definitions.

Section 566.020 - Mistake as to age — consent not a defense, when.

Section 566.023 - Marriage to victim, at time of offense, affirmative defense, for certain offenses.

Section 566.025 - Evidence that defendant has committed other charged and uncharged crimes of a sexual nature involving victims under fourteen admissible to prove propensity to commit crime, when.

Section 566.030 - Rape in the first degree, penalties — suspended sentences not granted, when.

Section 566.031 - Rape in the second degree, penalties.

Section 566.032 - Statutory rape and attempt to commit, first degree, penalties.

Section 566.034 - Statutory rape, second degree, penalty.

Section 566.060 - Sodomy in the first degree, penalties — suspended sentence not granted, when.

Section 566.061 - Sodomy in the second degree, penalty.

Section 566.062 - Statutory sodomy and attempt to commit, first degree, penalties.

Section 566.064 - Statutory sodomy, second degree, penalty.

Section 566.067 - Child molestation, first degree, penalties.

Section 566.068 - Child molestation, second degree, penalties.

Section 566.069 - Child molestation, third degree, penalty.

Section 566.071 - Child molestation, fourth degree, penalty.

Section 566.083 - Sexual misconduct involving a child, penalty — applicability of section — affirmative defense not allowed, when.

Section 566.086 - Sexual contact with a student.

Section 566.093 - Sexual misconduct, first degree, penalties.

Section 566.095 - Sexual misconduct, second degree, penalty.

Section 566.100 - Sexual abuse in the first degree, penalties.

Section 566.101 - Sexual abuse, second degree, penalties.

Section 566.103 - Crime of promoting online sexual solicitation, violation, penalty.

Section 566.111 - Sex with an animal, penalties.

Section 566.115 - Sexual conduct with a nursing facility resident or a vulnerable person, first degree, penalty.

Section 566.116 - Sexual conduct with a nursing facility resident or a vulnerable person, second degree, penalty.

Section 566.125 - Persistent sexual offender, predatory sexual offender, defined, extension of term, when, minimum term.

Section 566.145 - Sexual conduct in the course of public duty, offense of — definitions — violation, penalty — consent not a defense.

Section 566.147 - Certain offenders not to reside within one thousand feet of a property line of a school, child care facility, or victim's residence — violations, penalties.

Section 566.148 - Certain offenders not to physically be present or loiter within five hundred feet of a child care facility — violation, penalty.

Section 566.149 - Certain offenders not to be present within five hundred feet of school property, exception — permission required for parents or guardians who are offenders, procedure — penalty.

Section 566.150 - Certain offenders not to be present or loiter within five hundred feet of a public park, swimming pool, athletic complex, museum, or nature center — violation, penalty — exception for nature or education center, when.

Section 566.151 - Enticement of a child, penalties.

Section 566.153 - Age misrepresentation with intent to solicit a minor, penalty.

Section 566.155 - Certain offenders not to serve as athletic coaches, managers, or trainers — violation, penalty.

Section 566.200 - Definitions.

Section 566.203 - Abusing an individual through forced labor — penalty.

Section 566.206 - Trafficking for the purpose of slavery, involuntary servitude, peonage, or forced labor — penalty.

Section 566.209 - Trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation — penalty.

Section 566.210 - Sexual trafficking of a child, first degree, penalty.

Section 566.211 - Sexual trafficking of a child, second degree, penalty.

Section 566.215 - Contributing to human trafficking through the misuse of documentation, penalty.

Section 566.218 - Restitution required for certain offenders.

Section 566.223 - Federal Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 to apply, when — affirmative defense — procedures to identify victims, training on protocols.