Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 545 - Proceedings Before Trial
Section 545.030 - Indictments and informations, when valid.

Effective - 28 Aug 1939
545.030. Indictments and informations, when valid. — 1. No indictment or information shall be deemed invalid, nor shall the trial, judgment or other proceedings thereon be stayed, arrested or in any manner affected:
(1) By reason of the omission or misstatement of the defendant's title, occupation, estate or degree, or of the county or town of his residence; or
(2) By the omission of the words, "with force and arms", or any words with similar import; or
(3) By omitting to charge any offense to have been contrary to a statute or statutes, notwithstanding such offense may have been created or the punishment declared by a statute; or
(4) For the omission of the words "as appears by the record"; nor
(5) For omitting to state the time at which the offense was committed, in any case where time is not of the essence of the offense; nor
(6) For stating the time imperfectly; nor
(7) For stating the offense to have been committed on a day subsequent to the finding of the indictment or information, or an impossible day, or on a day that never happened; nor
(8) For want of a proper or perfect venue; nor
(9) For want of any venue at all; nor
(10) For want of a statement of the value or price of any matter or thing, or the amount of damages, injury or spoil in any case where the value or price, or the amount of damages, injury or spoil is not of the essence of the offense; nor
(11) For the want of an allegation of the time or place of any material fact, when the time and place have once been stated in the indictment or information; nor
(12) That dates and numbers are represented by figures; nor
(13) For an omission to allege that the grand jurors were impaneled, sworn or charged; nor
(14) For any surplusage or repugnant allegation, when there is sufficient matter alleged to indicate the crime and person charged; nor
(15) For want of the averment of any matter not necessary to be proved; nor
(16) For any error committed at the instance or in favor of the defendant; nor
(17) Because the evidence shows or tends to show him to be guilty of a higher degree of the offense than that of which he is convicted; nor
(18) For any other defect or imperfection which does not tend to the prejudice of the substantial rights of the defendant upon the merits.
2. Provided, that nothing herein shall be so construed as to render valid any indictment which does not fully inform the defendant of the offense of which he stands charged.
(RSMo 1939 § 3952)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 3563; 1919 § 3908; 1909 § 5115
(1951) Amendment of forgery information, after jury was sworn, to change date of offense from 13th of November to 14th, where check set out in information was dated "11-1449" held not erroneous. State v. Redding, 362 Mo. 39, 239 S.W.2d 494.
(1951) Where information, at beginning, alleged accused committed assault upon himself, but went on to charge that defendant assaulted another, it was not void under this section. State v. Taylor, 362 Mo. 676, 243 S.W.2d 301.
(1952) Where caption of information for driving while intoxicated, correctly set forth defendant's name, and he was referred to in the body of the information only as "the defendant," information, which was otherwise sufficient to charge appellant with the crime for which he was convicted, held valid. State v. Hurley (Mo.), 251 S.W.2d 617.
(1953) It is not necessary to negative all exceptions in the statute in an indictment charging an individual with a sale of nonintoxicating beer to a minor, but such negativing or exceptions does not invalidate the indictment. Such allegations must be regarded as surplusage. State v. Henry (A.), 254 S.W.2d 307.
(1954) Submission of manslaughter in murder case, where evidence did not support issue, was not an error of which defendant could complain. State v. Brotherton (Mo.), 266 S.W.2d 712.
(1955) Information charging that defendant operated automobile in careless, reckless and imprudent manner so as to endanger life, etc., held insufficient as failing to inform defendant of offense of which he was charged. State v. Reynolds (A.), 274 S.W.2d 514.
(1961) Where submissible case was made as to second degree murder, defendant was not entitled to complain that a submissible case was not made as to manslaughter. State v. Chamineak (Mo.), 343 S.W.2d 153.
(1962) Use of word "hereinafter" instead of word "hereinbefore" in instruction "that such shooting and killing were not done in self defense as hereinafter explained you will find him guilty of manslaughter" was mere discrepancy cured by this statute. State v. Gray (Mo.), 360 S.W.2d 642.
(1964) Court did not err in permitting substitution of information for indictment at close of evidence and before submission of case to jury where the only difference was that information stated both the name and alias of person to whom defendant sold marijuana and indictment stated only the alias since defendant had known for over a month the true name of the person named in indictment. State v. Whittington (Mo.), 379 S.W.2d 518.
(1966) Failure to allege a constituent element of an offense affects the substantial rights of the defendant, and such a failure is not cased by the statute of jeofails. State v. Cantrell (Mo.), 403 S.W.2d 647.
(1973) Under statute of jeofails a conviction will not be set aside where an indictment was amended by prosecutor to change the charge returned by a grand jury to a lesser offense included therein. Hayes v. State (A.), 501 S.W.2d 508.
(1974) Held that where name of defendant was set out in style of the indictment he was sufficiently identified. State v. Nelson (Mo.), 514 S.W.2d 581.
(1976) Held that second degree murder is a lesser included offense of felony murder. See also for three judges' opinions to the contrary. State v. Williams (Mo.), 529 S.W.2d 883.

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXXVII - Criminal Procedure

Chapter 545 - Proceedings Before Trial

Section 545.010 - Felonies and misdemeanors may be prosecuted by indictment or information, exceptions.

Section 545.015 - Definitions.

Section 545.020 - Recovery of fine or forfeiture, how.

Section 545.030 - Indictments and informations, when valid.

Section 545.040 - Indictments signed by whom.

Section 545.050 - Name of prosecutor on indictment, when.

