Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 566 - Sexual Offenses
Section 566.061 - Sodomy in the second degree, penalty.

Effective - 01 Jan 2017, 2 histories
566.061. Sodomy in the second degree, penalty. — 1. A person commits the offense of sodomy in the second degree if he or she has deviate sexual intercourse with another person knowing that he or she does so without that person's consent.
2. The offense of sodomy in the second degree is a class D felony.
(L. 1977 S.B. 60, A.L. 1994 S.B. 693, A.L. 2013 H.B. 215, A.L. 2014 S.B. 491)
Effective 1-01-17
Transferred 2013; formerly 566.070
Child abuse, definitions, actions for civil damages may be brought, when, 537.046

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXXVIII - Crimes and Punishment; Peace Officers and Public Defenders

Chapter 566 - Sexual Offenses

Section 566.010 - Chapter 566 and chapter 568 definitions.

Section 566.020 - Mistake as to age — consent not a defense, when.

Section 566.023 - Marriage to victim, at time of offense, affirmative defense, for certain offenses.

Section 566.025 - Evidence that defendant has committed other charged and uncharged crimes of a sexual nature involving victims under fourteen admissible to prove propensity to commit crime, when.

Section 566.030 - Rape in the first degree, penalties — suspended sentences not granted, when.

Section 566.031 - Rape in the second degree, penalties.

Section 566.032 - Statutory rape and attempt to commit, first degree, penalties.

Section 566.034 - Statutory rape, second degree, penalty.

Section 566.060 - Sodomy in the first degree, penalties — suspended sentence not granted, when.

Section 566.061 - Sodomy in the second degree, penalty.

Section 566.062 - Statutory sodomy and attempt to commit, first degree, penalties.

Section 566.064 - Statutory sodomy, second degree, penalty.

Section 566.067 - Child molestation, first degree, penalties.

Section 566.068 - Child molestation, second degree, penalties.

Section 566.069 - Child molestation, third degree, penalty.

Section 566.071 - Child molestation, fourth degree, penalty.

Section 566.083 - Sexual misconduct involving a child, penalty — applicability of section — affirmative defense not allowed, when.

Section 566.086 - Sexual contact with a student.

Section 566.093 - Sexual misconduct, first degree, penalties.

Section 566.095 - Sexual misconduct, second degree, penalty.

Section 566.100 - Sexual abuse in the first degree, penalties.

Section 566.101 - Sexual abuse, second degree, penalties.

Section 566.103 - Crime of promoting online sexual solicitation, violation, penalty.

Section 566.111 - Sex with an animal, penalties.

Section 566.115 - Sexual conduct with a nursing facility resident or a vulnerable person, first degree, penalty.

Section 566.116 - Sexual conduct with a nursing facility resident or a vulnerable person, second degree, penalty.

Section 566.125 - Persistent sexual offender, predatory sexual offender, defined, extension of term, when, minimum term.

Section 566.145 - Sexual conduct in the course of public duty, offense of — definitions — violation, penalty — consent not a defense.

Section 566.147 - Certain offenders not to reside within one thousand feet of a property line of a school, child care facility, or victim's residence — violations, penalties.

Section 566.148 - Certain offenders not to physically be present or loiter within five hundred feet of a child care facility — violation, penalty.

Section 566.149 - Certain offenders not to be present within five hundred feet of school property, exception — permission required for parents or guardians who are offenders, procedure — penalty.

Section 566.150 - Certain offenders not to be present or loiter within five hundred feet of a public park, swimming pool, athletic complex, museum, or nature center — violation, penalty — exception for nature or education center, when.

Section 566.151 - Enticement of a child, penalties.

Section 566.153 - Age misrepresentation with intent to solicit a minor, penalty.

Section 566.155 - Certain offenders not to serve as athletic coaches, managers, or trainers — violation, penalty.

Section 566.200 - Definitions.

Section 566.203 - Abusing an individual through forced labor — penalty.

Section 566.206 - Trafficking for the purpose of slavery, involuntary servitude, peonage, or forced labor — penalty.

Section 566.209 - Trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation — penalty.

Section 566.210 - Sexual trafficking of a child, first degree, penalty.

Section 566.211 - Sexual trafficking of a child, second degree, penalty.

Section 566.215 - Contributing to human trafficking through the misuse of documentation, penalty.

Section 566.218 - Restitution required for certain offenders.

Section 566.223 - Federal Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 to apply, when — affirmative defense — procedures to identify victims, training on protocols.