Section 545.060 - Indictment to have name of prosecutor — by whom made — effect of failure.

Section 545.070 - Names of witnesses must be affixed to indictment.

Section 545.080 - Indictments, when not to be made public.

Section 545.090 - Judges and others forbidden to disclose finding of indictment.

Section 545.100 - Officer may make disclosure, when.

Section 545.110 - Second indictment suspends first, when.

Section 545.130 - Different degrees of same offense may be incorporated.

Section 545.140 - Two or more persons and offenses may be charged in same indictment, when — separate counts for each offense — all defendants need not be joined in each count — separate trials, when — substantial prejudice, defined.

Section 545.150 - Indictments in relation to property belonging to several owners.

Section 545.160 - Venue, how stated.

Section 545.170 - Intent to injure or defraud, how charged.

Section 545.180 - Certain indictments, what designation sufficient.

Section 545.190 - Identification of counterfeiting equipment.

Section 545.200 - Instruments, how described.

Section 545.210 - Money or note, how described.

Section 545.220 - Demurrer or motion to quash indictment must specify grounds.

Section 545.230 - Indictment by wrong name.

Section 545.240 - Informations — how filed, verified.

Section 545.250 - Who may make affidavit.

Section 545.260 - Lost affidavit, how replaced.

Section 545.270 - Form of information.

Section 545.280 - Prosecuting witness, who deemed.

Section 545.290 - Statute of jeofails applicable to proceedings by information.

Section 545.300 - Informations — amendment — substitution for defective indictment.

Section 545.310 - Issuance of warrant — recognizance after arrest.

Section 545.320 - Issuance of subpoenas for state witnesses.

Section 545.330 - Issuance of subpoenas for defense witnesses.

Section 545.340 - Disobedience to subpoena, how punished.

Section 545.350 - Tender of fees not necessary.

Section 545.360 - Law governing witnesses in civil cases to apply.

Section 545.370 - Witness to attend until end of case — consequences of failure to so attend.

Section 545.380 - Defense witnesses — commission to take deposition, when.

Section 545.390 - Depositions to be taken and read as in civil cases.

Section 545.400 - Conditional examination of witnesses.

Section 545.410 - Duty of prosecuting attorney in taking depositions.

Section 545.415 - Criminal cases, prosecutors and circuit attorneys may take depositions of any person, procedure — prisoners deposed, where.

Section 545.420 - Indictment against judge to be removed to another circuit.

Section 545.430 - Change of venue may be granted defendant.

Section 545.440 - Change of venue in counties where court held at more than one place.

Section 545.450 - When case may be removed to another circuit.

Section 545.460 - Removal to be made on application of defendant.

Section 545.470 - Application for change of venue, when made.

Section 545.473 - Cole County, change of venue, procedure.

Section 545.480 - Additional affidavit, when made.

Section 545.490 - Petition for change of venue must be proved and may be rebutted.

Section 545.500 - Order for removal shall specify what.

Section 545.510 - Order for removal, where entered.

Section 545.520 - Recognizance to be given.

Section 545.530 - Who may take recognizance.

Section 545.540 - Order for removal void, unless bail given.

Section 545.550 - Defendant in custody, to be removed, when — which county jail to house defendant.

Section 545.560 - Duty of sheriff.

Section 545.570 - In case of removal, transcript of record to be made.

Section 545.580 - Transcript to be filed.

Section 545.590 - Lost transcript may be replaced.

Section 545.600 - Witnesses to attend trial in cases of removal.

Section 545.610 - In case of removal, when notice to be given.

Section 545.620 - Costs, how taxed and paid.

Section 545.630 - Clerk, when liable to civil action.

Section 545.640 - Change of venue for one not to affect other defendants.

Section 545.650 - Change of venue and disqualification of judges in multiple-judge circuits.

Section 545.660 - When judge deemed incompetent to try case.

Section 545.690 - Another circuit judge may sit, when.

Section 545.700 - Adjourned term held, when.

Section 545.710 - Continuances, when and how granted.

Section 545.720 - Contents of affidavit.

Section 545.730 - Continuances on behalf of state, how obtained.

Section 545.740 - Witnesses to enter into recognizance, when.

Section 545.780 - Speedy trial, when — what constitutes — failure to comply not grounds for dismissal, exception.

Section 545.790 - Cause continued, when.

Section 545.800 - Copy of indictment or information furnished accused on request.

Section 545.810 - Defendant granted reasonable time to plead.

Section 545.820 - Court shall assign prisoner counsel, when.

Section 545.830 - Dilatory pleas, when entertained.

Section 545.840 - Matters pleaded occurring in another county.

Section 545.850 - Special term of court.

Section 545.860 - If prisoner bailed, no special term.

Section 545.870 - Prosecuting attorney to be notified, when.

Section 545.880 - Joint trials, when — separate trials for joint defendants, when — probability of prejudice exists, when.

Section 545.885 - Joint trials for persons jointly charged — exceptions — substantial prejudice defined.

Section 545.890 - Defendant imprisoned — discharge if not tried before end of second term.

Section 545.900 - Defendant on bail — discharged if not tried before end of third term.

Section 545.910 - When state not entitled to further continuance.

Section 545.920 - When defendant not entitled to discharge.

Section 545.930 - Endorsement or signature of pleadings in criminal cases.

Section 545.940 - Defendant may be tested for various serious infectious or communicable diseases, when.

Section 545.950 - Child victim of sexual offense, video and aural recordings and photographs, defendant not to copy or distribute without court order.